«Sleepy Wheel». Audio program-trainer (electronic version)

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This practice will help you to quickly fall asleep at will, even at three in the morning, so you become independent of any assistive devices and programs.


The practice of "Sleepy wheel" was developed by Ronald Soderquist and Lynn Desarro – family therapists in California (USA).

This practice helps you to quickly fall asleep at will, even at three in the morning, so you become independent of any assistive devices and programs.

Sleep plays a very important role in our lives, because the ability to fully relax in a modern world, with its tense rhythm, is the basis of survival. Also in the dream integrates in memory learned during the information day, the absorption of the body accumulated during the day physical skills, and even a kind of psychotherapy.

Despite the fact that more than 50% of the people periodically have experienced problems with sleep, 60% of the population quite easily fall asleep and sleep well. The remaining 40% belong to a specific risk group, as sleep problems result in a high occurrence of accidents on manufacture, accidents when driving (often with a fatal outcome), sleep at the workplace and low productivity for office workers.

For students sleep problems lead to poor academic performance due to inattention during classes and poor learning.
The problem with insomnia is extremely old as the means of its overcoming. In the 20th century, with its increasing pace of life, the greatest popularity of various drugs. However, it soon became clear that the apparent simplicity, behind the pill, leads to intellectual and emotional "dullness" and physiological dependence.

Even so the medium tested, as high physical activity in the fresh air doesn't always work, because our brain is sometimes so overloaded with various vital problems that automatically continues to twist this mad kaleidoscope before my eyes, even when we sincerely intend to sleep. Once aptly remarked the Creator of NLP Richard Bandler: "Our brains are not designed to solve problems, and intended to stick to certain areas"...
Ronald Soderquist and Lynn Desarro, going through family troubles, much of which stemmed from sleep problems of one of the spouses, somehow, in the end, I wondered - what is the difference between these, for lack of a better word, happy 60% with a good sleep, from "poor" 40% having serious sleeping problems. Their research and customer surveys has allowed them to argue that the whole point in certain skills, or if you prefer, sleep techniques, mastered on his own, or prompted at the time parents. Remember how there, at Nikita's, in the song: "If I can not sleep, count to three. Well, the maximum - up to half past three..." ;)

But seriously, Ronald and Lynn has collected, classified and checked in the course of their work a huge number of private techniques of falling asleep. The most simple and effective of them were brought in "Sleepy wheel", and was released on CD (separate for men and women) under the same name.

It should be noted that I had to work hard to adapt the system of "Sleepy wheel" to the Russian mentality.... Also, I very slightly tweaked it, to comply with the elementary fundamentals of psychophysiology. And also, I had to make a total (men and women) audio program as a series of exercises that are only on the drive for women can be extremely useful also for men, with a visual type of mental organization. Thus, in the course of work with the audio program, you will master all the exercises, and in the course of self "work", that is, when nightly practice of falling asleep, you are free to choose any suitable for you exercise, as well as the number of repetitions.

This practice, by its very nature, can involuntarily cause you to lucid dream (getting into the "phase") – when you begin to see a dream while remaining conscious. This is quite an interesting and safe experience.

During the lesson with the audio program, you'll master the skill to fall asleep at will gradually, step by step, carrying out my instructions. In the audio program I have added some psychoacoustic techniques, and the text used certain speech patterns that help to enter a light trance state, which significantly improves the speed of the development of this practice.
Stay Healthy and Happy!
Andrei Patrushev

The duration of the audio program "Sleepy wheel": 40 minutes.
Formats: mp3 and wav (you will be sent a recording in two formats, select any).
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