APK Mood

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The increased stress. The increase in activity. Elimination of depression. Alignment mood.


  • Increased resistance to stress (adaptogenic effect)
  • Increased activity (activating effect)
  • Elimination of depression (antidepressant effect)
  • Alignment mood (normotimicescoe effect)

Remember, as a child in the morning, you enjoy every new day, especially on vacation when there was no need to go to school, when the head began to swarm different plans that can be done. And even banal views of any children's movie on TV or call a school friend or girlfriend on the phone with the offer to go out had caused a lot of delight.

With age, the acuteness of the senses, the more happy events, dulled. Sometimes it is not so easy to make laugh or choke with delight about the forthcoming trip somewhere, or going out. This process is called reduction of the background mood – a process from which no one is immune.

The degree of decrease in the background mood depends on the environment in which we live – the more negative events in his life, the more in the depths of his psyche remains bleak tracks.

Unfortunately, very much in the "bookmark" this negativity in the psyche makes parenting – parents pay much attention to failures of children (bad estimates, bad actions) and rarely notice their achievements, with the result that the child has a reduced rating of their own achievements and the need to strive for anything.

In extreme form, this discomfort takes the form of depression – a condition when man has no joy, he has no desire to do anything he does not want to achieve something in life. These people look sullen and depressed. Doctors prescribe antidepressants (chemical drugs to eliminate the symptoms of depression) usually give a positive result, but only for the duration of the medication.

But it is much more effective and natural way of getting rid of depression is psycho hygiene and psycho-prophylaxis – proper organization of his life and prevention of negative emotions. You need not be stuck on any failure, especially a minor, to be able to escape, to switch, to enjoy even a little of his success. You need to keep in your thoughts, not to be "inside", inside their problems, and to notice everything that is happening around the faces of people changes in the nature, the architecture of the surrounding buildings.

A person's mood very much depends on him. Of course, not all have the strength to pull myself together and just rebuild their attitude to himself and his surroundings. The causes of depression are often hidden too deep and "sit" there too hard.

APK-program "MOOD" influencing on the deep structure of the psyche, helping to resolve the unconscious causes of depression. APK-the "MOOD" allows independently at home to cope with depression and to focus on the activity and optimism.

In the auditory psycho-programme "NASTROENIE" in the unconscious (inaudible consciousness) the form is embedded suggestion (inspired) installation, which lead to a gradual modification of the contents of the psyche, the reassessment of the emotional relation to experienced negative events. This as a result leads to the elimination of negative emotional background, updating the optimistic forms of emotional response and increase activity.

Package contents:

  • APK-software (1CD),
  • Brochure
  • Manual,
  • Packing.

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