Program for Noopendant II - Meditation Life

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The dissolution of blocks, energy supply, creative activity, alignment of rhythms with the surrounding living world...


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Description of Noopendant II level

Connection and management is carried out in the Personal account

"Meditation Life"

The principle of operation of the program can be described as a spiral twisting, absorption and assimilation of the productive forces of the universe into a person's personal field. One can now describe for a long time the manifestation of this power in all living things, from crystals to humans, but this will be a departure. It is important to understand the principle itself: the force of life is one of the main and key shaping forces for a person in our space. This force, due to which there is a living form in our world, or a force that gives continuity to the circulation of energy in a living form. The manifestations of the work of the program are diverse - this is the dissolution of blocks, energy supply, creative activity, alignment of rhythms with the surrounding living world, but the most interesting will be the adjustment of consciousness to productive forces, which allows you to cultivate a "live" or creatively active consciousness.

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