Svetlitsa LAD AU. Reducing the influence of the electromagnetic field

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Safe use of telephones, computers, televisions, microwave ovens and other electrical devices. The AURUM series has the ability to restore the quantum structure of a person.


Execution - in the form of a sticker, with an adhesive base.

Sticker size - 1,5 x 2 cm

Improving the safety of using mobile phones, tablets, computers, TVs, and other devices. Helps reduce digital addiction.

  • Reduces signal interference
  • Increases the service life and quality of equipment
  • Coordinates the structures of electronic devices and humans
  • Reduces the impact of pulsed radiation on humans
  • Reduces the effect of the electromagnetic field of devices
  • Co-tunes the technique with the individual characteristics of a person
  • Helps to reduce dependence on gadgets and social networks
  • It relieves mental stress, increasing the ability to more effectively filter incoming information and weed out unnecessary information.
  • Reduces the degree of information pollution of the environment by streamlining the structural processes of information exchange between a person and the surrounding digital infrastructure
  • Reduces the cost of energy resources for information processing, allowing you to direct more energy to the creative processes of your life.

A critical rethinking of modern human interaction with electronics has made it possible to develop the actual structure of the LAD AURUM adapter, which meets the increasing introduction of various electronics into everyday life.

If in the 1990s and 2000s people were faced with the primary task of reducing the harm from the powerful radiation of the first mobile phones, beam PC monitors and microwave ovens, then current safety standards already take these parameters into account. However, the issues of dependence on gadgets, constant contact with wearable electronics and a greatly increased concentration of information noise have come to the fore.

The new version of LAD AURUM allows you to solve these urgent problems. The LAD AURUM device implements the approach of quantum transfer of the user's information structure associated with the device with which he interacts (phone, computer, smart watch or VR glasses).

Reducing the impact of information noise

The neurocircuits that are currently active in a person co-tune the device through the Aurum LAD structure. At the same time, the information entering the consciousness is filtered, reducing the degree of influence of extraneous informational noise. A person using LAD AURUM will be less distracted by advertising and extraneous factors (social networks, pop-ups, distracting calls and messages). A higher concentration on the tasks set for oneself, with the help of LAD AURUM, will save time and effort, directing them to the targeted needs. The less switching of attention to distracting processes, the less fatigue, irritation and more resources for their own needs: rest, live communication, creativity.

quantum matching

Modern electrical devices such as mobile phones, computers, televisions, microwave ovens and other devices are not designed with quantum matching in mind. Very often their structures come into conflict with the quantum structure of a person and disrupt his interaction with the World. With the help of a personal system adapter "LAD", household appliances acquire unique qualities - the ability to restore the quantum structure of a person.

How the structure of radiation changes with the use of LIM Aurum

Most people are sure that electromagnetic fields have a harmful effect on humans. If you reduce the level of radiation below a certain acceptable value, then this harm will not happen. Modern electrical devices (telephones, computers, microwave ovens) have a low level of radiation and, according to manufacturers, are quite safe. At the same time, numerous publications in the press about studies of the effects of these devices on people indicate the opposite. What's the matter? Who is right?

Scientific research data has shown that humans respond to very weak and ultra-weak fields. They have an extremely sensitive information system. It turned out that the level of radiation has almost no effect on the body (at a constant frequency and amplitude of the signal). The body responds to changes (modulation) of the signal. In other words, the information structure of radiation influences. If it is not coordinated with the structure of the body's radiations, then its information system begins to "deal" with the incoming information - to process it in order to develop a reaction. Maybe this is a danger signal, and you need to run away or hide, or it can raise blood pressure or lower your body temperature. That is, the imbalance of the parameters of the body begins.

The body spends energy and its resources to adapt to new external parameters. Since the information resource of the body is limited, it begins to lack for adaptation to the real environment. Thus, people's adaptive capabilities decrease, they make more mistakes, the quality of decisions made decreases, and the body systems (immune, endocrine, nervous, etc.) become depressed.

Reducing the level of the electromagnetic field using LAD Aurum

The graph below shows the reduction in exposure to the Electromagnetic Field (EMF) of a mobile phone when using the AURUM LAD adapter, based on an energy exposure of 0.5-0.27 μW/cm2, at a flux density at frequencies of 300 MHz-300 GHz.

The study noted a decrease in the radiation level from 1.5 to 6 times while maintaining the quality of the communication signal.

The following chart shows the difference in average mobile phone EMF exposures between two experiments with the same initial settings.

The use of LAD AURUM allows to reduce the effect of EMF by an average of 2 times.

Based on these data, it can be argued that there is an increase in the safety of using various electronic devices that include EM radiation when using LIM AURUM.

You can find more information about test reports and protocols for device research on our website.

However, Lad cannot be considered as an EMF protection device. The experimentally registered effect of reducing the level of radiation occurs due to the coordination of EMF structures and an increase in the quality of communication. Mobile phones and smartphones do not emit a constant signal. The level of the emitted signal depends on the level of interference and the quality of the connection. The worse the quality of communication and the more interference, the more it is required to radiate to ensure communication with mobile towers. Therefore, it can be stated that the Lad device improves the quality of telephone communication and therefore the level of radiation from the telephone decreases. Another additional bonus from the use of the LAD device is an increase in the time the phone is charged. The phone consumes less power for communication, so the battery lasts longer. These effects are especially noticeable in areas of unstable communication.

Reconciliation of the structure and restoration of the resource

There are no power supplies or any fields in the LAD system adapter. In it, a special structure is formed on thin films, which ensures the coordination of the structure of a person and the structure of an electrical device (telephone, computer, TV, etc.). At the same time, the body ceases to spend its resource (both energy and informational) on processing unnecessary information that is not necessary for life. The released resource is used by a person to restore his information system. This is clearly seen when measuring the glow of a person on a gas-discharge visualization device.

Improving the luminosity of living objects

The study of human luminosity on the GDV-CAMERA software and hardware system allows us to draw conclusions about the qualitative improvement in luminosity parameters.

In the pictures you can see kirlianograms of the "aura" of a person, before and after the application of LAD Aurum:

before after

The images show a significant increase in the density and brightness of the glow around the person. The glow area has doubled.

Before using the device, defects in the structure of the glow are visible. After using the LAD, the glow returns to normal, the gaps and inhomogeneities of the biofield disappear. These effects confirm the beneficial effects of LAD Aurum on humans.

The data of statistical studies of the developers of GDV equipment, collected over many years among many population groups with different quality of life and health status, allow us to reliably state that the density, integrity, intensity and other parameters characterizing human radiation spectra are directly related to both the state of health, and overall quality of life. Also, this glow around the body characterizes the quality of our interaction with the environment, as it reflects the quantum structure of a person. The brighter and more uniform the glow, the better the interaction.

What will you feel with the use of LAD Aurum:

• Feeling better

• Reduced digital dependency

• Increased adaptive capacity of the body

• The body is more resistant to stress

• Faster recovery of strength

Safety and peace of mind when working with electronics, thanks to LAD AURUM!

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