Mask «Palantir» III. Open-eyed meditation

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For meditation, work with psychoactive audio programs, for the development of alternative vision, vision, psychometry.


The palantir in the legendarium of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's — "seeing stones". Using these stones you can see what is happening at present in another place, and it was possible to talk with the person located far away (if he also has a palantir).

The purpose of the mask "Palantir"

- for deep meditation with open eyes in the dark;

- for rest and sleep in the presence of interfering external light sources;

- to improve vision;

- for work with psychoactive audio programs;

- for the development of alternative vision, vision, psychometry;

- for autopsychocorrection (self-help techniques for uncomfortable, critical, psychological states, apathy, insecurity, etc.);

- to program the desired reality.

Mask "Palantir" is a synthesis of various technologies that greatly reinforce each other.

On the one hand, there are structural elements of the Laboratory for Information Design, on the other hand, a multilayer mirror coating on a polymer basis, which is an orgone battery (according to Wilhelm Reich).

The mask was developed based on the ideas of the psychophysiologist Andrei Patrushev.

How to use the mask of "Palantir"?

- work with various psychoactive audio programs (in accordance with the instructions for these programs);

- psychometry (obtaining non-obvious information about objects, work on photographs, work on the ground, vision, the study of processes, etc.);

- when you need to think about a new project, learn a new subject or learn a lesson (the process of perceiving new information will become easier, stress will decrease, thoughts will become clearer, wording is clearer and simpler).

Cautions: Avoid harshly using the Palantir mask on people! We are all parts of a single whole, therefore, through such an impact we can strike at ourselves-beloved (as well as at children and relatives). At the very least, use “soft” language, such as: “Disappear for your own good.”

Some of us have a very painful “personal trance story” when the corresponding body structures were activated for survival and were associated with pain or strong “negative” emotions. Such an experience, as a rule, is structured into an isolated neural network, which can be activated at any time by various sensory keys (including through the use of the Palantir mask).

This can result in a rather sudden appearance of strong “negative” emotions or painful (or other strong) sensations in the body. In the "mild case" - in heightened anxiety. In this case, you will need sufficient patience and courage if you want to continue working with the mask.

The very structure and construction of the mask contributes to the rapid, but, unfortunately, not instantaneous processing of the traumatic experience.

In addition, during meditation with a bandage, you can turn on an alpha session on a mind machine (without glasses), or immediately after a meditation with a bandage turn on an alpha session with glasses.

As tests have shown, in some people the most powerful impressions and sensations (positive) occur on average with the first three uses of the Palantir mask, then the “assembly point” safely returns to its place and it takes quite a long and regular work with the mask before it starts to appear results similar to initial experience.

If this happened to you, do not be discouraged and continue to work regularly - everything will work out!

We recommend practicing with a mask in the dark!

The Orgone Accumulator

As you know, the perception and understanding of information, as well as techniques for the realization of desires, is a very energy-consuming process that requires a very specific energy, which has received such names as “Ki”, “Chi”, “Prana”, “Orgon” and others in various esoteric teachings . In order to support the energy of these processes in the dressing, a simple battery (according to Wilhelm Reich) was used, which is an organic film metallized on one side and folded in several layers.

The process of making masks Palantir

Отражающая поверхность маски Палантир

Отражающая поверхность маски Палантир

At the same time, this type of battery, due to the presence of a good reflective surface, made it possible to realize additional conditions for successful visualization.

It is known that the eye is not a passive organ, it emits. But what is the nature of the energy impulse produced by the eyes? There is no exact answer to this question yet.

Soviet scientist, pioneer of research in the field of biological radio communications in our country B. B. Kazhinsky in 1923 put forward a hypothesis that the eye not only sees, but also emits electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency into space.
These waves are capable of affecting a person at a distance. They can influence behavior, induce certain thoughts and actions.

The retina rods were considered sources of radiation, and cones - receivers of vibrations. Since the original antennas - sticks - were very small, it was assumed that the upper boundary of the waves extends far towards the infrared rays of the spectrum.

The English physicist C. Ross was of the same opinion that the eye emits electromagnetic waves. In 1925, he manufactured a device, the main part of which was a thin, non-twisted silk thread with a finest metal spiral horizontally suspended at its lower end. To the silk thread, above the spiral, the lightest magnetic needle was attached. Its purpose was to fix the position of the spiral in a freely suspended state.

The experiments showed that if you look intently into the spiral so that the direction of your gaze coincides with the geometric axis of the turns of the spiral and then begin to slowly turn your head until the "line of sight" becomes at an angle to the axis of the spiral, you can see how the spiral starts to turn the same angle.

In some attempts, the angle of such a “forced” rotation of the spiral reached 60 degrees. This experiment convincingly confirmed the hypothesis that the eye not only perceives light energy, but also is itself a generator of electromagnetic radiation into space.

In recent years, individual researchers believe that the eye emits electromagnetic waves outside. So, the English scientist Banson Herbert suggests that they can be biogravitational. Also known are the experiments of the psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev, who learned to photograph hallucinations of his patients. According to his theory, such a thing as hallucinations does not exist.

In fact, patients in psychiatric clinics, alcoholics, drug addicts and people who are under the influence of potent drugs, including those coming out of anesthesia, actually see it. These visions are not the result of the work of their brain, but real events, phenomena and beings. According to Krokhalev, beyond the bounds of our visible world there is another world, the manifestations of which can be seen by people with a disturbed, weakened or hypersensitive psyche.

Krokhalev could prove this seemingly insane statement with photographs of the retina of his patients, which he took with the help of his own constructed photo equipment. The fact is that all the visual images that we see, according to Krokhalev, are reflected in the retina of our eyes. This reflection can be fixed with a camera with high photosensitivity, provided that the shooting will be carried out in complete darkness.

To continue his research, Krokhalev had to study the basics of photography. He created a simple photo equipment, consisting of an underwater mask with a glass removed, a rubber corrugation and a camera. The very first experiments yielded stunning results.

Analyzing the work of Krokhalev, we can assume that he was probably mistaken about the external source of the origin of hallucinations, or, at least, external sources were only the reason for creating on their basis “drawings” made directly by the brain. Most likely, hallucinations photographed by Krokhalev appeared precisely due to the ability of the eyes to emit certain waves. This is indirectly confirmed by earlier experiments by other authors.

After all, attempts to investigate and record hallucinations have been made from the very beginning of the invention of photography. So, back in the 19th century, researchers discovered a curious fact: visual hallucinations obey the physical laws of light refraction. So, in 1885, Binet and Fere noticed a doubling of hallucinatory images in space in patients with pressure on the eyes and when a prism was attached to them.

Another indirect confirmation of eye radiation, or, rather, an explanation of the nature of such photographs, is the photo-process developed by the French physicist Gabriel Lippmann to obtain color images based on a black-and-white photoemulsion (that is, an emulsion that does not contain color pigments), in which only black and white white image.

How did Lippman manage to get color shots? The idea of the Lippmann method (1891) gives the following figure:

Lippman was very witty in combining the phenomenon of light interference with the possibilities of black and white halogen-silver photography. The image in Lippmann's camera focused on a glass photo plate, placed by emulsion on the surface of mercury, which plays the role of a mirror.

The light first passed through the emulsion from top to bottom, and then, reflected from mercury, formed a standing wave in the emulsion, the period of which depended on the wavelength of light.

So, the blue rays in the figure on the left formed a standing wave, where the distance between the zeros (nodes) is less than the corresponding distance for the red rays on the right

Of course, a latent image was not formed at the nodes of the standing light wave, but at the places of the maximum of the standing wave (antinodes), the maximum illumination occurred, turning after developing into a system of parallel bands of metallic silver with gaps between the bands corresponding to the wave of the color that was irradiated in this place emulsion.

When looking at a picture in white light, light waves are reflected from the bands, while constructive interference occurs only for waves of those colors that have exactly the same wavelength as the waves that caused the formation of a standing wave when photographing. The result is a juicy color image.

When photographing “hallucinations”, the following process probably takes place: radiation from the eyes, carrying visual images, is reflected from the camera’s lens (or photographic plate), due to which a standing wave forms, which forms and enhances the image of these images directly in front of the eye.

This image is captured by the camera. In literature and everyday mythology, one can find many examples of the healing and destructive power of the gaze. For example, in Dianetics, you can find a description of a very effective healing practice, when two people look at each other's eyes for a long time at a close distance.

In many sources, there are practices of meditation on the mirror, including stubborn looking into your eyes at close range. The mirror is a quantum amplifier. A quantum of light that has fallen into a mirror, when reflected, turns into two quanta.

Thus, placing in a mask directly in front of the eyes of the reflecting surface enhances the visual images formed by the brain due to their reflection and the formation of the final volumetric image directly in front of the eyes.

As we have already seen, one of the conditions for the formation of a reflected image in front of the eyes, or rather, its unhindered perception, is absolute darkness and open eyes. The mask is designed in such a way as to exclude light under it and provide comfortable opening of the eyes when wearing it. In addition, opening eyes in absolute darkness activates the ancient brain structures responsible for alternative vision, which our ancestors formed to survive in a hostile environment of wildlife.

From various esoteric sources, the ancient practice of meditation and self-development is known - meditation in complete darkness with open eyes. The effect of the effect is similar to the ganzfeld effect, when it significantly “slows down” the logical hemisphere of the brain (usually the left), which in principle is not able to interact with infinity - this is the prerogative of the gestalt hemisphere (usually the right), which, accordingly, is activated. The right hemisphere is precisely responsible for figurative thinking.

Structural elements of the Laboratory for Information Design:

1. The development of new qualities of vision. Using appropriate techniques, using structural elements OCHE-VIDNO, it is easy to turn alternative vision into a stable information channel. Moreover, in addition to alternative vision, you can implement:

- four-dimensional vision (see the contents of blood vessels hidden by the walls);

- X-ray vision (vision of internal organs);

- Vision KNOWLEDGE (a visual image is not formed, but knowledge about the subject appears);

- increased and decreased vision (as seen through binoculars or a microscope);

- Twilight vision (seen in poor lighting and complete darkness);

- and other interesting modes.

2. Strengthening techniques for the realization of desires. A lot of techniques for realizing desires and managing reality are based on the visualization technique. The more accurately, brighter and more harmoniously the resulting picture, the more successfully dreams come true. Structural elements OCHE-VIDNO help to create high-quality visualization, filled with vitality and faith.

3. Expanding the possibilities of seeing the surrounding reality at different levels. The brain receives information not only from vision. There are other receptors that help the brain navigate the world around it. The signals of these receptors can be converted into visual images, which enhances and complements the image obtained through the optical channel.

4. Strengthening the ability to visualize, the development of imagination. It is known that an image from the eyes is formed in the brain. The quality of the resulting image depends on how the brain processes the information. Since OCHE-VIDNO improves structural bonds in neurons, the image is formed more complete and bright.

5. Improving creativity. Any business will be more successful if one can imagine its final embodiment. The better the imagination works, the more successful any creative activity.

Healing effects:

• Improves microcirculation in the capillaries around the eyes.

• Relaxes eye muscles and optic nerves.

• Quickly relieves eye fatigue.

• Effectively prevents the occurrence of eye diseases.

• Prevents the appearance of edema, dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles around the eyes.

The cosmetic effect is manifested in a decrease in tension in the muscles around the eye and rejuvenation of the facial skin.

The action of the structure is OCHE-VIDNO manifested in a noticeable improvement in vision. The tension in the eye muscles is relieved, the structure of the vitreous body, lens and cornea is restored. It will help to cope with headaches and overexertion, relieve insomnia and morning swelling of the eyes.

It improves peripheral blood circulation in the contact zone, improves oxygen delivery to tissues, contributing to good health and good rest during sleep.

Dreams become vivid and memorable. As we see from the description, the structures are OCHE-VIDNO not only provide assistance with relaxation and meditation, but also an active tool for the development of visualization, imagination, alternative vision.

On the other hand, the capacity for expanded perception does not guarantee this perception itself. In addition to physiological prerequisites, there are so-called “perception filters” based on our ideas about this World. Every person from childhood forms a “Picture of the World”, to a greater extent rewriting it from his parents and other significant adults.

In general, the concrete Worldview is quite the same for this cultural-historical formation. One of the goals of the process of forming a certain World Map is to protect a person from a gigantic stream, at least, practically useless information for him. Due to professional specialization and living conditions, these filters can vary in one way or another.

Thus, from all the surrounding reality, we allow ourselves (admit into our consciousness) only those elements that are consistent with our World Map and represent, again according to our experience, practical benefits for life. Various life conflicts can motivate a person to change the familiar Picture of the World. Not infrequently, such changes are accompanied by a deep spiritual crisis. No wonder it says: "When the walls are moved apart, the roof goes."

The structural element EUREKA is intended for the most environmentally friendly and human-friendly expansion of the World Map, the receipt and understanding of new information.

The structural element of EUREKA harmonizes the human knowledge system with other knowledge systems. The structural element of EUREKA helps to construct new knowledge, creating the preconditions for insight.

For the most environmentally friendly and safe for human expansion picture of the World, receiving and understanding new information is a structural element of EUREKA.

Structural element of the Eureka agree on the system of human knowledge with other knowledge systems. Structural element EUREKA helps to construct new knowledge, creating preconditions for insight.

Structural element EUREKA:

- increases the adequacy of perception of new information;

- relieves stress and fatigue during training;

- provides an opportunity to successfully master new knowledge;

- facilitates connection to various knowledge bases and bio-networks (“bio-Internet”, “Energy-Information Field of the Earth”);

- helps to establish a relationship between teacher and student;

- simplifies the perception of new paradigms;

- increases the fantasy and originality of thinking;

- allows you to go beyond the scope of stereotypes and forms unique personality traits due to the versatility of presentation.

Most people are convinced that only words are involved in the daily information exchange. In fact, people exchange images. Words only trigger the mechanism of an associative response when one or another image is selected according to association for a word or sentence. Imagine you are reading an art book.

From the very first pages, you stop noticing letters and words, you start to see “movies”, “paintings” that the author painted. In the same way we communicate. Words are spoken, and streams of images follow them. When the images that are born in the interlocutors during communication are similar, then they understand each other adequately and easily. If the flows of images are different, then there is no mutual understanding, although for some time the illusion of mutual understanding may persist.

The structural element of EUREKA helps to establish mutual understanding by coordinating the mutual flows of images, reducing them to a common semantic field.

In addition, the structural element EUREKA corrects distortions in the person himself, enlightening him, creating the prerequisites for understanding the information received. This is especially important during training.

The transition to a state of understanding is determined not only by energy. An important point is the complication of information (its dimensionality). Inability to perceive complex information may be the result of insufficient dimensionality of perception.

Imagine you are looking at a flat two-dimensional picture. It is very difficult to understand the spatial arrangement of picture elements. However, if it is a 3-D picture (volumetric), the situation changes. It is easy to determine which subject is closer, and which is farther, which is larger, and which is smaller. What is the difference between a flat picture and a volumetric one?

In the volumetric image, not one, but two pictures located at some offset or taken from two points. Using two two-dimensional pictures, the brain can build one, a more complex dimensional image. That is, the brain combines two “points of view” together.

The structural element of EUREKA allows you to increase the dimensionality of perception of complex information and combine different points of view. This allows you to go beyond the usual stereotypes of thinking and generate a new idea, a new paradigm, a new reality. However, increasing the dimension of perception is also an opportunity to accept the points of view of other people.

The ability to see a rational kernel in a foreign opinion and in a foreign view, which makes a person more tolerant of others, removes blinders from his eyes, and promotes the growth of love of man. What else unites the considered processes of information generation? One of the main conditions for the success of these processes is the intention of cognition. Intention is a condition for tuning a person to the necessary information.

If a person in his intention is persistent enough, then he will certainly receive the necessary information. He will pull her to him. Such a person can connect to the desired knowledge base and get what he wanted. The light system of human perception allows him to connect not only to the nearest and easily accessible knowledge bases, but also to remote ones.

However, the availability of knowledge bases is very relative and depends on many factors. One of the main factors is the possibility of attunement to the desired knowledge base. There are many practices for this alignment.

Without going into an analysis of these practices, we note that the structural element of EUREKA increases the possibilities of such attunement. Thus, the combination of the structural elements in the mask OCHE-VIDNO and EUREKA allows the most safe and effective way to work with extraordinary information obtained through supersensory and extrasensory perception.

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