Increase your confidence

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Attitude will allow You, easily and effortlessly, boost your confidence. Effectively use in my life every given opportunity, trust your instincts and feelings!


Audionastroi will allow You to easily and effortlessly increase your confidence to effectively use in my life every opportunity to trust your intuition and feelings!

The affirmations on the CD "Increase the confidence"

1. I believe in myself 100%!
2. I believe in your abilities!
3. I certainly believe in yourself!
4. I always wisely and intuitively to make decisions!
5. I intuitively understand the situation and its possibilities.
6. I believe in myself in any situation!
7. I'm confident - Here and Now!
8. I accept myself as the person I am, with love and gratitude!
9. I'm happy on the way to success!
10. I always think about a positive result!
11. I am a unique person!
12. I have a lot of self-respect.
13. I can easily motivate myself!
14. I fully trust yourself and your feelings.
15. I make your own future!
16. I'm always thinking about yourself positively!
17. I always keep my confidence at a high level!
18. I work positively, wisely and intuitively improve your life!
19. I enjoy life of course!
20. When necessary, I can go to for help.
21. My thoughts about myself and my life are always accompanied with positive emotions!
22. I believe in the unique meaning of my life!
23. Self - confidence is always a strong Foundation of my success.
24. Every day I become more confident!
25. I realized in their actions and feelings.
26. I am more and more confident every day!
27. My confidence is constantly growing!
28. I love people and I love life - Here and Now!
29. I'm happy of course!
30. I wisely and effectively use every opportunity to know yourself and be happy!
31. My consciousness is expanding every moment.
32. I know your inner world with joy, I accept myself!
33. I trust my inner feelings and act intuitively and wisely.
34. I am happy, confident, successful - Here and Now!
35. I love and I love - Here and Now!
36. I read the book of Life, to know yourself and discover your full potential.
37. I am whole, wise, efficient and successful - Here and Now!
38. I trust myself and Life!
39. I see around only positive opportunities!
40. I always easily and happily begin our plans!
41. I am stable in the process of achieving any goal.
42. I accept calmly and rationally all the circumstances towards a goal. I act efficiently and wisely.
43. I always use intuition for decision-making and analysis of the situation.
44. I see a big picture of the world, it gives me confidence and motivates me!

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