Program for Noopendant II - 13 methods of body position (13 monads)

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The position of the body in space expresses the principle, or the method of interaction with the surrounding space.


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Description of Noopendant II level

Connection and management is carried out in the Personal account

"13 methods of body position (13 monads)"

The position of the body in space expresses the principle or method of interaction with the surrounding space. The position of the body can be disorganized, chaotic, or express one of the 13 forces available in our 3D space. A chaotic or unassembled position of the body leads to the launch of the process of destruction at the program level. One of the 13 body positions allows you to interact with certain energies of the surrounding space and is a complex package, since each method is applicable in a given situation, both personal, spatial and temporal conditions. In general, the work of the program can be described as allowing the operator to develop harmoniously from the standpoint of the laws of our space.

The first method - generating

the second - generative

the third - changing

fourth - preserving

fifth - collecting

sixth - connecting

seventh - expressing

eighth - reinforcing

ninth - perfect

tenth - deducing

eleventh - transforming

twelfth - evolutionary

the thirteenth - timeless.

The methods make it possible to implement the basic principles of building the energy body (relaxation of the whole body for the free flow of energies, tension of the back in two planes, as a condition for harmonization of the main energy centers located along the spine, intake of the Earth’s energy through the perineum, its preservation and pumping upwards, relaxation of the main centers of origin blocks that interfere with the circulation of energy, especially its flow in the limbs, integrity, the ability to move the energy body separately from the physical body, finding energies in a state of rest, suspension of the crown, maintaining the movement of energy by inertia, natural helicity of the flow of energy, transformation of energy in the body and some others).

Forum discussion ---> Program for Noopendant II - 13 methods of body position (13 monads)