Program for Noopendant II - Egregorial passionary harmonization

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The program works with external structures according to the principle of harmonization (leveling) of energy saturation.


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Description of Noopendant II level

Connection and management is carried out in the Personal account

"Egregorial passionary harmonization"

The program works with external structures according to the principle of harmonization (leveling) of energy saturation. In this period that has begun, this is an important program, the essence of which can be described as "a change in the format of operating space." Egregor is essentially formed by a mass of people, a common vector of their energy interactions. The way a person places himself in relation to this vector determines what this mass will become for him. In our space, there are several ways of operating or several angles of interaction with this vector - from vertical (eternal struggle) to horizontal (go with the flow). Therefore, by its original nature, a person can have an increased level of program energy saturation ("passionaries") and with a reduced level of energy ("oppressed").

Extremes of both the first and second types are weak points of interaction with the outside world, because express a systemic imbalance with external structures (egregors). The former are characterized by increased social activity and seek to remake external structures for themselves, the latter usually feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable in the social environment. Such violations of the exchange of the microcosm with the macrocosm are often encountered due to the prevalence of certain virtual programs, and such an energy state of a person in the modern world has become normal and is even promoted.
The program equalizes the level of program energy saturation, based on the desired (necessary) position of the operator and building the necessary interactions (external structural links) for maximum resonance with space. The program is multi-level, its work can be tracked in the integral field of the operator, at the energy level (structuring the external sphere), at the psycho-emotional level, the creative sphere, etc.

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