Afd "Artifact Food"



Information healthier food products (transformation of food)


Eating in a number of social traditions elevated to such a high rank that has ceased to be visible. It goes without saying that every holiday event is associated with a long sometimes feast. The fact that the food is for the modern society on one of the most important places, there is no doubt, but if this right?

On the one hand, in a certain sense the whole society is living "on the needle" this principle.... most eat for pleasure and much more than would be necessary for the body...

On the other hand there is an urgent problem of quality of food, choice of many options the principle of "do no harm" to yourself and your body. Moreover, modern science has finally learned to understand that food and microbes (and their balance and condition are directly dependent on what we ate!), effect on mood and consciousness.

Afd performs a number of important information functions — using partial overcoming of the social mechanism "has many", help to see useful food, help slightly to harmonize food using the basis BJ (a kind of tuning fork to "natural").

The artifact food is associated with the correction of social programs to food as a cult,with work on the information recovery food (transformation of food), and to operate meals and feasts as a social mechanism for establishing connections.

Located close to food, for example on the table, in the fridge etc.

Version 1— laminated hologram (map transfer). A4 and A3.

Version 2— sticker.Must be available toart transfer Food.

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System extensions 2.0 Ah 2.0 with a base at

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