The path of Casanova (For men)


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Audio attitude will allow You to increase Your sexual energy.


The mood of Alexander Sviyash "the Path of Casanova" - helps men who are experiencing stress or shyness before the contact with the woman. Spirit gives you an inner confidence that you will be "on top" in bed. And what do you need to receive joy from life!? Recommend to use together with reading my book, "Sex as a joyful psychotherapy for very busy uncles and aunts".

The affirmations on the CD "Journey Casanova"

1. I'm a sexy man!
2. Sex is a gift of God!
3. Sex is a joy!
4. Sex is an expression of love!
5. My sexuality is limitless!
6. I am confident in their capabilities!
7. I can do anything I want!
8. My sexual possibilities are endless!
9. I love sex and find it the most wonderful experience!
10. I allow myself to have sex when I want!
11. I enjoy sex when it is. I live in joy every minute!
12. I'm filled with energy! My whole body filled with a powerful force, I am ready for sex!
13. I want sex! I love sex!
14. I can have sex unlimited time!
15. My sexual capabilities are growing by the minute!
16. I am in awe of your abilities!
17. I enjoy every moment of my life! I constantly improve his sexual prowess.
18. I am worthy of love and sex!
19. I want sex! I love sex!
20. I am always ready for sex!
21. Sex for me is the possibility to open up and be creative!
22. Sex is the source of creative energy!
23. I have a huge sexual energy!
24. I am the source of sexual energy!
25. I give my sexual energy to my partner!
26. My sexual possibilities are constantly growing!
27. I feel a huge sexual attraction when I like!
28. Sex is beautiful part of my life, and I receive from it huge pleasure.
29. I love myself the way I am!
30. I am proud of my sexual organs! I am delighted with them!
31. My genitals let me have sex as much as I want!
32. I do sex all that I can and I am happy with the results.
33. I love myself regardless of the opinions of others.
34. I allow my beloved to behave as she wants. I give her complete freedom!
35. I find in my favorite many advantages, I focus on them!
36. I patiently help my loved one on the path to change to my ideal!
37. I trust Life and know that I will get as much love as you want!
38. I find in my favorite person a lot of advantages!
39. I will teach her lover all that I need!
40. I showed more initiative and get the attention of a loved one!
41. I find in my beloved inexhaustible source of sexuality!
42. I am the source of sexuality! I ooze sexuality!
43. I believe in their capabilities.
44. I believe that you are worthy of love and sex.
45. I boldly and openly talk about their desires!
46. I am an attractive sexual partner.
47. I boldly take the first steps to love and sex!
48. I am the most wonderful lover!
49. I can easily find a partner for the fulfillment of my wildest sexual desires!
50. I deserve a lot!
51. I am in awe of your abilities!
52. I am in awe of your sensuality!
53. I am in awe of your sexuality!

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