Endorphins (+ audiostrobe)

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The disc is designed to restore your own synthesis of endorphins.


CD "Endorphins"is the first disc in our series specifically aimed at increasing the level of wakefulness and energy, not relaxation.

CD "Endorphins" designed to restore its own synthesis of endorphins. Violation of the synthesis of endorphins (sometimes called internal drug) occurs with depression of different origin; as a result, taking drugs and sleeping pills; as a result of craniocerebral injuries and neuroinfections.
The most severe manifestation is anhedonia — a disease in which a person is not able to experience the fun.

Sounds and encoded frequency binaural beats and monaurally on the disc directly interact with specific areas of the brain, causing a biochemical response in the production of endorphins, enkephalins and serotonin, which results in the increasing of their synthesis by the brain, increasing the number of specific receptors in the brain and their sensitivity:

0.5 — 1.5 Hz — the output of endorphins, increased attention, stimulation of hair growth and wound healing, enhance immunity;
0.9 Hz — euphoric feeling;
2.5 Hz — the output of endorphins (pain relief, reduction of anxiety);
4.0 Hz — enkephalins, and the release of catecholamine (reduction of stress , stimulation of memory);
10 Hz output of serotonin. Mood enhancement, vitality;
14 Hz — a Clear consciousness. Improving the ability to concentration;
33 Hz — increase touch sensitivity;
38 Hz — release of endorphins.
Carrier frequency: 90 — 111 Hz — stimulation of release of beta-endorphins.

Special effects:

— modulation of Z-rhythms on the Golden section (1,618) ;

pink noise contains all frequencies in audible range is good for the ear proportions, increases the effectiveness of binaural beats.

In contrast to the drug when the receptors in the brain fall foreign, alien and very toxic substances, this type of stimulation can be compared to a mild massage used to improve lactation. Its application does not lead to severe poisoning (all drugs are very toxic), no hangover, no "see-saw effect".

When a person starts taking drugs, his own synthesis of endorphins and serotonin dramatically reduced, decreasing the number of specific receptors, decreased sensitivity of these receptors. When a person stops taking drugs, the restoration of their own endorphin system naturally occurs in about two years. Two years grey joyless existence, which is very difficult to resist the resumption of drug use.

CD "Endorphins" stimulates the synthesis of endorphins, enkephalins and serotonin. Systematic training with the disk significantly faster to restore his own andhenry system after the failure of the drug (which, of course, reduces the risk of repetitive use); the opportunity to significantly reduce the level of depression, and in most cases completely to part with it; and, finally, increase the ability to learn (since positive emotions play when teaching a crucial role).

Attention :
As the drive increases the level of wakefulness and energy, it is not recommended to listen to it in the evening, at least not later than four hours before bedtime.If you have any pain initially, the pain will skyrocket.Not recommended listening to more than once a day.It must be remembered that the great arrears of sleep or extreme fatigue program on the disk will give a paradoxical effect — will initiate a retarded sleepy state.

Note: This program is not intended to replace any treatment. The program can cause unpredictable effects on a background of reception of alcohol, drugs and psychotropic drugs. In no case do not listen to this CD while driving and while operating other potentially dangerous machinery.

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