
«Sarcophagus». Shielding box

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Shielding box "Sarcophagus" is intended for storage of products, the operation of which the operator wishes to suspend. Provides physical shielding.

Manifestations of products at the physical level are of an electromagnetic nature, and the walls of the box, made of 0.3 cm thick steel, provide reliable protection against active radiation in a wide frequency range (including background radiation).

A 3D media with access to the "Lock" program is installed on the cover of the box, which makes it possible to significantly limit the energy-information exchange with the environment at a certain distance from the product. That is, if you want to partially (informationally) block the action of any product, it is not necessary to put it in a box, just put it next to it.

The "Lock" program does not affect the inertial action of products, although it reduces them, that is, "Sarcophagus" does not imply a complete cleaning of data on the operator's tasks, it limits the interaction with the surrounding electromagnetic (wave) and energy-information (GEIF) environment. The “sarcophagus” is modeled in such a way that information about the items stored in it earlier is not saved.

«Sarcophagus». Shielding box —  in the online store

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