«Relaxation»". Set of audio programs (electronic version)

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Deep relaxation gives the opportunity for creative energy to act in us, organizing the mind, and transforming the soul.


So, relaxation. Although the relaxation in the first place, is action on the bodily or physical level, the possibility of the meditative procedure are almost limitless. According to Gurdjieff, there are seven levels of relaxation, starting with the "release" of tension of individual muscles and then, going deeper and deeper "letting go" nerves, feelings, thoughts, desires, reaching the climax in the final and irrevocable rejection of self.

In our case, we will not go beyond exercises that induce deep relaxation of the body and allow the psychic energies flow freely.

It is well known that yoga can master the ability to stop your breathing or heart rate, and exhibit many other supernatural effects. All this is achieved by learning how to use the "conscious energy" in the above sense. These mental tricks are of particular interest, but a deep relaxation, we certainly vital, because it is a way of state management, the underlying total self-control. It is hardly possible to be mistaken, claiming that in our time the word "relaxation" is synonymous with "survival".

According to the tenets of externally oriented psychotherapy, any persistent thoughts, beliefs and emotions create pockets of excitement in the brain, which in turn cause some tension in the muscles and organs. These stresses impair the free flow travelerfolio, which leads to poor cellular nutrition and accumulation of waste. This situation is the cause of a variety of diseases.

Currently, using the methods of computed tomography of the brain, created experimentally confirmed maps of diseases of various organs depending on types of obtrusive emotions (fear, anger, resentment, guilt, etc.). The fact that our brain is very rational, and we think using the same areas of the brain, which are responsible for the body.

If you take the computer analogy, we have six analog computers (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, vestibular apparatus) under the control of one digital — our brain. No wonder optimal learning state is the "body asleep, mind awake".

Yes, our neocortex is for humanity, hope, and a curse, it all depends on the skill, or the inability to use it.

Removing tension from muscles and organs, and relaxation is easy to do heavy physical work skilled hard massage, and other similar tools.

Who knows, not formed does the "mysterious Russian character" is influenced by ordinary Russian bath with a broom? Because this procedure is very close on the principle of impact on the human body, with a number of methods telenational of psychotherapy, which, in turn, also showed a high efficiency in terms of positive effects on the psyche. I only wish that healthy traditions recede farther into the past, and we are witnessing the rebirth of the nation.

All of the above methods are certainly useful, but they do not cause deep relaxation that we are looking for. To do this, we must learn to establish a direct link between our thought and the body part that we want to relax. "Conscious energy", according to a hierarchy of levels, has power over "sense energy" and it can be taught to control the state of the body. Thus, learning to relax means to make the first step to intentional control of the physiological and psychological processes that are usually considered impossible to manage by force of will.

There are many options of exercises. But the secret of all these exercises is the inability to relax by using willpower. On the contrary, any effort will make relaxation almost impossible. Compulsion of any kind causes stress and negates the purpose of the exercise. This illustrates the importance of understanding what we do.

One of the most effective relaxation techniques is "room" of the "I" to relax the body. Sometimes it helps the idea that you breathe through relax the body.As liked to repeat the famous hypnotherapist Milton Erickson: "When the will is confronted with imagination, the imagination always wins".

The goal of relaxation is to allow the flow of vital and psychic energies flow freely. Moreover, deep relaxation gives the opportunity for creative energy to act in us, organizing the mind, and transforming the soul. We cannot complete the transformation by strong-willed effort, and therefore we must allow this work to occur in us naturally, directing it to our imagination.

The most optimal sequence of activities (from simple to complex):

1. Progressive relaxation (35 min.) daily for 21 days (a day not more than two sessions, with a break between them of not less than 3 hours);

2. Auditory training (28 min.) — daily for 21 days (a day not more than two sessions, with a break between them of not less than 3 hours);

3. Threshold relaxation (23 min) — daily for 21 days (a day not more than three sessions, with a break between them of not less than 3 hours).

The most important concept when doing relaxation psychotherapeutic purposes is generalization, that is, the spread and consolidation of the benefit. Unsystematic and superficial relaxation classes give temporary, incomplete effect. Only regular practice compliance procedures lead to permanent thinning effect and long term positive effects relaxation.

On the absolute the majority of your even not questions you can find satisfactory answers in The "guide wheels".This audio program, like other programs for self-hypnosis (including those that will be created in the future) available to owners mindmachine Navigator absolutely free in the form combined sessions.

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