Mon—Fri 11:00—17:00 Sat. 12:00—16:00
The main purpose of the Chronos delta card is to cut off ballast variant lines that cause negative emotions and states, leading to blocking the possibilities of change, expansion, gaining new experience and perception. The root of negative emotions and reactions, the inability to fully realize one's natural data, to reveal dormant opportunities, the root of all problems and failures lies in the past.
The past is our experience. At the level of neurophysiology, human experience is stable synaptic connections between neurons - neural networks. The neural networks of the brain shape our perception of reality, help to navigate the information flows, but they also make us "step on the same rake".
There is such a thing - the attention of the past. It is not so much we-the-real ones that go back, but the past-me draws attention and energy to itself, thus, the past through us-in-the-present influences the choice of one or another variant line, that is, it also influences us-in-the-future. The attention of the past burns the energy that is given to us for the implementation of new variant lines - the search for new paths and new opportunities.
The attention of the past influences the attention of the present in this way: for example, in the present a person has formed a positive intention and realizes, that is, pays attention and energizes, a variant line of realization of the intention.
The attention of the past begins to attract people and events in the present that resonate with the emotion and situation fixed in the past, a person in the present, due to the activation of stable neural networks, reacts (fears, annoyed, carried away, offended, etc.) to this persistent external stimulus and begins to be distracted from a favorable variant of the line, giving attention and energy to the attention of the past.
The Chronos delta map is a software package that implements one of the options for preventing energy losses in the present, which interfere with the freedom of choice of actions - cutting off the attention of the past from the present self. That is, the situation continues to exist as a memory, but the energy outflow stops.
Not all situations should be cut off from the attention of the present, selectively only those that are a ballast load and prevent us from living and developing in the present, looking for new ways and opportunities, in a word, prevent us from creating our own reality and implementing our goals and intentions. The Chronos delta map allows you to do this pointwise and selectively, purposefully working with a specific situation.
Card Chronos Delta. Clipping the root of the negative situations of the past — in the online store
You can buy goods on-line on our website by placing an order yourself or by phone in Moscow: +7 (499) 135-33-81
Delivery in Moscow, all of Russia and to other countries of the world. is a leader in the development and sale of devices for self-development in Russia and the CIS countries.
We have been working since 2006.