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Добавлено: Ср апр 07, 2010 11:31
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Нашел недавно прогу называется MAGNUS ASTRAL INTERFACE. Программа, как мне показалось, полностью рабочая. Очень нужен перевод инструкции с английского, НЕ МАШИННЫЙ!!! Сможете перевести, кину ссылку любому желающему. Перевод выкладывайте сюда же, в тему. Оригинальный текст ниже.

Добавлено: Ср апр 07, 2010 11:34
Congratulations on your purchase of ASTRAL INTERFACE. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with it's functions before you use it.

Astral Interface is a software based radionics instrument optimized for a single objective, manifesting Intention. It is based around the 'magnetron' symbol used in radiesthesia. This pattern has been determined by pendulum analysis to focus Psionic energy into the center circle, which functions as the "specimen well" or "witness plate" used in classical radionics. With a physical radionics box the patient's "witness", an energetic link such as a lock of hair, is placed upon the contact plate, but here you will be taping it directly to your computer screen over the center circle in the magnetron symbol. The effectiveness of this strategy was predicted from the discovery made by early investigators of the Hieronymus machine that a symbolic diagram of the device focuses Intention the same as an actual physical model. Astral Interface is the first software based radionics instrument that uses an actual physical witness this way.

Astral Interface is more than just a visual representation of a radionics device, it actually has symbolic 'virtual circuitry' embedded beneath the surface. This principle has been used elsewhere to embed subliminal sigils into web pages to draw off energy from the visitors that view it, but here it is used to channel the psionic energy of the operator to perform consciously directed radionics work. Astral Interface is the only software program employing the principle in this constructive way.

Physical radionics instruments give feedback to the operator by means of a 'stick pad' or pendulum. Astral Interface uses a variation of the 'flat pyramid' symbol to concentrate a sample of the energy from the interaction of Target and Intention to a point in front of the screen where it can be monitored by pendulum as with a physical radionics device. Again, Astral Interface is the first software based radionics instrument to do this.

Next, instead of setting numerical rates on knobs like a physical device, or loading graphical symbols as other software programs do, Astral Interface makes use of an "audio sigil" (not "signal") to manifest the Intention stored in the text entry box.

Next, the MindWave function, using a high frequency carrier to stimulate the psychic center in the brain. Each time you click the MindWave button a near ultrasonic signal fires through your speakers. You should only use this once, at the beginning of your session, or else you may get the so-called "third eye" headaches. But if you use it just once at the start of your session, there will be a gradual build up of your psychic faculties over time. It goes without saying that again, Astral Interface is the first radionics program to incorporate such a daring process.

Next is the PSI field generator, based on the observation that experienced users were able to use the MindWave as a carrier wave for their Intentions. In PSI Field the wave's characteristics have been softened for continuous use with only beneficial side effects to operator and target.

Also new is the ability to paste an enquirer's own words directly into the magnetron symbol as the energetic link to them. This has proven to be an effective technique, so much so that users of other software began trying to immitate it mere days after it was first publicly discussed.

Now how to use the program:

1. Tape the radionic "witness" over the witness plate(the center circle in the magnetron symbol). This can be anything from a lock of a client's hair to a photo representing the person, place, or thing you wish to act upon. Alternatively you can copy and paste the Target's own words directly into the center circle, or load a picture of the person which you have saved as a BMP file and placed in the C:\MAGNUS\targets folder. The "Witness" button is used to switch between physical, text-based, and graphical Witness modes.

2. Click the MindWave button ONE TIME, and do NOT use headphones. Due to the high frequency you may not actually hear the signal while it is cycling.

3. Type your intention into the "Send Intention" box, *ignoring* everything you were ever taught about how to phrase your intention. You want the first thought stream representing your Intention that flashes across your mind's eye as you consider your objective. This will almost certainly be just a brief sentence fragment, not 6 lines of carefully constructed prose.

4. It is assumed that you are able to get simple 'yes' or 'no' answers from a pendulum. Dowsing in front of the square "flat pyramid" symbol, verify that you have entered the intention you really want. When ready, click "send" ONE TIME. Check with your pendulum for agreement first if you are thinking of clicking again. Treat a psionic session like a homeopathic remedy, do not administer a second one until the first one stops producing change.

5. Now close the program and go about your life. If you do not notice change taking place in your life here is what to do. Start the program, and click MindWave while considering the barriers to your Intention. Next enter these barriers into the center circle one after another until your pendulum indicates which is the primary one blocking your efforts. Then enter possible solutions into the Intention box until your pendulum indicates the Intention to use against the barrier. Over time you can work through many of your concerns this way, watching for the opportunities that are generated by your work as you go about your normal life, while your faculties of perception increase day by day through the effects of the MindWave. Soon you may be functioning on a higher psychic plane from which today's issues are no longer even a concern.

6. Remote Influence with the PSI field generator. When your objective is continuous influence rather than a decisive impulse use the PSI Field generator. This outputs a continuous signal for situations requiring extended attention from the operator. Very interesting to use when your Target is in your immediate vicinity and responses to the program can be directly observed, but usually used for remote targets.

The Astral Interface program will continue to evolve. You can keep track of new developments and post your successes by joining the digital_intentions group at Yahoo. That's where I announce every new project.

Stay Well,

- Magnus

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Di ... ntentions/

Special thanks to Anand John, the original beta testers, and everyone else that's been with me since version 1.0

More instructions for use with the new features in AI4:

Here's my suggestion for how to proceed:

First you need a radionic 'witness', the symbolic link to your
target. In the original AI we used an actual physical witness like
you do with a physical radionics box and that is still considered to
give the best results. Users of other radionic wares laughed at us
but in results they couldn't touch us. My own favorite is the text
based witness where you copy and paste the Target's own words into
the center of the magnetron. I believe this is a more relevant link
than the next method, using a BMP of the Target. Put BMP pictures in the Targets folder in C:\MAGNUS\Targets. When you have no
Witness at all you can still generate a numerical rate from the
Target's name from the built-in rate generator. Finally some of us
get to a stage where we simply visualize the target into the
magnetron while the program is running.

Next select 'MindWave' from the Function button to stimulate your
third eye center, but before you click it play a wav or MP3 or
something to make sure your speakers are working at the correct level
because MindWave is mostly above your hearing, and you can cause
yourself discomfort using it too loud or too often. Never use
headphones for MindWave. It lasts about 20 seconds.

So you've selected a Witness, verified your audio, and used MindWave
to stimulate your third eye center, next you type your Intention into
the box, check with your pendulum for Agreement, and alter the
Intention or it's wording as needed. You can click to send your
Intention now, or prep the Target with PSI Field first.

PSI Field, the lower text box, is for an Influence you want to
generate continuously as opposed to a one-shot decisive Intent.
Suppose you were trying to get a promotion at work, the Intention
might be "get promotion", and the Influence might be "appear
qualified to the boss". These can be used seperately, together, or
one before the other. You should be checking for Agreement with your
pendulum or other intuitive method at each step, and before repeating
any steps.

There are
two other functions, one to 'clear' the room energetically, you can use it before
starting, and the harmonizer you can use continuously, for example
during meditation, but probably not while using AI to do other things.
It has been described as 'electronic incense'.

ColorBeam is used to send color treatment to your Target radionically.

The Accessories button brings up a list of helper programs you can launch. Some may come with the program, others you can add yourself to the "acc" folder in your C:\MAGNUS\ folder. If you have a legal copy of Astral Interface you can join the AICSL list at Yahoo and download more accessories at no further charge. General discussion on non-occult radionics including Astral Interface support questions is in the Digital_Intentions list. Note that there is now a parody list by a skeptic also named digital-intentions, but spelled with a dash instead of an underscore. That is not the one you want!

Also see my other radionic wares and accessories on eBay, seller name sidal_2

Добавлено: Ср апр 07, 2010 11:36
эмм.. программа для ПК? Интересно, как жее этот самый Оргон то будет генерить? через динамики чтоли? :)

Добавлено: Ср апр 07, 2010 11:43
Есть прога работающая в связке радионик машин, вот ссылка на описание http://kibermagia.narod.ru/soft2.htm

Добавлено: Вт апр 20, 2010 20:04
Символ этот действительно мощный. Изначально, это была мощная усилительная лампа. Потом заметили, что даже её изображение и разного рода упрощённые модификации усиливают мыслеформы.
А прога, ну всё бесплатное, народ, это "сыр в мышеловке". Кстати, очень часто, и не бесплатное - то же. Энергия пойдёт не на манифестацию вашей цели, а по структурной связи в эгрегор хозяина.

Как будет генерить оргон? Нет никакого оргона. Это называется торсионное (аксионное, микро-лептонное) поле с правым спином (правой поляризацией). Источником торсионных полей является всё. Компьютер - сильный источник.

Добавлено: Ср май 25, 2011 12:05
А чем отличается оргон от аксионного правого поля?


Добавлено: Пт дек 27, 2013 20:52
Символ этот действительно мощный. Изначально, это была мощная усилительная лампа. Потом заметили, что даже её изображение и разного рода упрощённые модификации усиливают мыслеформы.
А что за символ-то??