Mon—Fri 11:00—17:00 Sat. 12:00—16:00
To manage resonances - register in the Personal account
"In every millimeter of space there is as much energy as you need" - N. Tesla said. Everything is energy. We swim in an ocean of energy, but we always lack it - for something or a certain quality.
Let's see why?
A person is subject to various energy processes, which can have different frequencies (rhythms). Interacting with any aspect of the external world, a person interacts with one or another energy and tries to define it - qi, ki, orgone, prana...
Our energy body - our energy-informational structure - is initially adapted to resonance (connection) with different energies. Depending on its parameters, there is a certain bandwidth, the band of the operating frequency of our energy. The higher it is, the more a person's ability to resonate (tune in) with energies of different frequencies.
Since ancient times, people have been trying to find keys - codes - for tuning and connecting to different energies. The fact is that the usual 3-dimensional space is not the only one in which a person can exist. The ancients began to focus on the energies of higher frequencies and did not just define them, but learned to resonate with them by tuning into the channels of energies through special symbols, later called sacred or sacred. These channels were not just single, but combined, that is, they represented a kind of space where a person could receive special properties (beyond the ability) that were inaccessible during resonance with familiar energies. Such people were considered to have conquered the "Force", they became rulers, they began to be called Mages ...
We can say that ancient people tuned in to some vibration models of energies of higher frequencies, gave them designations and began to call them Gods or Forces - Zeus, Anubis ... And any vibration model has its own source - a form / structure / symbol / code, upon activation of which the setting takes place to the source of this or that energy and it becomes possible to interact with it, to connect to the energy channel.
The problem of a person who wants to receive, fill and use energy is that from birth, according to the conditions of space and simply lifestyle (food, place of residence, social circle), he has a limited band of the operating frequency of energy or a certain limited set of access codes to a limited spectrum of sources energy.
This leads to the fact that in any attempt to fill ourselves with energy, we increase the amount of "old" energy, increase the quantitative energy parameter, which is limited. This leads to the so-called “stagnation” of energy, when the amount of energy seems to be large, but does not circulate, and, as a result, does not lead to the desired qualitative changes - in practice, work, interactions, self-realization, possibilities of consciousness and other aspects of life.
The resonances offered to your attention are activated information keys (codes) that allow you to increase your resonant frequency and tune to certain channels - sources of Energy.
Resonances act on the principle of increasing the carrying capacity of human energy channels. For a person, this means the ability to perceive, resonate (interact), and most importantly, operate / use (process informationally) various energies and blocks of energies. It is important that activated energy-informational keys act systemically, that is, they do not cause disharmony with existing energy sources. There is an increase in the energy flow due to the opening, tuning, balancing and increasing the internal connectivity of existing, but not active channels in the structure of the “energy body”. We can say that there is a repair and the creation of “new wiring” in the structure of energy channels, through which new and more powerful flows of subtle energy begin to pass.
Also, resonances contribute to the complexity of the internal structure, resulting in a number of important internal and external changes.
Firstly, due to connection to new sources of energy, there is a denser and more active connection of existing internal energies, which leads to integrity, a deeper understanding of oneself, one's essence and purpose.
Secondly, resonances allow increasing energy exchange with the outside world, there is a wider communication with the Universe and the discovery of new aspects of habitual actions, things, interactions and processes.
Third, the enrichment of the energy system with new high-frequency energy sources leads to a significant increase in energy levels and an increase in the power of our entire energy system as a whole, thereby increasing the possibilities of raising the level of consciousness.
The idea and some aspects of the resonance technology, like many products, were born from the GeoEnergoTourism project, as a result of the experience of visiting various places of power, many of which (Machu Picchu, for example) are technical structures (for setting, focusing, strengthening, concentrating, sifting , transformations of energies, or all this together). In essence, a person is also a "device" with the same functions: any interaction of a person with something at the level of paying attention to something or thinking about something is an interaction with a certain energy and an attempt to operate with it. It can be roughly said that the human brain functions as a power plant that receives and transmits energies, while what is generated depends on what is transmitted and vice versa. That is why it is important for a person to have sources of settings.
Primitively, all magic rituals are built on the sources of settings (for example, if you need to attract / tune in to money, then in the ritual we use a bill, etc.). Energy management was related to priestly, sacred knowledge (although then all knowledge, for example astronomical, was the privilege of this caste). The priests could expand the bandwidth to the parameters allowing them to transfer their existence to other frequencies, that is, consciously end their earthly life and continue to live in the “subtle” worlds (astral or other frequencies, who is closer to what).
Resonances are codes that work through the “vibration signature” of a person, which is made up of many vibrations that a person radiates outward at different levels. The vibrational signature contains a space where a person's consciousness can move. Therefore, resonances, as sources activated with the help of a vibrational signature, can affect reality in the most direct way. Everyone knows the well-known principle - “like attracts like”. As soon as a vibration of a certain frequency begins to be emitted into the surrounding world, energies of a similar frequency are attracted, attracted into the reality of a person. A person leaves his “vibration signature” once through a special interface in his Personal Account.
Several main primary signs / effects of resonance plugging have been noted:
- the emergence of information on a specific topic (since energy channels-meridians are not only energy channels, but also information channels),
- new knowledge (not just information, but an insight that gives a new understanding of reality),
- exit from various egregors,
- a feeling of "shine" or "glow",
- feeling of movement, vibration inside, vibration of the whole body from legs to crown,
- changing goals,
- substitution of negative for positive (negative attitude or negative emotion),
- cleaning (at all levels, up to physics),
- a general feeling of changes taking place inside and outside, but without understanding what exactly has changed.
In general, pure bodily sensations are usually enough to understand what “works!” Of course, everything related to the interaction and perception of energy flows is purely individual and everyone's feelings may be different. In fact, resonances do not add anything “new”, rather they awaken in a person what was already so, and in a person there is Everything.
An analogy can be drawn: if a person's current bandwidth is a bunch of keys and some doors were closed before, then resonances are energy keys that allow opening certain doors. Of course, you have to imagine what opens the door and what is most important, because energy must “work,” that is, it must be used for something. We made the description of resonances as practical and simple as possible, so that without delving into the structural features of energy flows, the user would understand why this or that energy is used in practice.
To manage resonances - register in the Personal account
Description of the resonances Garnet set:
1. Aidan - a source of energy of beauty and harmony (for women and men).
Aidan's energy is light, wise, balanced and refined energy. The flow of energy (for visuals) is a bright sphere of light purple color. Feels like Aidan's energy is sparkling, joyful, light, inspiring, soft, warm. This is the energy of perfect geometry and the highest, natural harmony. Allows you to see the beauty and harmony of the world, aligns with natural rhythms (recommended for city dwellers), promotes subtle feeling and general sensitization. Promotes the vision and feeling of harmony in oneself, shows the relationship between the internal and the external. Helps dissolve parasitic energies and anything that is not harmonious.
2. Energy bath - a source of energy for powerful and emergency cleansing.
Fast and effective cleansing from strong negativity, powerful energy attacks, strong attachments, suction cups, etc. It is recommended to connect no more than 1 time per week. The flow of energy is a dense, heavy and hot golden ball in the solar plexus area, which almost instantly expands to a chamber size of 3 - 4 m, where the effect of heat under pressure is created. With a rapidly expanding stream, it knocks out all current plugs, suction cups, sources of holes, etc. Causes temporary immobility and a feeling of warmth or heat in the body. This is an extreme, but fast and effective cleaning that has an energetic effect of a bath, sauna, steam barrel for delicate bodies. With its power, the flow of energy literally scrapes from subtle bodies everything that was the cause of the appearance of blocks, holes or other negative in subtle bodies. The procedure quickly increases vibrations and activates the «sleeping» energy centers. It is an emergency measure, it is not recommended to connect more than 1 time a week.
3. Golden Ray - purification, deep elaboration.
Energy Golden Ray requires a certain experience in working with energy flows, namely the ability to follow and not resist energies. The flow of energy is bright, hard, powerful and hot. For visuals, it can have various shades of gold: from a light whitish to a deep reddish hue, depending on the state of the operator's energy structure and the work performed. Energy develops and has several stages of work. At the first stage, the golden ray opens a dark passage and a feeling of cold comes, immersion in the subconscious information layer takes place, clarification of the deep motives of existing problems.
A tough period when the operator can face his negative traits, fears, karmic and ancestral problems, doubts, insecurities, etc. At the second stage, the darkness begins to dissipate and at the end of the opened tunnel the operator sees a bright shine of a golden warm beam. During this period, purification occurs, which can manifest itself as humility, acceptance of oneself and others, awareness of lessons, repentance, tears, along with which there is a feeling of light, direct, uncompromising Power. At the third stage, the flow of energy expands, envelops, becomes hot, becomes denser and looks like thick golden honey. During this period, the operator feels clean, bright, strong (physically and spiritually), protected, invulnerable. The duration of each period is individual.
4. Jna - is the new axial energy for transformations.
Absolutely new and relevant energy. The energy source appeared only a few years ago. The main important feature of the new axial energy (meaning the vertical central axis) is the predominance of the mental component, which has come to the fore due to the general increase in frequency. If before the transition the aspects of the axial energies were lined up in their influence as follows: the energy level-physical-mental, then in the new axial energy it is the mental-energetic-physical (a cyclic shift has occurred). Energy is extremely relevant, one might say necessary in modern conditions. Necessary, of course, only for those who want to control their individual reality and influence the processes of the surrounding world with the help of the mentality. Jna energy is necessary for transformation processes in subtle bodies and the transition of consciousness to a new level.
Jna acts where the body and mind are ready for the transformational processes associated with the quantum transition. The main channel for receiving Jna's energy is the central vertical axis (projection onto the physical body - the spine). Energy makes our central axis strong and resilient, helps to withstand the transformational stress and the accompanying nervous tension. When receiving Jna energy, uncomfortable sensations are possible (especially at first), which is associated with a restructuring of connections between large energy centers on the axis, which is reflected in the physical body. In practice, energy is used to develop personal energies, cleanse the integral field from virtual programs, form an individual reality, create a support for consciousness, the ability to set the right goals, questions, tasks, to distribute time resources, as the right balance between work and free time and reduce burning energy in your spare time.
5. Creator - source of energies for the purification and expansion of a personal creative channel.
The Creator energy is light, active, Yang energy. Energy is suitable not only for representatives of creative professions (artists, writers, actors, singers, designers ...), but also for everyone who wants to find creative approaches in any business and look at situations outside the box. Energy gives inspiration, creative excitement, a creative approach to any business and situation, helps with a feeling of a dead end, no way out, and routine. It inspires and fills any undertaking with meaning.
6. Blue bird - the energy of good luck and prosperity.
The flow of energy Blue Bird is powerful, joyful, fluid, dense, filling. For visuals, it is a wide vertical stream of thick golden color, consisting of many streaming streams, going 1.5 - 2 m beyond the boundaries of the operator's physical body. The flow of energy Blue Bird gives a feeling of satisfaction with life here-and-now, a joyful mood, increases the feeling of prosperity, helps to develop a sense of gratitude to the Universe, to maintain a balance of receiving and giving energy from the world around us. Promotes the opening of a creative channel and a profitable investment of their energy. The qualities of energy contribute to prosperity in all areas: eliminates difficulties that hinder material development, attracts success and prosperity, improves mood, builds relationships, and can also be used in the field of spiritual development to cultivate a state of gratitude, openness and sensitivity to the movement of the currents of the Universe.
7. Unconditional Love - is a manifestation of the energy of Love at different levels and in various fields.
The multifaceted energy of Unconditional love opens up another level of love, as an attitude towards oneself and the world. The energy of Unconditional Love helps to understand Love as an internal unconditional state that does not depend on external factors. Builds relationships with the world with feelings of emptiness, injustice, resentment, despair, anger, including long-standing negative emotions from the past. It helps to achieve harmony within yourself and with the world around you, increases awareness. In time space, energy allows you to be here and now, opens up new paths in different areas - spiritual growth, relationships, creativity, the financial sphere. In general, we can say that the energy of Unconditional love nourishes and warms the Soul, helps it to realize itself through the body in the physical world, helps to understand its purpose, to find and collect oneself here-and-now.
8. Noub - the energy of financial stability and conservation.
Energy stabilizes personal financial flows, strengthens the connection between a person and the social sphere of abundance, contributes to the continuity of the flow of monetary energy. Energy works well in times of negative financial changes, such as job loss or a decline in regular financial receipts. Energy stabilizes the financial situation, perfectly relieves stressful conditions and normalizes the psycho-emotional background, promotes positive thinking and the transformation of negative attitudes towards the current situation, and the released energy is directed towards finding new opportunities and attunement to abundance. Energy can be used for planning, for starting a new business, when signing contracts, important documentation...
9. Chanel - is the energy of feminine personality and success.
The energy of the search for individuality, bordering on a challenge in her dissimilarity and the energy of a brave woman who is not afraid to broadcast her individuality to the world around her and thereby changes it. Energy contributes to the formation of an individual style, deep knowledge and discovery of oneself, an increase in self-confidence, magnetically attracts luck and prosperity, promotes the opening of a business, creative and social realization of a woman, but requires a high level of self-discipline. It helps "independent and independent" women to find a second half. Helps to express one's thoughts beautifully, clearly and clearly in public speaking. Chanel energy requires caution in use only if you are sure that the energy has realms of realization.
10. Apollo - is a source of energy of perfection for men.
Resonance Apollo primarily carries the energy of knowledge for men - not so much intellectual knowledge as the ability to navigate and control external energies. Apollo is the energy of education, leadership, manifested primarily in the field of career and self-realization. Energy allows you to actively link the energies of space and realize yourself in outer space. You can call the Apollo energies perfect or “purified” Yang energies. The Apollo energy source is devoid of aggression. This is the energy of knowledge, skill, wisdom and realization. Apollo energy is a necessary “earthy” energy base for further spiritual development and self-improvement of a modern man.
11. Nephrite massage - energy massage.
Extremely pleasant, powerful, but soft energy of an energy massage. Similar to the action of reflexology, but at the level of subtle bodies - massage of energy channels. There is a renewal of energies, the elimination of blocks and stagnant processes in the subtle bodies, an improvement in the psycho-emotional state, filling with vitality, a feeling of lightness, relaxation. In general, the feeling of energy is very similar to the state after high-quality reflexology.
12. Diamond Tincture - is a source of energies for protection, purification and bringing to a reference state of the external energy sphere.
The flow of energy is visually a golden, elastic and pleasant to the touch multilayer crystal of complex shape, expanding from the Manipura region to the periphery of the energy sphere. One of the universal and effective protective and cleansing energies. Cleans and protects subtle bodies from destructive energies and low vibrations. Energy restores subtle bodies, enhances the luminosity of subtle bodies (sometimes, under favorable circumstances, this energy can be visually perceived by other people), allows one to be filled with a reference state. Energy Diamond Tincture is able to eliminate stagnant energy processes in the energy sphere.
13. Nics - is a source of energy for quality sleep.
The energy allows you to get quality sleep in a shorter time, helps to eliminate problems with insomnia and other problems with sleep. The flow of energy is enveloping and relaxing, feels like a soft, warm blanket. Energy reduces nervous tension and removes mental dialogue, relaxes the body, promotes both deep night sleep and high-quality short-term rest. It is possible to receive answers in a dream.
14. Ecstatic - is the energy of sensuality in all its manifestations.
The Ecstatic energy primarily works with the 1-2 chakras, that is, the sexual sphere. Helps to overcome complexes and existing sexual blocks, incl. the boy-mother and girl-father originating from childhood and related to the relationship. Visually, the flow of Ecstatica looks like a very thin, delicate, silky, shiny, enveloping blanket of purple color. Energy is suitable for changing patterns of sexual behavior with the opposite sex. Increases self-confidence, passion, sensuality, promotes acceptance of one's body, sexual liberation, and also increases external attractiveness for the opposite sex. Promotes the magnetic attraction of sexual partners. The energy flow is very powerful, a low power level is recommended for a start. In addition to the sexual sphere, Ecstatic energy increases the overall level of vitality: it returns the joy of life, increases the brightness and freshness of impressions, renews and sharpens perception (including taste and olfactory sensations).
15. Sword of Intention - a channel of energy of clear, positive, true intentions.
The channel of energy The sword of intention is visually a dense and cool beam of energy of blue steel color 3-5 cm in diameter, entering the Manipura area. When connected, it can cause uncomfortable sensations of “sucking in the spoon”, density below the navel, nausea, out-of-body sensations. Energy helps to listen and understand the needs of your Spirit, to clear the mental space when forming an intention from the action of virtual programs, to create true intentions (creating inner harmony and symmetry, as well as harmony of the formed intention with the surrounding world). Such intentions, formed in the Sword of Intention energy field, materialize to the Universe faster, as pure, clear, positive and supporting universal harmony.
16. Sunrise - the energy of the sunrise, a valuable and important energy especially in the autumn-winter period.
It is known that during the appearance of the first rays of the sun, a special program is activated in all living things. For example, plants sense the energy of the rising sun, swell, prepare to be filled with solar energy. In a person, as a part of life on Earth, when the first rays arrive, the energy centers “dissolve” in order to recharge themselves for activity, vigor, openness during the day and to perceive the energy and information flows of the world as much as possible. A modern person, especially one living in a metropolis, has a chronic lack of Sunrise energy, since due to a social lifestyle, natural, natural biorhythms get lost, and often urban high-rise buildings deprive the very opportunity to be saturated with the energy of the first rays of the sun. This can lead to drowsiness during the day, lethargy, dullness of attention and cognitive functions, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), decreased immunity and performance, and other adverse effects. If you experience these symptoms during the day or want to use the subtle aspects of the Sunrise energy to energize your consciousness, the Sunrise Resonance is recommended.
Energy flow The sunrise is dense, dense, powerful, sharp, colors from golden to crimson, consists of two spirals: one goes from the center of the Earth, flows into the spine and then into the central system of the brain, and the other goes from the brain to the sympathetic nervous system and flows into in the sun. The energy of the Sunrise can give a person activity, vigor, inner radiance, a state of Love and filling the heart center, joy and positive thinking, an impulse for easy start of new business and completion of running processes, stress resistance and increased immunity.
17. Madonna - the energy of female harmony, the elimination of negative generic programs and the implementation of women in society.
The energy of motherhood, all-embracing love and soft feminine power. Absorbing, warm, but unusually dense energy. Energy feeds the sacred female center - the uterus. The energy of the Madonna helps to restore the family tree of a woman, eliminates negative generic programs, promotes peace and harmony, a woman's reliance on natural forces and energies. Energy helps to establish a harmonious relationship in a couple, parent-child relationship, to work through childhood traumas, and also helps a woman to realize herself in society and maintain individual rhythms.
18. Lollipop - the energy of a sweet woman.
Energy Lollipop works on the outer circuit of the energy sphere and responds to energy exchange with the outside world in the field of communication between women and the opposite sex. Enveloping Lollipop energy, visually perceived as a pearlescent or iridescent shine of the outer contour of the energy cocoon together with its restoration. Elongates the “petals” of Anahata and Svadhisthana. Energy increases the attractiveness and sexuality of a woman, enhances female charisma, makes the process of communication with men easy and refined. Energy Lollipop gives courage in thoughts and deeds, gives charm and charm, eroticism of voice timbre, helps to make the process of communication and flirting easy and beautiful. Energy Lollipop can make a woman desirable and in demand in various fields, enhance the influence on men.
19. Big Boss (BB) - is a source of leadership and domination energies.
The energy is powerful, tough, vertically oriented. It helps to be a leader in any field, contributes to a realistic assessment of the situation and the development of strategic thinking, develops out-of-the-box thinking and vision of the situation, helps to operate (structure) external energies, develop communication skills and the ability to understand people. The main purpose of an energy source is to lead others. The energy source is suitable for both business processes and personal and domestic use.
20. Warrior's sword - is a source of strength and courage.
The source of energy for male inner strength, restraint and self-confidence, regardless of external data. The motto of a man with the energy of a Warrior is “came, saw, conquered”. Energy gives the ability to overcome internal problems, to be above difficulties and temporary circumstances, to set goals. Energy is not aggressive, quiet and calm force based on overcoming oneself and controlling one's inner energies. Energy helps to gain courage, overcome difficulties in life, and develop oratory skills.
21. Naguatma's waterfall - a source of energy for complex cleansing at different levels.
A washing, cool, fresh stream of energy is visually perceived as a waterfall, a huge stream of vertical energy of a light, brilliant color. The stream cleans up the most common virtual programs perceived as plugins, embedded thoughts and attitudes, influences, etc. Energy promotes clarity, getting rid of illusions, gaining knowledge, expanded perception of the World, preparation for working with high-frequency energies.
22. Celestial keys - are three aspects of the energies of good luck and well-being.
The flow of energy is a light, milky-white octahedron, the vertices of which are located about 15 cm above the crown and below the feet, respectively. Energy is needed to link the Earthly and Heavenly aspects of luck with the Human factor. In practice, energy helps to establish harmonious correspondences between desires and real circumstances, between desires and aspects of the Personal Code - mainly, this is the birth space, but also some cultural, karmic and national characteristics. The energy directed to a specific event increases the factor of luck, and also allows you to work gently and naturally with goals.
23. Garnet ray - energy that gives "impetus" for changes and work on oneself.
A stream of active energy in the form of a sharp beam of deep red color, the tip entering the area of Manipura. Energy for those who need a "push" for action and, first of all, to work on themselves. The stream is suitable for lazy people, people with a weak will and dependent on external circumstances and others who have a weak connection with their Spirit. The flow activates the will and karmic tasks, enhances the event flow, makes more manifest reactions of the World to your thoughts / actions. Sometimes the process is painful, because often associated with leaving the comfort zone and changing lifestyle. It unloads old and stagnant energies, works to return the energies stuck in the processes.
24. Ikaros - is a source of energy for healing the heart center.
Energy helps to heal the soul from resentment, aggression, negativity and negative memories of the past, insecurity. Helps to forgive yourself and others. Brings clarity of vision and perception, helps to get rid of illusions. The Ikaros stream is visually perceived as a living, beautiful, pulsating crystal in the Anahata area. Creates a peaceful, clean, strong state. Opens a vision of complex, confusing situations, can provide answers to questions.
25. Mother's palms - are a source of energy for overcoming difficult conditions.
Mother's palms - enveloping, comfortable, comforting and unusually warm sapphire-colored energy flow. The energy of light in darkness, relief, joy and meaning in life. Suitable for any difficult conditions, when you want to give up - doubts and hopelessness, fears, insecurity, depressive states, difficult life situations, psychological attacks, addictions and illusions, lack of meaning in life. Mother's palms are energy for moving forward, receiving answers and orienting in spiritual darkness.
26. Energy recovery - is a source of energy for recovery.
A stream of fresh, life-giving, healing energy. Energy helps to recover from energy attacks and other influences, transferred nervous tension, a streak of failures, depressive states, etc. It evens out the psycho-emotional background. Energy flows wash over the entire energy structure, revitalize, fill with strength and increase where necessary, harmonize the vibrations of subtle bodies. Energy comes in the form of a wide and powerful stream, which can be controlled mentally through focusing the stream in the beam and directing the beam as needed to a certain part of the body or situation. In ancient Egypt, the stream was associated first with the Moon bull Mnevis, and then with the Sun bull Apis. With the help of this energy, Osiris and Dionysus were restored.
27. Ergon - is the energy of transmutation of the experience of past incarnations.
Energy contributes to the integration of the experience and knowledge of past incarnations and the implementation of karmic tasks. Solutions can come simply and naturally that previously seemed difficult and even impossible. Energy gives a sense of wholeness here and now. There is a transformation of negative energy into positive experiences. At the same time, energy has protective properties due to the renewal and strengthening of the energy frame of the outer sphere. Attention! When the Ergon resonance is turned on, it is recommended to rest more, to be in nature, it is not very favorable to interact a lot with equipment, drive vehicles and make important decisions.
28. Tonality of Amethyst - is a source of energies to protect family and property.
The flow of energy protects relationships from betrayal and divorce, promotes a comfortable, harmonious atmosphere in the family, protects the family hearth, and also protects the home, personal property and the family source of income. Energy protects children, brings prosperity and tranquility to family life, brings peace, harmonizes parent-child relationships. Protects against scanning the energy structure of the family and attempts to infiltrate it, protects against embedded virtual destructive programs that act on discord, scandals and discord in the family.
29. Infinity - is the source of the continuous movement of energies.
An important resonance for self-development. It does not appear immediately, but incrementally. It is important to grasp energy for its practical use. Energy flow Infinity of cold white color of a spiral form, but without clear boundaries of the form, similar to the movement of cool, viscous, ethereal space. Energy Infinity - energy of continuity of movement, an important basic energy for development. Energy allows you to be here-and-now, to be in the process of development.
For real development, it is important to be able to be in the process of development, and not just to declare development goals: in the first case, a person increases the vector effort, which leads to qualitatively different results. Without the energy of Infinity, at best, a person devotes to self-development some residual time from “basic social tasks”, that is, free time, which practically never happens.
Energy Infinity is necessary for high-quality cleaning from virtual programs and getting away from the reactionary type of thinking. Energy balances the declared and true, internal tasks, allows you to extend the time of practice for the entire period of residence, regulate sexual energies, helps to find the meaning of life and find practical and socially significant aspects of practices, to get away from various addictions.
30. Bentley - social attunement to the energies of well-being and prosperity.
31. Red velvet - getting rid of the negative love of the past.
Energy source Red Velvet is suitable for both women and men. The energy is fluid, soft like a fluffy cloud. Energy to clear the mind of emotional trauma and disappointment caused by negative love situations in the past. Suitable for people with a cynical outlook on life, with a fierce, closed heart, disbelief in love and negative feelings towards the opposite sex. Energy Red Velvet brings healing, softens, soothes, opens the heart to new relationships. Helps improve existing relationships.
32. Feng Shui - the energy of the correct orientation in space.
Energy is needed to harmonize internal energies, energies of space and reduce the resistance of space. The geometry of space and all things - the objective level of human existence - is a force that is determined by the interaction of certain energies. It can be in harmony with a person, filling and improving him, or in opposition, destroying the inner energies of a person. Feng Shui energy is not just orientation in motionless space, but also harmonious orientation in temporal space, that is, a measure of movement. First of all, the energy of Feng Shui spreads to the objective world, manifesting inharmonious aspects of the external space and contributes to the harmonization of the objective level, as well as the feeling of Force in objects, cognition of the sacred meaning of seemingly simple and everyday things (household items, clothes, etc.).
Feng Shui energy is complex, multifaceted and includes many aspects: from astrological to national. Promotes increased luck in various areas - from financial to personal, expressing oneself through space, accumulating personal strength, cognition of beauty and harmony, setting up internal rhythms.