«Intuition». Audio program (electronic version)

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The purpose of this meditation is to optimize the access of consciousness to the intuitive signals and make these signals clearer and more intense, so that they could not have with nothing to confuse.


Special offer:a set of two audio programsAndrey Patrushev ("Changing beliefs" and "Intuition") at a priceThree thousandTwo thousand four hundredrubles.

So, what is intuition? Sometimes you realize that somehow know what needs to happen in any foreseeable future, but have no idea how this got to you. It is in our culture as times and is called intuition.

Our culture is more focused on logic and common sense than intuition, which is what we used to call scientific thinking.

Scientists estimate that using our senses in a second pass trillions of bits of information, but only a small part of this information reaches our consciousness. Our universe is holographic (that is, each piece carries information about the whole), so the man, being a part of the universe, able to remember everything from the moment of conception, and to obtain information about any point in the universe, but our mind usually protects us from the grandiose and completely useless, to a greater extent the flow of information.

It is the subconscious mind is able to weed out the unnecessary, to lay down millions of disparate bits of information in a unified semantic picture and to present it to consciousness in complete and understandable form.

Our consciousness is too slow and cumbersome, while our subconscious mind works at the speed of light, so when you learn to trust your subconscious, it makes you much more powerful.

So what does it mean to have good intuition?

Intuition is formed at the person in the course of evolution, as a response to the dangers and challenges of this world. Therefore, among those who, by nature of their profession, is constantly faced with extreme and even deadly situations, people with good intuition are much more common but, unfortunately, it happens, so to speak, by natural selection. And selection this is done on a simple principle — can this person, whether or not to allocate from the General stream of consciousness the signals of your intuition. After all, intuition is not a lot of favorites, but some common property that is recorded in our genetic code. Intuition cannot be switched on or off, it resident program is working with us even during sleep, protecting us from dangers, and sending us their signals.

If the child is not learning to read, he will not learn. Unfortunately, in our culture it is not customary to teach children to recognize and understand the signals of your intuition. But fortunately, human beings are able to learn effectively at any age.

The purpose of this meditationto optimize the access of consciousness to the intuitive signals and make these signals clearer and more intense, so that they could not have with nothing to confuse.

Getting clear, reliable signals, in principle, can make your response more effective and adequate. But, on the other hand, there is little to learn to trust your feelings, and even few to obtain accurate information, it is also necessary to learn how to properly assess the implications and to act effectively based on the analysis of the information received.

Oddly enough, but quite often, people already know how to work with your intuition, even after receiving a clear signal that "this SHOULD NOT be!", so to speak, "biting at the bit", with enviable persistence are moving to a tragic outcome... the Reason for this behavior, apparently, are the underlying limiting beliefs, figuratively speaking, is "imbibed with mother's milk". Thus, this meditation is very useful to combine withmeditation on change limiting beliefs. Meditation for working with the beliefs will also help you to remove your mental limitations on your abilities

This meditation is best to listen actively. This means, try to do all that it says. During meditation the mind can become clear and float away into the background, giving way to dreamlike images. This is normal.

The secret of a successful self-hypnosis and meditation — the maximum muscle relaxation. The better relaxed your body is, the more resources the brain is freed for the collecting and processing of information, so it is best learning happens in a hypnotic trance. The text of the meditation helps you enter this state, but not all of it can happen immediately. "Almost everything in this world is achieved by exercise." So while listening you can fall asleep — the effect is not lost.

  • It is highly recommended to listen with headphones.
  • Posture — any (preferably half-sitting, relying on soft cushions).
  • Before class and immediately after, it is useful to drink a glass (at least half) of clean water (other liquids are not welcome).

On the background of the text is heard a faint noise is the psychoacoustic frequency response matrix, contributing to the immersion in a hypnotic state.

  • Format — WAV (translation to another format is not recommended).
  • Duration — 54 minutes.

Course standard: 21 times, with a break of no more than two days (any number of times in one day counts as one time). Repeat — no sooner than 21 days.

If you plan to advance repetition rate, the effective mode: listen to 15 times, with an interval of not more than two days (any number of times in one day counts as one time); 15 days vacation; 15 times listening; 15 days vacation; 15 times listening. It is further recommended to take a break of not less than three months.

If you want to combine, course on "Intuition" meditation for changing limiting beliefs, then work with them through the day (day — "Intuition", the next "Belief"). Also, any one-time each course for 21 times, or 15 (for each), then 15 days break, etc.

Complete for download:

— The audio program, "Intuition" (wav);

Technique (10 pages);

— Article "the Seventh sense".

* This audio program, like other programs for self-hypnosis (including those that will be created in the future) available to ownersmindmachine Navigatorabsolutely free in the formcombined sessions.

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