Endorphins-2 (electronic version)

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In contrast to the program "Endorphin" in this audio program, organized a special matrix of frequencies that provides the user with greater individual (inherent in it) frequencies of the brain...


This is the second audio program is built (and"Endorphins") beta waves.

In contrast to the program "Endorphin" in this audio program, organized a special matrix of frequencies that provides the user with greater individual (inherent in it) frequencies of the brain, not the imposition of some specific frequencies (the effect golovonogogo autofocusing).

As "Endorphins", the program "Endorphins-2" is designed to increase the level of wakefulness, energy and induce the synthesis of endorphins.

Compared with the first program, the audio program "Endorphins-2", through the use of high frequencies enhanced the impact on the mental sphere (attention, short-term memory).

Thus,this audio program is aimed at creating a good mood, relief from depression and increased learning ability.

Like other audio programs containing high frequencies, this program provides the following effects:

  • getting rid of "mental smog";
  • the ability to think faster than before;
  • improvement in short-term and long-term memory;
  • improving ability to focus;
  • improving ability to simultaneously perform different tasks;
  • the extension of the range of sound perception;
  • freedom from hypersensitivity to sounds;
  • improving confidence, reducing anxiety and freedom from unreasonable fears;
  • improving fine motor skills and overall ability to control your body (professional musicians, painters, carvers, jewelers, dancers, martial arts, drivers of vehicles);
  • improvement ability to learn and understanding foreign languages;
  • the disappearance of ringing in the ears;

The greatest effect is evident when using stereo headphones.

The optimal listening mode once in three days.
After 21 times you need a break for at least three weeks. For rehabilitation if you are diagnosed add (ADHD), a more effective regime of 15 days of listening, 15 days off, 15 days of listening, etc. – up to 3 months.

Before and after listening it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water.

Attention: Since the audio program increases the level of wakefulness and energy, it is not recommended to listen to it in the evening (at least, not later than four hours before bedtime).

Not recommended listening to the entire program more than once a day. You can stretch on some of the auditions in 5-10 minutes, with a break of not less than 3 hours and a total duration of no more than 45 minutes a day.

You must remember that if the debts of sleep, or extreme fatigue, the program will give a paradoxical effect – lethargic sleepy condition.

A similar effect (falling asleep while listening) seen in people with diagnoses of add (ADHD) and "diffuse axonal injury of the brain."

A direct correlation between volume and efficiency, so alwayschoose the volume level based on comfort.

Age limit – the program can be used not earlier than 14 years.

Sometimes (very rarely), when listening to this audio program, some people may experience the phenomenon of "out of body" when your mind, as it floats out of body and was watching him from the side. It is safe, although a very unusual experience, so remain calm and allow yourself to receive new emotions and impressions. Suffice it to recall the body and to move, you immediately come back.

This program is not intended to replace any treatment. The program can cause unpredictable effects on a background of reception of alcohol, drugs and psychotropic drugs.In no case do not listen to this CD while driving and while operating other potentially dangerous machinery.

  • The program lasts 25 minutes.
  • Format: wav.
  • Audiostrobe (for mind machines) is no.
  • You can listen toon any device(the player, computer, tablet) and headphones.

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