Svetlitsa MENTAL. Activating the brain and mental structures

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Device for activating the brain and mental structures.


The MENTAL structure creates the prerequisites for your ability to construct reality as efficiently as possible and to shape your environment in a productive and purposeful manner. Expands your range of creativity.

Nootropic effect.

Each of us strives for development. He wants to be better, smarter, faster, more efficient. To enhance and improve the functioning of the brain, nootropics have been developed - substances that improve cerebral circulation, accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses, and protect nerve cells from aging and damage. At the moment, there are dozens of nootropic drugs in the world, some of which are just undergoing research, while others have been used for decades for medical and prophylactic purposes.

The MENTAL structure carries nootropic effects, which can help you achieve the following results:

  • Increase concentration of attention
  • Speed up information processing
  • Deepen understanding and dimensionality of information
  • Improve the quality of decisions made
  • Reduce the impact of stress
  • Improve cerebral circulation *

* Important! People prone to hypertensive reactions should be used with caution and constant monitoring of blood pressure. Nootropic effects can lead to an increase in blood pressure at the initial stage of adaptation to the MENTAL structure. These are temporary transient processes, taking into account which you can apply the structure in doses to give the body time to adapt to higher productivity.

Using MENTAL, you can increase your productivity and personal efficiency in any business. External circumstances and the influence of the environment will have less impact on you, which means that you will be able to direct more internal resources to your tasks. In addition to directly increasing mental activity, with the MENTAL structure, you will get the opportunity for a better connection with the noosphere. This will allow you to receive qualitatively new knowledge and insights from the Unified Information Field.

Layers of consciousness. Integration.

The MENTAL device helps to structure the beam of active attention, directing it to your goals and objectives consciously, and not chaotically, as it moves by default. So you can purposefully switch your energy to goals and tasks that are important to you.

Have you noticed how sometimes consciousness jumps from one thought to another? How did you think about something pleasant... and suddenly some random thought makes you anxious or sad? When suddenly it becomes difficult to concentrate attention, and some obsessive thought captures the whole mind, distracting from something happening at the moment?

Many in such moments may think that it is some external forces that have influenced the train of thought. However, this is not always the case. Quite often, your mind acts on its own in this way. Such transitions occur when your "mental ray" jumps from one level of consciousness to another. Different processes take place in different layers of consciousness, on some - constructive and constructive, on others - different information processing takes place. All of them are important because thanks to the creative processes you can generate new ideas and shape your reality and the world around you. And other processes are needed to remove outdated, unnecessary information from consciousness or to protect you from danger and to protect you from harmful decisions.

Conscious design.

We are all mental generators. This means that each person constantly comes up with different thoughts, filled with his energy. Every day more than 10,000 thoughts pass through our minds and only some of them we translate into actions in order to fulfill a dream. Any dream, before being realized, must be supported by the power of our consciousness. The stronger a person's mental field, the faster and more powerful a dream he can realize.

Increasing mental strength with the help of the MENTAL structure gives more possible ways to materialize your dream. In addition to strength and precise focus, the dream must be holistic to be realized. The more integral the person himself, the dream and the thoughts that support it, the sooner and more accurately it will be realized. Using the MENTAL structure, you can now:

- It is more successful to open certain layers of consciousness for solving problems;

- Create conditions for the perception of new ideas and embedding them in your line of life;

- To increase the integrity of the idea and its goal (dream) for its rapid implementation.

A prepared mind can work miracles. By developing the skills of your mental constructor, you open up truly endless possibilities, and MENTAL will help you create a state of inspiration, and then direct it in the right direction.

The skill of breaking out of mental dead ends.

A paradoxical situation has developed in the information space surrounding a person. On the one hand, we all need information that could be used to make a decision, on the other hand, there is a great redundancy of information that creates information noise, mental traps and dead ends (media, politicians, advertising, ideological organizations and other information sources).

How can one distinguish false information from true information, useful from useless in this diversity?

With the use of the MENTAL structure, one-sidedness, bias or falsehood of information becomes more obvious. Moreover, MENTAL will help to reveal other aspects of information that are not noticeable at first glance, and this will give you the opportunity to get a more general and multidimensional view of the issues under consideration.

As a rule, information traps are simple mechanisms for involving people in unconscious games based on emotional presentation and persuasion (fear, uncertainty, biased presentation of information). Some sources act in this direction unconsciously because they are used to thinking non-critically and perceiving everything. You shouldn't blame them for this, but you can protect yourself from immersion in information noise. By being involved in such a game, a person falls under the influence of someone's point of view and gives his attention and mental strength to the source of such a game. Using MENTAL, you can develop resistance to false or unnecessary information.

Your skill for extraordinary thinking and personal mental stability will constantly be pumped and grow. Thanks to this, you will become more and more independent, it will be more difficult to manipulate you, and your influence on the world and other people will increase.

Exercises with the MENTAL device.

I. To get started. Unleashing your mental power

  • Concentration. Take the Mental device in your hand. Find a mental energy center in your head (for example, corresponding to the "third eye" or Ajna chakra).
  • Energy. Stand in front of the mirror, focus on the point between the eyes. Close your eyes. Feel how the mental center is energized. Strengthen your mental energy through the connection with the MENTAL.
  • Clarity. When your mental center is filled with dense energy as much as possible, open your eyes. Look into your eyes and feel the clarity of consciousness and inner peace.
  • Force. Now you can direct your concentrated and intensified Mental Power to any of your actions and intentions. Now your actions will be additionally supported by your increased mental strength. Your intentions become stronger than the ordinary goals and desires of others. Thus, your chances of achieving your goals increase as they become a priority for reality.

II. The beginning of the materialization of intention

  • Customization. Take the MENTAL, hold it between your palms, directing your attention to the center of your head at the level between the eyes (the location of the "third eye" or Ajna chakra). Feel the concentration of your mental energy in this energy center, imagine it as a ball of light. Mentally connect the Mental with a light thread with your mental center, feel how your mental power grows, and the light ball grows and becomes denser.
  • Statement of intention. Write down on a separate sheet of blank paper your intention (task, goal), which should be clear, with an understandable result and meet creative requirements: 

      - must be environmentally friendly (do not harm others).

      - must be written in positive form (without negation as "not" and "no").

      - must be within the limits of your responsibility (depend on you and your actions, and not on other people or organizations).

     - should be truly yours (to fill you with energy when you think about it and to influence your life - we think for ourselves, and not for others, even if they are relatives and friends).

  • Gain. Mentally direct the energy from your mental center to the sheet with the written intention (task). Imagine how the letters begin to glow, filled with the power of materialization, and this task begins to be solved. What will be your first step towards achieving this goal? Perhaps you will see several options for action at once or several steps on the way to your goal. Write them down immediately on the same sheet, use the first-person form "To achieve ... I will do ...", "The first step that I will take is ..."
  • Anchoring (the most important point). If you can, take the first action right now. If this is not possible, then think about when you will be able to do this first action from those that came to you in the paragraph Gain. Be sure to write the exact date and time when you will be able to do it and follow this deadline. Even if you spend only 5-15 minutes on the First Action, you will consolidate your heightened intention and become closer to achieving it. Without reinforcement, the exercise can be a waste of your time and mental energy. Put Svetlitsa MENTAL on the sheet with your intention.

III. A step-by-step plan to achieve your goal with MENTAL

Take the MENTAL card in your left hand. Do exercise II. Imagine the end result of your dream or task. Move systematically towards realizing your dream in the following steps:

  • Write yourself a short plan to get things done.
  • See what resources you have to implement it.
  • Write what you may need additionally for full implementation.
  • Write a time frame for creating what you come up with.
  • Write what you can do to exercise right now.
  • Do this and write down the next item.
  • Every day, do one more new action in the direction of your plan, strengthening it with the MENTAL device.
  • Mark each completed item in your calendar and diary.

IV. Developing the skill of getting out of information traps

MENTAL will help you develop the skill of getting out of mental traps and dead ends. To do this, use MENTAL whenever you work with information - any conscious immersion in some kind of information source. When you hear the author's point of view, ask yourself this question:

"Why do I need this information?"

"How can I apply what I have learned now?"

"What facts confirm the reliability of this information?"

"What interpretations of these facts are still possible?"

"How do I feel now, having received this knowledge?"

So you can increase the criticality of perception and find new non-obvious ideas to apply new knowledge. By developing this skill, you will be able to perceive multidimensionality, look deeper and see what is behind this or that news or event.

Every time you perceive information coming to you through the prism of a mental filter, reinforced by your MENTAL device, you will free yourself from the influence of information traps and avoid mental dead ends, into which someone, willingly or unwillingly, tried to involve you.

You can learn the next level exercises at the webinars and seminars of Sergey Avdeev and the lectures of the BLAGA team.

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