Program for Noopendant II - Centeredness

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Helps build energy centrality relative to the center of the body.


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Description of Noopendant II level

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It helps to build energy centering relative to the center of the body - that one-celled embryo that develops into a human embryo by crushing. First of all, it characterizes the orderliness of psycho-emotional and energy processes in the integral field, physical, energy body and all subtle bodies of a person. The essence of the work of the "Centrality" program is the presence of a single control software center, which has its own physical and energy localization. If there are many such centers and/or they are not located where necessary, then a program conflict occurs, which is felt by a person as numerous large and small internal conflicts.

"Centeredness" at the psycho-emotional level is felt, first of all, as the absence of internal conflicts. Uncentered energy in the energy body can be in different places. For example, the most frequent and dead end conflict for many users is the conflict between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The same minor internal conflicts can occur between the head and the stomach, the arm and the leg, and so on. If the operator feels doubts, frequent fluctuations, difficulty in making a choice and doubts after the choice is made, then the Centeredness program is recommended.

At the program level, "Centering" can be defined as the construction and improvement of the geometry of the program area. "Centering" is the setting of the focus (accuracy) of movement along the variant lines. In other words, there are events and people that influence us, and not always positively. Due to various circumstances, a person begins to realize not his own variant lines, to be included in alien processes, not understanding and not realizing why he personally needs it. The motivation for such inclusion can be desires, emotional impulses, low awareness, etc.

At the level of the energy body, "Centeredness" is felt as a movement from a single center. Look at children under 3 years old - they are centered. All movements are derived from a single center, to be precise, this is the center of the abdomen, where the cell from which the human embryo began to form is located. "Centering" under the condition of a lined up axis is the basis of symmetry.

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