Symphony of the brain. Delta wave

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Путешествие в мир сна.


Every day man goes through many different States of consciousness. Usually they can be divided according to the level of wakefulness from deep sleep to active life. There is also an unusual state of consciousness that we experience only occasionally. They are remembered on the one hand, a feeling of relaxation, inner peace, peace, and the clarity of mind, the rise of the creative activity and a sense of a special "taste of life".

Each of these States peculiar to its own special pattern of brain waves that can be modeled with a special sound signal, listening through headphones.

The feature of "Symphony of the brain" is that it these signals is a wonderful combination of natural sound and music, merging into a single magic orchestra with the unique power of emotional impact.

The CD contains 5 songs.

Each of them serves as a stepping stone that leads deeper into the realm of sleep. In the process of listening in your brain aktiviziruyutsya so-called Delta waves, which accompany the most mysterious phenomena of the human psyche. In addition, Delta waves, promote the release of growth hormone and, as a consequence, the restoration of all vital functions of the body.

While listening to the disc does not let the natural desire to sleep. After all, it is just intended to improve your sleep and enhance its healing properties. Therefore, the greatest benefit from this CD you get if you listen to it at night.
