
Bioenergetic essences of crystals

AMETHYST. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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RAUCHTOPAZ (smoky quartz). Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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CITRINE. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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ROCK-CRYSTAL. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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JASPER. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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CHRYSOPRASE. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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BERYL. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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CHROMDIOPSID. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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NEPHRITE. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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EMERALD. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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TOURMALINE. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Кристаллические эссенции – это один из способов настраивать и совершенствовать свои частотные характеристики (“вибрационные качества”). Каждый кристалл “специализируется” на определенном органе или системе тела.
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Formula F2000. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Balancing the emotional sphere. Improves interaction with space, society, regulates the sphere of relationships. Composition: Tourmaline, Sodalite, Gold, Copper, Rock-crystal.
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Formula F4000. Bioenergetic crystal essence
A powerful energetic who activates and sets up the initial energy potential, including the sexual sphere. It increases the tension of the energy body and sets up the correct circulation of energy. Composition: Ruby, Emerald, Tiger Iron, Amethyst, Copper.
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Formula F5000. Bioenergetic crystal essence
Prepares the physical and energy body for the ongoing process of «shift» to other frequency as well as spatio-temporal parameters. Composition: Jade, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Silver, Clinoptilolite.
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The phrase “crystal essence” at first glance may seem a little strange. Everyone knows that the production of essences involves dissolution, squeezing. What cannot be done with stones ...

Initially, experiments with essence production technologies were carried out on plant materials. But in the course of observations it was found that the frequency and environmental changes on Earth over the past even 5-10 years have led to a significant decrease in the strength of biological components. In other words, those energy sources that have successfully fed a person until recently can no longer perform this function so effectively for the reason that their frequency characteristics (7.4 - 8.5 Hz) are lower than necessary for a person in modern conditions.

The crystals attracted attention in the process of observation and research work with Bioresonance modulators. To improve the quality of direct interaction between a person and a crystal, developers began to use water structured by crystals. When testing even such a simple product, other interesting effects began to appear - increased working capacity, improved concentration, vitality, etc., with regular use - stable qualitative changes, but such a “water essence" of crystals contains only about 10% of its properties. Internal structure crystals defines a unique spectrum of frequency characteristics - from 70 to 280 Hz.

These unique “vibrational” properties of crystals were known and used in many ancient cultures and tried to create an essence containing 100% of the properties of the crystal itself (Theofrast, Paracelsus, Avicenna, Geber and others). This has become possible only recently, by combining the experience of ancient technologies and special processing crystals.

The principle of action of crystalline essences is best described by the concept of "tuning." Man is constantly in the complex of geophysical, social and other factors. A man himself, his work, lifestyle and everything that surrounds him is nothing but his own tuning to certain frequencies, moreover, not always a person has the ability to change it of his own free will (otherwise all people on Earth would be rich and happy). Crystal essences are carriers of various frequency (vibrational) characteristics that allow you to change your tuning at will, as we do, for example, by catching the desired wave in the radio.

The use of crystalline essences can be called "the assimilation of the energies of perfect geometric shapes to adjust and improve the quality of consciousness." The crystalline essence is available for human assimilation by the carrier of the energies of perfect crystalline forms.

With the systematic use of crystalline essences, a mild transformation process is launched, which gradually leads to the desired result. Crystal essences are effective as an independent tool for positive changes, and in combination with any basic method of exposure aimed at harmonizing and restoring the integrity of a person. The essence does not act immediately, but on the rise.

Crystal essences can be used for:

1. Settings and improvement of frequency characteristics. In this case, the essence is selected for the task.

2. Improving the interaction with the BRM crystal and, as a result, improving the efficiency of working with BRM. In this case, the essence is selected for the type of BRM.

Thus, crystalline essences can be used both in combination with bioresonant modulators, as well as an independent means of self-development and work with the structure of space, and as an action enhancer in combination with another main method of exposure.

The main areas of application of crystalline essences:

  • Tuning (resonance) to high frequencies and expanding the spectrum of individual frequency characteristics
  • Improving the efficiency of interaction with the crystal in work with bioresonant modulators. Transformation of negative crystallized forms (fears, negative behaviors, low vibration emotions, etc.)
  • Improving the functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system. Strengthening the possibility of concentration, impact on the surrounding space, increasing mental abilities.
  • Increasing mobility (fluidity) and continuity of consciousness
  • Recovery of bioenergy processes
  • Rejuvenation (external “crystallization”, preservation)
  • Improving, maintaining the work of various body systems
  • The elimination of vitamin and amino acid deficiency

Amethyst. Crystal essence. External impact zone: chest, center of throat. The system of application is dry red wine (grape juice, if you do not drink alcohol). The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: evening after 16.00.

Rauchtopaz, smoky quartz. Crystal essence. External impact zone: center of throat, interbrow, crown. The system of application is coffee. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: from 23.00 to 06.00.

Citrine. Crystal essence. External impact zone: solar plexus, abdomen. The system of application is warm water. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: from 05.00 to 07.00.

Rock-crystal. Crystal essence. External impact zone: center of throat, interbrow, crown. The system of application is mineral water, green tea. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: from 01.00 to 07.00.

Jasper. Crystal essence. External impact zone: chest. The system of application is water, black (in Chinese gradation - red) tea. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: from 22.00 to 02.00.

Beryl. Crystal essence. External impact zone: head, nape, forehead. The system of application is mineral water, coffee, mate. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: the first half of the day until 14.00.

Chromdiopside. Crystal essence. External impact zone: solar plexus, abdomen. The system of application is mate, turquoise tea (oolong tea). The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: from 20.00 to 22.00.

Chrysoprase. Crystal essence. External impact zone: head, center of throat. The system of application is mate. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: from 08.00 to 10.00.

Nephritis. Crystal essence. External impact zone: any. The system of application is any. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: any.

Emerald Crystal essence. External impact zone: face, forehead, crown. The system of application is mate, coffee, turquoise tea (oolong tea). The maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: from 12.00 to 16.00.

Tourmaline. Crystal essence. External impact zone: eyebrow, crown. The system of application is coffee, puer tea. The maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: from 06.00 to 12.00.

Formula F 2000. Crystal Essence. Composition: Tourmaline, Sodalite, Gold, Copper, Rhinestone. It is aimed primarily at balancing the emotional sphere and creating a cinnabar structure that can penetrate into the cell. At the energy level, it represents an expansion and fulfillment effort. It nourishes and restores the functions of the circulatory system. The action of the formula improves interaction with space, society, and regulates the sphere of relationships. External impact zone: any. The system of application is any. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: any.

Formula F 4000. Crystal Essence. Composition: Ruby, Emerald, Tiger iron, Amethyst, Copper. A powerful energetic who activates and adjusts the initial energy potential, including the sexual sphere. Combines and sets up the energy “asset” and “liabilities”. It increases the tension of the energy body and sets up the correct circulation of energy. External impact zone: any. The system of application is any. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: any.

Formula F 5000. Crystal Essence. Composition: Jade, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Silver, Clinoptilolite. It affects the mobility factor of the energy body, that is, in the final key, the ability and willingness of a person to change, which is relevant at the current time. Surely many people know, and some feel, that the Earth’s energy transition in 2012 initiated geomagnetic changes, global transformation processes, so powerful that a person begins to change on a physical level. External impact zone: any. The system of application is any. The time of maximum vibrational digestibility of the crystal: any.

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