
Svetlitsa POTENTIAL OF LOVE. Improving the quality of relationships

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Svetlitsa POTENTIAL OF LOVE. Strengthening individual qualities
Усиление индивидуальных качеств Вашей личности, способствующие построению здоровых отношений. Ускорение процесса поиска подходящего партнера, настройка на родственную душу, гармония отношений.
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"Don't talk about Love, everything is said about it ...", is sung in a famous song. Nevertheless, the theme of love is inexhaustible at all times. We will talk about Love in terms of Light and structural relationships. If Love is Light, then the ability to love is the ability to exchange this Light. Any person, any living being shines. Some of this light can be measured with Kirlian equipment. This measurable Light is the manifested part of the Light of love.

The Potential of Love device creates conditions for:

- Reducing the level of interference that distorts the Light of Love between people. The amount and brightness of Light increases. The user begins to more intensely highlight other people, creating conditions for the manifestation of their Light of Love. Attractiveness is growing.

- Increasing the dimensionality of the Light Characteristics. Light begins to unite people in time, and not only in space. This contributes to the growth of attractiveness.

Light relations with such characteristics become more harmonious and stable. The level of mutual claims and requirements decreases. Decreases interdependence and control of each other. The degree of trust between the people with whom you build relationships increases. By increasing the dimension of your own Light with the help of the Potential of Love, you can feel new states of Love that were previously inaccessible, realize your opportunities to love and manifest them in new relationships.

With the Potential of Love:

- The manifestation of love in the user's life increases;

- Self-esteem and self-sufficiency in relationships grows;

- The ability to love and be loved is significantly better revealed;

- Reduced fear of rejection;

- Decreases tension in relations between people;

- New relationships are being established as an opportunity for mutual support;

- Increased feelings of closeness and contact in relationships between people;

- There is additional ease in the relationship, which helps to strengthen the relationship.

Svetlitsa POTENTIAL OF LOVE. Improvement the quality of relationships—  in the online store

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We have been working since 2006.