«Green door». Audio program (electronic version)

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A lot of people like to fall asleep to the sound of the TV with the antenna pulled out.....


To explore the theme of problems falling asleep, found out that a lot of people like to fall asleep to the sound of the TV with the antenna pulled out.

In my opinion (that is the rumor, of course), TV gives too sharp, the so-called "white noise". Also, a rather expensive device, and as a result of this exploitation of the resource, of course, gradually melting....

Thanks to Vladimir Nikonov, the idea to replace the TV audio file.

In this file, instead of white, I used a "green noise," the spectral characteristic of which is closest to the natural sounds of the world (the noise of the forest, sea, night city). And on hearing "green noise" nicer all the other noise (and they are the same as colors in the rainbow, plus black and white).

Further — more, and came up with the idea to reinforce the effectiveness of "green noise". As a result, he had introduced to the frequency of "theta"->"Delta" and "Zeta" corresponding to natural sleep, and the file is called "Sleepy medicine". ;)

The green door of dreams

Where sleep, there dreams, so the idea to add this "compote" file to generate lucid dreaming (OS), lay practically at the surface.

The basis was taken the same "green noise", which, after the introduction of appropriate frequency and additional spectral activation, acquired the necessary properties. Well, where is the "crack", there is everything else, so, jokingly, I called it "OS balm".


If the "green noise" and "sleepy tablet" no special rules no: include before bed, make a comfortable volume all the Wasps a bit more complicated....

For the efficient operation of the playback of the file "OS balm" must be repeated and stereo speakers set on either side of the head (or use headphones SleepPhones or pillow Sleepsonic). This file is not magic wand and works best in conjunction with other techniques achieve of the OS.

Those who are special techniques are not involved, the file, the first few times, will cause, most likely, the so-called luiziania (bright, vivid) dreams.

However, do not get involved turn in for the night of this file too often, as it causes a pretty big strain on the body.

Best mode: after two days on the third (five times), then break for two weeks, etc.

In the set "the Green door" includes the audio files (mp3):

  • "Green noise" 1:30 minutes.
  • "Sleepy tablet" 1:30 minutes.
  • "Your the Balm" 1:24 minutes.

Pleasant dreams!

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