Research conducted at UC Irvine University of California, University of Vienna Institute for Health through the Environment, Imperial College London, and independent clinical trials have shown that both categories of SRT ™ (Sympathetic Resonance Technology ™) devices are effective ):

'Passive' SRT devices help cleanse and maintain the biofield through soft, direct user interaction. Passive devices include bracelets, pendants, and other Q-Link body-worn products.

'Active' SRT devices help to cleanse and maintain the user's biofield through the expansion of an enabling living space. Active devices include Q-Link Nimbus, Opimizer, and discontinued Ally Portable & ClearWave 1.2 and 3 models of wrist watches.


Biomeridian Stress Assessment Testing on Q-Link Nimbus: Batch 01

Biomeridian Stress Assessment Testing on Q-Link Nimbus: Batch 02 (

iomeridian Stress Assessment Testing on Q-Link CLEAR (formerly the "Mini"): Batch 01

iomeridian Stress Assessment Testing on Q-Link CLEAR (formerly the "Mini"): Batch 02

Sports Performance Testing of High School Distance Runners
New Modality for Increasing Strength, Energy and Cognitive Flexibility in Golf and Sports
*Effects of Q-Link SRT Ally on Human EEG Responses 
**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on the Blood and Biological Terrain 
**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on Skin Conductivity Changes and Stress

University of Vienna Analysis of Skin Conductivity
**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on Human EEG Responses (conclusion)
**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on Human EEG Responses (expanded)
**Effects of Q-Link SRT ClearWave on Anxiety Levels within the Classroom
Effects of QLink® Pendant on Muscle Weakness and other Chronic Symptoms Attributed to EMFExposures
**Effects of Q-Link SRT Pendant on Muscle Weakness Patterns in the Body