Program for Noopendant II - Sens

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Increased sensitivity to “subtle” energies, increases in the frequency, the refinement of energy.


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Description of Noopendant II level

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Increasing sensitivity to "subtle" energies, increasing frequency, refinement of energy.

In fact, this is a change in the speed of the programs. At the program level, an increase in frequency can be called a change in the informational range of the operator's Integral Field. It is known that the operator does not perceive the entire range of reality, but only that which corresponds to the current program settings (including both purely software and physical aspects). The mechanism of the program's operation is multi-level, involving packets of perception filters, since the transition from the program level to the body level occurs as a cascade transition through several levels (in the conditional architecture of the GEIF).

Let's start from the most understandable, lower, material level, in this case, the bodily level. An increase in frequency at this level can be defined as an increase in awareness, transferring the focus of attention ("a bright spot of consciousness") into the body. The action seems to be simple, which is accompanied by a change in the frequency of the brain. This, in turn, occurs due to a change in the speed of the "coding connector" in the body, to be more precise, a change in the speed of passage of nerve impulses, due to which it becomes possible to capture information flows that were not perceived by the nervous system before. Here, in order to connect with the program level, it is worth considering the very principle of the operation of the human nervous system and brain from the point of view of program control.

The software level is a superlevel of "sensors" for collecting information - peripheral nerves - this includes the "sensors for collecting information" of the sense organs. It is the codes coming from these sensors after passing through the filters of perception that are the input data for the control programs of the organs of perception. That is, the process of perception itself takes place at the program level, and the presence of the physiological aspect itself is necessary only to protect against connection to the control of the body of some other "programmer".

With an increase in frequency, the speed of these programs changes and, as a result, the information range changes. If in the normal state of consciousness the speed of the program is limited by the speed of the feedback neural connection, then in the supersensory mode it is possible to directly control from the program level and perceive a range that is (seemingly) impossible in the normal mode. In other words, ordinary perception is already a transformation of the program’s operation to the physical level, and since the perception filters themselves are at the program level, the Sens program simplifies the process of perception, although all the definitions of this process for an ordinary person are something transcendent and carry prefixes " super-", "extra-", etc. In fact, the process of perception at the program level is more natural and familiar to humans: the program "language" is universal, while the translation into the language of the physical senses is already a kind of distortion. Naturally, there are certain limitations in the "acceleration of speeds" for a human being, and they are dictated by the program that forms biomolecules.

Forum discussion ---> Program for Noopendant II - Sens

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