About the project
Ltd Komputeria was established in 2006. The main field of activity of the company: supply and development of devices for human self-development.
• In 2009, there was the direction of the support and promotion of manufacturers in the field Of energy and information technologies.
• A device for managing dreams DreamStalker has been developed.
• Ltd Komputeria is the exclusive distributor of the American company Photosonix in Russia.
• In July 2011, the mindmachine Navigator was developed in partnership with Photosonix.
The site www.mindmachine.ru is a joint project of three people:
• Andrey Kabankov (Moscow);
• Andrei Patrushev (Ekaterinburg);
• Vladimir Nikonov (Krasnodar).
Kabankov Andrey Vladimirovich
director Ltd Komputeria, andrey-kabankov@mail.ru
In 1992, he graduated with honors from the Moscow Aviation Institute.
Since 1993, he has been engaged in his own business.
Hobbies: esoterics, sports, active travels to the natural places of the planet.
Patrushev Andrey Vadimovich
expert, patrua@mail.ru
The area of personal interests: extreme psychology, teaching, self-regulation, biofeedback, development of mental and physical abilities, suggestion therapy and suggestology.
He developed and recorded audio programs for psycho-correction and training of mental abilities, which have been tested in various medical and educational institutions and have shown high efficiency.
Catalog of programs of Andrey Patrushev
He currently works as the head of the laboratory of psycho-physiological studies at the Department of Normal Physiology of the Ural State Medical Academy, where he is directly involved in research in the field of light-sound training of the brain and biological feedback.
Nikonov Vladimir Olegovich
information architect, vlaimir@mail.ru
Candidate of Technical Sciences, author of projects:
• Electronic library "Cube" — koob.ru
• Find your master — b17.ru
Product Catalog mindmachine.ru