
Lotus of Divine Energy. Harmonization of biofield

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We present to your attention the Lotus of Divine Energy from Roman Faerman.

Roman Faerman is a man-phenomenon, possessing a supernatural gift, characterized by unique opportunities for magnetizing birds and animals.

Lizards, birds and other small animals obey Roman commands and freeze in bizarre forms. At the same time, animals are not in a state of hypnotic suspended animation, they can open and close their eyes, the eyes themselves are full of life. At the same time, they can execute commands, turn their heads, open and close their mouths and generally execute almost any command.

Scientists in Israel and Russia were engaged in the Faerman phenomenon; there have been a number of publications on this topic. The Lotus of Divine Energy has a beneficial effect on all subtle bodies of a person, cleanses and harmonizes his biofield, brings money and health, love, which is why he radiates God's Energy. The Lotus of Divine Energy is best placed as close as possible to the place where a person is sleeping (next to a cupboard or shelf), on a platform .... and do not touch it anymore.

Lotus of Divine Energy. Harmonization of the biofield —  in the online store

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We have been working since 2006.