How do I know which Q-Link® SRT is best for me?

For most people, Q-Link Pendants (pendants) is the most popular choice because it can be worn constantly without taking it off even during sleep. All pendants can be worn either side to themselves (the efficiency does not depend on this), either imperceptibly under clothes, or on top, as a decoration.

What is the difference between SRT-2 and SRT-3?
Both contain the same set of supporting / purifying / expanding vital energy frequencies.

The differences lie in the reaction rate and radiation power.

The SRT-3 provides a more responsive response mechanism and more powerful energy support for the user and is thus ideal for people with a busy lifestyle, and / or constantly living in an unfavorable environment.

For instance:

When you are regularly or constantly in contact, or in close proximity to sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as computers, offices with fluorescent lamps, long car or air travel, mobile phones, electrical substations, high-voltage power lines, radio and TV broadcast antennas, etc. .d.

When you make certain efforts to improve your quality of life, or do regular exercises and training, such as yoga, martial arts, fitness, meditation, etc.

When productivity and the result of your activities are very important to you. For example, sports achievements, performing at a concert or performance, writing important articles and books, exams, teacher and educator work, professional business, government official in a responsible place, law enforcement, public transport drivers and airplane pilots, information technology, etc.

In all other cases, when you do not want to change anything in your life, it is better to use SRT-2, because SRT-3 will give you excess vital energy, which will literally require you to look for additional things and activities.