Svetlitsa RELAX. Quality rest

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A device for reducing stress in people's lives, improves sleep, strengthens health, reduces energy losses, quickly recovers strength, improves the quality of life through the normalization of rest.


  • A device for reducing stress in people's lives.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Promotes health.
  • Reduces energy loss.
  • Recovers strength quickly.
  • Improves the quality of life through the normalization of the rest regime.

Quality rest and healthy sleep are the basis for productivity, well-being and strong immunity. Svetlitsa RELAX will help you to relax, reduce stress levels, recover your strength faster, and compensate for energy losses. The rest will be of high quality and rich.

How RELAX works

The main feature of the RELAX card is the ability to effectively interact with structures in the Dreaming Reality. In a dream, we all interact with the world of Structures, as in ordinary reality. However, during sleep, there is an exit outside the existing reality, which manifests itself in strange dreams, which, often, cannot be comprehended.

The realities in which we wander in our dreams may appear similar to the daytime, but shifted in time. So, for example, we can see past events and people who no longer exist in unusual actions, if the time of this reality lags behind ours. Or, you can see future events (prophetic dream) if the time in the dream reality is ahead of the time of ordinary reality. However, all these realities are connected in the World of Structures into a single system. Therefore, in a dreamy reality, you can solve problems that are difficult to solve in ordinary reality. Svetlitsa RELAX will help you with this.

Sleep normalization. You can quickly improve your sleep quality with Svetlitsa RELAX. If you previously could not restore the mode, now you can do it. For a month, try going to bed 5 minutes earlier every day to gradually start falling asleep before 11:00 pm. At the same time, before going to bed, drink a glass of pure water, aged for an hour on the RELAX card. Hold it in your mouth, feel how the water washes away the accumulated tension, relaxes the body and mind. Before going to bed, take a RELAX card in your hand and tune in to it. Order yourself a sound, healthy sleep. In the morning, immediately after waking up, drink 1-2 glasses of the same water. After 3 days of this practice, you will feel more cheerful in the morning and more efficient during the day.

Building a rest regime. We recommend that you divide your working day into equal intervals so that you have 5-10 minutes to rest every 1-2 hours of work. During a break, take RELAX in your hand and do simple physical exercises: bends, turns, squats. You can take a short walk at a brisk pace with vigorous arm movements. When doing intellectual work, take these breaks every 45 minutes of work. This way you can be more productive.

Health. Improving sleep and restoring your rest routine will improve your health. You will become easier to endure seasonal colds or eventually stop getting sick at all. During the day, your productivity will remain at a high level and in the evening you will have strength and time that you can use for your own benefit.

Cognitive qualities. After restoring your energy reserves with the help of the RELAX device, you will begin to process information faster, it will become easier to study and communicate. People around you will understand you better, your words will better reach the listener.

Exercise for solving problems and forming the events you need through Sleepy Reality

  • Before going to bed, tune in to the map structure and formulate the problem. For the most efficient and quickest result, use the "SMART" goal building formula. The wording should be clear, positive, measurable, achievable and sustainable. do not harm anyone or anything. (For example: I am going to [place] on vacation for [time] on [date], for example - Thailand for 2 weeks in February 2020). Set realistic and achievable goals. Divide big goals into simple tasks.
  • Then place the card under the pillow, keeping in touch with it. In this case, the likelihood of interaction with the structure of your task increases significantly.
  • Whether you remember your dreams or not does not matter. Work at the structural level will take place in a dreamy reality at the subconscious level. If you remember the dream, then interpret it in a positive way regarding the solution of your problem.
  • If the interaction at the structural level was successful, then in ordinary reality you will begin to notice changes as a gradual solution to the task, or as the emergence of new favorable opportunities. It should be noted that the processes of structural changes are quite inertial and can begin to manifest themselves over time.
  • If your task involves a long implementation period, periodically check the wording and relevance. Is this task as important for you as it was at the moment of the initial setting, or it needs to be somehow adjusted in relation to the current moment.

Good dreams, good rest and easy results to you with Svetlitsa RELAX!

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