«Abundance». Audio program (electronic version)

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Meditation will help you to rise above the level of "deficit thinking" and go to the level "mindset of abundance".


The mentality of abundance

"The optimist sees the bagel, the pessimist sees the hole"(Proverb)

And that expression about the bagel reflects two essentially different attitude to life. Some people spend huge amounts of time focusing on what they have. They live with the "deficit thinking" where they feel surrounded by just enough - not enough money, not enough jobs, lack of opportunities, love, success and happiness. They are jealous of the success of their friends or colleagues, because I feel that it just means that now we have less of a chance for them. In essence, they spend their time endlessly worrying about the hole in the middle of a bagel.

And here's the thing, even if such a person with such an attitude gets a promotion, which he always craved, or the house he always wanted or a life partner, which he always wanted, he may be happy for a short time, but soon he, very likely, will again see the donut hole.

He begins to compare his new work with other people, starts to focus on the moments where his house or a new relationship is not quite as beautiful as it should be, and again he starts to worry that he still lacks something.

But people have learned and a different approach to life. They live with a mindset of abundance, where you see what they do have in life. They see the doughnut and not the hole. They value the happiness, security, success, friendship, love and opportunities that they already have. And when you develop the habit of understanding that you have, indeed, already much in your life, something interesting happens.... you begin to see there are many more opportunities for success and prosperity, to recognize their own talents, their own abilities and their own success that makes You feel more confident. This, in turn, allows you go ahead make the call, various issues and creatively develop and you'll soon find that you reach much more in Your life, because you truly believe in yourself.

"They have – those will multiply who have not, taken away the last"
(Jesus Christ)

What you want?

When you hear the word "abundance" what comes to your mind? Only if a huge amount of money? Have you ever thought about what you want from life?

Psychologists, for example, believe that the happiness of man should be quite a bit:

  • Day-to-day to feel reliability and safety.
  • To get attention and share it with others.
  • To feel in control of the events of his life.
  • To feel some tension and excitement from life, to avoid boredom.
  • Sometimes get different pleasures and to feel that life is a pleasure.
  • To have a close intimate relationship, at least with one person.
  • To feel their connection and affiliation with a certain community.
  • To have the time and the place for solitude.
  • To have the respect and recognition of dignity.
  • To feel some competence and have certain achievements.

One woman worked for many years in a hospice. Her duty - the relief of dying patients. Thus, she literally was with them the last days and hours. From my observations, she made up a rating of main regrets people approached the edge of life

The 5 most common regrets of the dying:

1. I regret that I didn't have the courage to live a life that is right for me, not the life expected of me by others.This is the most common regret among men. When people realize that their life is almost over, they can look back and easily see which of their dreams were not realized. Most people hardly tried to fulfill even half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was only by choice that they did or did not do. It is very important to try to implement at least some of your basic desires in life. From the moment when you lose your health, it is too late to do something. Health brings the freedom that very few realize, until they lose it.

2. I'm sorry I worked so hard.The feeling was every male patient. They missed their youth and in their relationships. Some women also expressed this regret. But, since most belonged to the older generation, they mostly did not earn money for the family. All of the men deeply regretted that he spent most of his life on the monotonous work for getting livelihood. By simplifying your lifestyle, you can reduce the requirements on the income that you thought you needed. Creating more space in your life, you become happier and more open to new possibilities.

3. I'm sorry that I didn't have the courage to Express your feelings.Many people suppressed their feelings in order to maintain certain relationships with others. As a result, they accepted a mediocre existence and never became what they would like to see yourself. The emergence of many diseases was associated with experiencing feelings of bitterness and resentment. We can't control the reactions of others. Although initially people may react to changes you make in the relationship, is not desirable way for you, in the end it raises the relationship to a new healthier level. Best one way or another to eliminate unhealthy relationships from your life.

4. I'm sorry I haven't been in touch with their friends.Often these people do not even realize all of the benefits of maintaining contact with his old friends until his death they have no had a few weeks left, and did not always have his friends to find. Many were so caught up in their own lives that allowed their friendship for many years to "pass". There were many deep regrets about what friendship has not been given as much time and effort as this friendship deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they die. Any person that leads an active lifestyle, tend to underestimate the value of friendships. But when you stand on the threshold of death, the material side of life lose their meaning. Of course, people want their financial Affairs were in the greatest possible order. But no money and no status to maintain, ultimately, its value. People want to bring some benefit to someone you love. But usually they are already too sick and tired to cope with this problem.

5. I'm sorry that I'm not allowed(a) to be more happy.This kind of regret was surprisingly common. Many do not fully understand that theirhappiness is a matter of choice. They were subordinated to the habits and established ideas. They were in captivity ‘comfort’ traditional way of life. Because of fear of change they pretend to others and to ourselves that were satisfied with their lives.Before you proceed with meditation "Abundance" I invite you to consider the above information and determine whatyou dowant out of life.

This meditationhelps you to rise above the level of "deficit thinking" and go to the level "mindset of abundance". At this level, better see good qualities in themselves and in others, you can see many different resources that you already have, and therefore, much better to see all the opportunities that abound in the world around You, and that you can use.

The more you do this meditation, the better it develops strong, positive mentality of abundance so that your life could be filled with deep meaning, passion, inspiration and optimism.


Meditation requires active participation. To achieve good results, at least the first five times you need to not just listen, but actively try to do, all that it says. The following times you can only pay attention to quality relaxation of the body. At the same time, "finding the limits of I" at the beginning of meditation is mandatory for all classes.

You can listen to lying down, or sitting comfortably in a chair. If you listen to a sitting position, then feet should firmly stand on the floor and hands free to rest on her lap.

Highly recommended before and after the meditation to drink a glass (at least half) of plain clear water. After meditation is also recommended 15-20 minutes to rest lying (or half-sitting), especially about anything without thinking, and just casually (nothing is welcoming and not pushing) observing the thoughts and images coming to mind.

Mode classes – daily, with breaks (well, you never know in life circumstances) no more than two days. To achieve sustainable results you need 20-30 sessions, then it is better to take a break for about three weeks. After three weeks of a break, if you feel that you need to continue practicing, you can repeat the cycle in 20-30 sessions. But often enough 5-7 sessions, listen to yourself.

  • The playing time of 51 minutes.
  • WAV format (to translate to other formats is not recommended).

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