«Improving visualization ability». Аudio program (electronic version)

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We allow ourselves environmentally-friendly and safe to let go and reorganize all obstacles to the visualization to just relax and do it easily, freely and naturally.


Each of us has a personal environment and inner wisdom, which, if respected and taken into account, take care of the prerequisites of personal genius. This session is designed to your ability to visualize better than ever before.

Imagine that some people think visualization is something mystical. Perhaps during the previous sessions of the achievement of deep relaxation and other beneficial effects are presented for you easily, but you will not feel that your inner eye see well enough imagined scenes from the life experience. We all have any preferences, so you can be easier to invoke in your imagination, taste, or smell sensations, or the sounds than the images.

Some people claim that can't visualize, but if they couldn't visualize, how would they know different things, which stops their gaze? And finally remember, if you ever had dreams, and most of the people who see them every night from the smallest details, so you can visualize. It turns out that you learned to believe in this belief only because I couldn't call the images consciously.

Some people think the visualization of the threat. Indeed, when you learn to visualize, then, how do you distinguish reality from your own fantasy and alien induced images?

Therefore, for security purposes, your subconscious mind must learn to reliably distinguish imaginary and induced images from visual perception of real objects of reality. Fortunately, in our age of widespread electronic interfaces, your subconscious mind has the ability to choose, combine and create similar effective methods of recognition and labeling of various images.

Thus, during this session, we allow ourselves environmentally-friendly and safe to let go and reorganize all obstacles to the visualization to just relax and do it easily, freely and naturally.

Because the part of the brain that visualizes the dreams is the same part that sees the images on the background of deep relaxation during the session. But remember that although you can see a bright and interesting images during this session, of course, very great, but in order to change behavioral and emotional program into a more desirable, not necessarily clearly see everything in great detail.

Just a few short bursts and enlightenment. As if you are training the visual muscles that really gradually, along with the growth of self-control, increases your ability to visualize, along with develop your creative skills, improves powers of observation, memory and attention and, of course, increases the enjoyment of life.

This session provides a wonderful vacation, but at the same time, engages the part of the brain responsible for natural visualization, making it stronger and more powerful, so you can see how wonderful miraculously improved your vision and your ability to arbitrary visualization. A side effect of this session are lucid dreaming.

The deeper you relax during your session, the easier and more natural developing your ability to visualize.

The secret of a successful self-hypnosis – the maximum muscle relaxation. While listening you can fall asleep – the effect is not lost. Posture – any (preferably half-sitting, relying on soft cushions).

It is highly recommended to listen with headphones.

Course standard:21 times, with a break of no more than two days (any number of times in one day counts as one time). Repeat – no sooner than 21 days.

If you plan to advance repetition rate, the effective mode: listen to 15 times, with an interval of not more than two days (any number of times in one day counts as one time); 15 days vacation; 15 times listening; 15 days vacation; 15 times listening, etc.

Recording format: .mp3

Duration: 29 minutes 17 seconds.

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