Noopendant I level «Mental». Structuring of thought processes

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The ability to structure and control thought processes. To improve mental abilities, develop concentration, improve memory, improve learning, resistance to stressful situations, and develop oratory skills.


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What is Noopendants?

Personal account for automatic switching of noopendant modes. The switching of operating modes of noopendants in automatic mode does not occur immediately, on average it takes 10-15 minutes. (in some rare cases - up to 30-40 minutes)

To switch modes, you need:

1. Register.
2. Link the product ID to the registered name.
3. Change the mode for the corresponding product in the corresponding section.

Each noopendant with programs is available as NOOCANAL. Connection and management is also carried out in the Personal account

Noopendant "Mental" - the main area of work of the specialized programs of the "Mental" package is the ability to structure and control thought processes, which manifests itself as an improvement in mental abilities, the development of concentration, an improvement in memory, an increase in learning ability, resistance to stressful situations, and the development of oratory skills.

Noopendant I level "Mental" includes:

1. A package of basic programs (Questions and Discussion), as well as some improved programs of the base package:

Mental ver. 2_3, Information double ver. 2_3 and Pluggable Access Keys ver. 17_2

2. A package of specialized programs:

  • Tuning filters of perception ver. 3_2
  • Templates of thinking ver. 2_5
  • Inter-level interaction ver. 2_2
  • Palace of memory ver. 4_2_1
  • Associative thinking ver. 1_3
  • Development of attention ver. 1_3_2
  • Concentration ver. 3
  • Analytical thinking ver. 4_2_2
  • Sherlock ver. 6_3_3
  • State of internal synthesis ver. 2_4

The programs included in the package can be divided into: those responsible for information interaction with the outside world and those directly responsible for processing and organizing incoming information.

"Tuning filters of perception". More about the work of the program - Fundamentals of energy-information magic

"Templates of thinking". More about the work of the program - Fundamentals of energy-information magic

Packages "Tuning filters of perception" and "Templates of thinking" work in conjunction with the "Inter-level interaction" program.

"Development of attention". At the program level, a package of programs is responsible for the work of attention, providing feedback with the service, control programs. Ultimately, it is this package that is responsible for which programs the operator connects to from the range that the current set of access codes corresponds to. The observed results of the program work: expansion of the area of attention, volume of attention, high detailing of the work of attention, switching of attention, stability of attention within the current level.

"Concentration". The basic condition for the development of mental abilities. Developed concentration helps not only to understand external processes, but also to improve internal ones. Concentration is often confused with some kind of algorithm for focusing attention, but in fact this is only the first step in developing concentration. The "Concentration" program also includes programs that promote the proper flow of energy in the body and the unhindered energy exchange of the brain with the body, without which the development of concentration is impossible.

"Associative thinking". The program is an important part of the work of many other packages, such as thought patterns, memory halls, the state of internal synthesis, and many others.
Developed associative thinking helps the operator to create, create something new, make discoveries, makes it possible to express himself, create his own non-standard thinking patterns, create and develop images, search for the necessary information in the halls of memory and even create his own programs.

"Palace of memory". The result of the program's work is the creation of an information space in the image of a room, where all the accumulated information is structured into subspaces - "rooms", then in the room - by "cabinets", "shelves", etc. Such a geometry of the memory space allows you to store information of any volume and prescription, clearly, clearly and in detail, all, it is convenient to classify it, which means you have quick access to all the necessary information as needed. The program is flexible and the appearance, size and complexity of the created space can be modeled by the operator as desired.

Program package "Inter-level interaction". The software package is responsible for linking theoretical abstract information with practice. The division into theoretical modeling and practical application is somewhat arbitrary, although linking one to the other is one of the main problems of the inability to practically apply one's brain efforts, as well as the translation of repeatedly repeated practical actions into experience. The work of the package of interlevel interaction is made up of such programs as:

  • Separation of “living” knowledge from “dead” ones.
  • Application of living knowledge in practice.
  • Structuring and accumulation of experience.
  • Linking temporal experience.

"Sherlock" program. One of the most famous examples of developed deductive thinking is the literary character Sherlock Holmes. Developed deductive thinking, together with the work of other packages, allows you to build flawless logical chains based on an extremely small amount of information. This is a large package, the work of which is connected with almost all other specialized programs of the Mental package. The Sherlock program includes a set of VPU utility programs, the main purpose of which is the ability to form inferences and draw correct logical conclusions from them. The work of this program in combination with others allows you to notice details, develop involuntary attention, use intuition as a vector, separate the consequences of the work of real programs from virtual ones, use a three-dimensional system of anchors, create a flexible system of thought patterns, develop emotional responses, as well as some volitional and motivational aspects. .

Program "Analytical thinking". The work of the program can be described as a certain activity of the brain or a certain geometry of the brain. It can be said that the work of the program "Analytical Thinking" consists in the possibility of harmonious integration of sensory experiences into logic, as a canvas, a structural basis for analysis. It must be understood that the activation of this program must have some prerequisites: not everyone needs developed analytical thinking. The "Analytical Thinking" program is activated when the operator sets himself beyond the goal, when he wants to be the first in any area, when the usual mental means are not enough to achieve current goals. This program is a tool for leaders, executives or simply ambitious people. The Analytical Thinking program allows you to set effective goals, look for many options for achieving goals and choose the best one, effectively and quickly solve both professional and personal problems, think through each step and its consequences in detail, simulate missing information, calculate situations for several steps forward, break up the information flow and classify the components, form a critical approach to information flows.

Program "SIS - State of internal synthesis". The work of the program can be described as a very fine control of mental activity. The task of the program is not only the application of synthesis to logical operations, but also the stay of the operator in the "State of Internal Synthesis". This is a state of understanding, decision, when all the elements of the mosaic add up into one whole. SIS can be called the "state of Knowledge". This is the art of obtaining Knowledge from daily observations. This is what distinguishes "looking" from "seeing". The program involves both hemispheres of the brain, which can cause non-standard sensations close to ASC (altered state of consciousness).

3. Group domain

4. Individual domain I level  

Domains can be called a structural part of the GEIF (Global Energy Information Field), having both a physical component and certain patterns of the hierarchy of software packages, hierarchies of access levels to certain structural parts of the GEIF and other interactions of the structural parts of the GEIF. The entire information part of the work of the process is located in the domain, in this sense it can be called the most important part of the entire work of the noopendant.

The formation of such a structural part of the GEIF as a domain became possible due to a huge array of statistical material of the information component of natural natural processes and their correlation, such as: plant growth and development, water flow, changes in geomagnetic activity, information component of some aspects of human life, including social, observation of processes in the Earth's ionosphere and much more.

An individual domain corresponds to a dedicated information channel, which corresponds to the identifier number supplied with each noopendant.

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