Inner voyage (+ audiostrobe)

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The development of intuition, resolution of internal conflicts, finding peace and tranquility.


CD "Journey through inner worlds"— the new CD from the "Theta meditation", created by the author's technology "Holopenichsky Autofocusing".

The first track "Journey through inner worlds" (Inner Voyage) is a specially processed sounds (not music), which contributed to the progressive immersion in certain States of mind are tentatively identified as: "Dissolution", "Climbing", "Creative search", "Connecting with the Future" "Shaping the Intention".

It is known that sometimes the solution to a problem comes in a dream, or rather on the verge of sleep and wakefulness.This disc can contribute to creative insights in solving some specific problems, provided that the already accumulated enough material on this issue.He also contributes to the development of intuition, resolution of internal conflicts, the attainment of peace and tranquility. For about 15 minutes right after work with this track (especially when working with audiostrobe), many dealing can manifest psychic abilities. These abilities can be mounted by placing a blind deck of cards in red and black stripes (the all kinds).

The second track "the Awakening" (Awake) is designed to return to its normal wakeful state. Can be used alone as a morning (instead of coffee) if you have problems with sleepiness after awakening.

A side effect of the drive, with regular exercises for 3 weeks is to normalize pressure and reduce the need for sleep.

The efficiency of the drive increases if the pre-within 3 weeks of lessons were conducted with the disc "Healing" or "Music for hypnosis and self-hypnosis".

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