Mon—Fri 11:00—17:00 Sat. 12:00—16:00
Disk "Music for hypnosis and self-Hypnosis" was created by popular demand of people involved with the disc "Explorer" and, in fact, is a music track from this CD. This music naturally contains psychoacoustic technology (for a detailed description of the technology can be found in the articles on the website), facilitating immersion in a hypnotic trance.
In addition, the disc contains a positive affirmation to facilitate entry into the desired state and successful work in it. The volume of these claims is specially low so as not to disturb the hypnotic work, but enough that they affect the subconscious. It not subliminal suggestion and if you want them all to hear, but I assure You that this is not necessary, since the form of these allegations carefully checked from the point of view of security and some may seem odd (but not more) person who is not familiar with the principles of hypnotic work. Also on the disc AudioStrobe signals that control special glasses.
As for self-hypnosis, all depends on under what Sauce (the Condition, Situation, Setting, Witnesses) that You do. Some complain that they fall asleep. Nothing wrong with that. Can try to do in the morning to not fall asleep.
TRANS can be disposed before, after, and during the guidance. "Before" and "after" can be used for self-hypnosis, "during" is usually applied to heterogenote (that is, with the hypnotist). Working with the TRANS in the TRANS – is the aerobatics and will be mastered by You, if you want, as classes.
Therefore, before a session, tell yourself whatever you need and go to sleep on your health, and you Wake up, immediately do a positive affirmation that it was helpful to You in achieving your (specific) goals. Can write this phrase on paper and hang it on mind so that You woke up, immediately saw, as unaccustomed to this important factor of successful hypnotic work, many are missing.
It is also important that approval for self-hypnosis met the criteria of a well-formed result, and had the correct form:
1. must be in the affirmative, not in a negative way (to quit Smoking, for example, is also negative wording);
2. have a specific, precise result (in what situations You would like it to have, and in what – not);
3. which can sense and measure all the senses (what would you like to feel in these situations instead of what you felt before);
4. the result should be achievable by yourself and not depend on other people;
5. the result should be attainable in specific (preferably not more than 3 months) period of time (longer periods must be split into short, specific intermediate result in each);
6. timeliness: "it" is what You need right now, not past or future;
7. the statement should be worded in the present tense, because it is addressed to the right hemisphere, which lacks the (purely functional) the past and the future, but only "here and now".
Another very important rule for self-hypnosis – a state of joyful anticipation and waiting for the result. Instead of questioning soul-searching – "working... not working..." (it seems as if You planted a seed, and every day it dug up to see how it grows), you literally need to seek out the smallest of positive changes in myself (and enjoy them), confirming the efficiency of Your work. Water and love their seed, care for it and it will bring You wonderful results.