True love for yourself


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This audio mood will help You remember your true divine nature, to change attitudes, and thus, improve life in all its manifestations.


Everything good in life starts with loving yourself. This audio mood will help You remember your true divine nature, to change attitudes, and thus to improve life in all its manifestations! The lack of self love is the cause of many failures, disease, poverty and tragedy. Love yourself and You will manifest your divine potential in all!

The affirmations on the CD "True love of self":

1. I am Here and Now!
2. I am Love!
3. I'm always in a Space of Love!
4. I am a unique Creation of the Creator!
5. I love myself in all my true forms! My divine and human principles are harmoniously manifested in my life!
6. I'm divine and human!
7. I realize that I, and my ego is great and I easy to manage your ego!
8. I love my true nature, I always show only your true self!
9. I easily and consciously control the ego!
10. My ego is subordinated to my Higher self, my true nature!
11. I can easily distinguish between the voice of the heart and the voice of the ego in oneself and others!
12. My thoughts, feelings, actions, my experience and knowledge, my possessions and desires – it is only my manifestation on Earth, but I am free from the influence of all this on my things beginning!
13. I am free from attachments and live on the Earth easily and happily!
14. I always have and get everything you need for a creative and joyful life on Earth - Here and Now!
15. I am one with Life and God - Here and Now!
16. I love myself and people such what they are!
17. I know that all people make mistakes, and I forgive them easily!
18. Each person is divine and human!
19. I consciously accept myself as I am - Here and Now!
20. I can easily recognize the manifestation of my true Higher self and ego!
21. My Highest I can easily control my ego!
22. I realize my ability to witness a situation and make a wise choice!
23. I show my Higher self more and more every day!
24. I love to learn everything new!
25. Love for yourself and others is the joy, this happiness, this enjoyment!
26. I am always fully responsible for his reaction to the situation, event, or behavior of other people!
27. I consciously choose wise and positive response to the testimony!
28. My Higher self often drives the choice of my reaction to an event, situation, or behavior!
29. I will know your true self through all that gives me life!
30. I can show the best in themselves easily and sincerely!
31. I am a gifted, talented man!
32. I radiate light, love, kindness and understanding in every thought, in every word and in every action!
33. Loving others I love myself! Loving myself I love others! 34. I take care of myself, I'm evolving, I love to learn and explore your inner world!
35. I decide taking care of yourself in the true sense!
36. I always stand open to the energy of love!
37. I think about yourself positively!
38. I am conscious of my Higher self. Every moment increasing my level of awareness.
39. I allow people to think about me all they want.
40. I let people have an opinion different from mine.
41. I forgive myself for past mistakes, but it is always wise to use your experience.
42. For the errors and mistakes I apologize consciously and sincerely.
43. I easily forgive people their mistakes!
44. I am able to understand their true needs for every thought and every feeling, experiencing now.
45. I know that all your true needs I can satisfy Here and Now, in collaboration with the Universe.
46. I Am the Supreme Spirit one!
47. My life is abundant, joyful and happy - Here and Now!
48. I know that forgiveness is the path to freedom!
49. I forgive easily!
50. I know that gratitude is the way to abundance!
51. I thank you sincerely!
52. I know that love is my essence! I love Here and Now!
53. True faith and love are growing in me every day!
54. My will becomes stronger every day!
55. My level of self-acceptance, life, people and situations with love and gratitude grows every day!
56. I radiate true love, and this is reflected in the love of men to me!
57. I eat healthy, I do physical training with joy!
58. I wisely listen to the desires of my body!
59. I can easily and openly Express their emotions in a positive manner!
60. I easily show my emotions and control them!
61. I understand your feelings and their source of origin!
62. I can easily recognize the thoughts, feelings, and emotions, born of my Higher self and my ego.
63. I follow the feelings of my Higher self.
64. I'm out of time, out of space, regardless of the situations and events!
65. I am whole and self-sufficient!
66. I satisfy your spiritual needs - Here and Now!

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