First experience - 2

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First experience - 2

Post by Карил » Fri May 04, 2007 23:07

Machine InnerPulse glasses Premium White.

The selection events were as in the previous post so there is nothing dirty paper. :)

Unlike the Psycho decided to try r01, no wonder she's the first... :) Judging by the description the machine shifts the frequency from beta to alpha and then back again. So vot, were first colored with spots and dots all it was swimming and spinning. The sound description is not amenable) Then the number of spots decreased and lost the color that I liked in the beginning. I think it went just the alpha. Back to the color and stains the program has risen faster than dropped(in my opinion), and to perceive the blinking and buzzing, I became much calmer than the beginning of the session. At the beginning the eyelids twitched a bit and wanted to open my eyes, however if there is something colourful.)))

I liked the moment when everything went smoothly and exactly all of a sudden and dramatically changed, and my heart just skipped a beat...

The internal dialogue was not stopped, though at times the chatter and thoughts clearly becoming less. Despite the fact that remembering the athletes and the cockroaches %) I tried to relax and the machine do not interfere.

Relax physically managed well. Previously, I worked for a while autogenous training, the condition was similar. Not feel no hands, no legs, lying in the cotton. :)

Even after the session buzzed in my ears for some time, a source of buzz was the computer, standing in the corner :) Weird I usually don't notice it, but there is also some nuances of the sound of the hum of the cooler began to notice. :)

Then I decided to listen to "Endorphins". Hooked another wire to InnerPulse turned on the disc and decoding of AuS. Glasses blinked, headphones buzzed - start. :)

As the length of the session failed to find out and decided to listen until you get bored. By the way the question - how long are the "Endorphins"?

Unlike a relaxing session here was less of a carousel and more like a looming spots and color transitions. I really liked the warm colors - yellow, red. Not bright as in reality, of course, some a bit unrealistic, but still enjoyable.

A smooth hum in the headphones, no special emotions has not caused, but was not unpleasant and sharp transitions, which is good. :)

At some time during the session again almost lost color. It seems to me it is not in alpha rhythms and in the case of fatigue. Brain tired to look at everything and he decided to give me the picture, blinking as is. :)

After listening to a few minutes of the session I carefully took the headphones and glasses.

Lately in the head to evening mess and no desire to do anything, I think it is uninteresting work... And there is beauty. :) Feel cheerfully, closely, the head is really throbbing a bit. :)

I wonder what will happen next? :) More significant results should probably wait a couple of weeks.

I can not say :)
Nova Pro is a large and heavy iron contraption :) Vot.
While MindSpa is not so compact, though of course less wires.

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Post by Псих » Sat May 05, 2007 0:56

Put i2 from 15 seconds change the rhythm and square light pulses and the music stronger (psicodelico). Just need the state to control their as soon as that takes - suggest to remove the glasses and headphones, for the first time at least.

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Post by Карил » Sat May 05, 2007 12:34

Yep. :) I read the posts, will definitely give it a try.
And what is the meaning of the condition? Relax, cheer up, tune into the training it's understandable, but improv - improvement, but what?

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Post by Dimas » Sat May 05, 2007 12:55

Improv so to speak (as I understand) for "advanced users",but essesno you all to listen to...There is a rapid transition from the lower to the upper alpha range...when you learn to consistently enter the alpha state,this session as it shows that Alfa are different...I personally feel it impacts improve...Carilo,while exercise and relaxation sessions,download session A. Patrushev...Suggest not to rush in extreme condition with the help of psychedelic music. (especially hard)...Compare the status of the Explorer and Paperitehtaat through a month of regular work with alhashemi...personal experience talking,many times I caught bad from different mixes and nakladyvaya (some lasted more than one day) Not overload the psyche...
PS just Obliged to warn.Although he rarely listen to advice,prefer to get their OWN experience,which often pay... :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

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Post by Псих » Sat May 05, 2007 13:22

Dimas wrote:from personal experience I say,many times I caught bad from different mixes and nakladyvaya
That's the way it would be extremely interesting to know what were the status and after some programs)
So to speak in order to warnings and Vice versa, if highly unusual condition is to try it yourself;)

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Post by Карил » Sat May 05, 2007 21:18

Dimas say alpha, too, are different? Sinks for the info, apparently the way it is and perhaps even should be. :) For some reason I thought that is just, well, there is sleep, sleep and wakefulness. Beta-alpha-theta... And for some reason forgot that a dream can be soznaniem, not conscious, fast-slow, Wasps again.

By the way how is the out-of-body, is this a dream or reality? :) It is possible for example to neighbors through the closed door go?) Well, or some other way to confirm that out of body is not the fruit of a sick imagination?)))

...Continue to share emotions from further use of the machine...

The initial skepticism is gradually replaced by surprise, it seems it all works. :) Just thought you never know what the other does and to me that's not going to work. Now here I think it works-it works, and then take and cut off. :( When I started to restore the vision of the book norbekova first also everything went. And then just a bummer. You can't call the state of recovery-Eforie, and without a good mood the skin though burst.

It was the same with the exercise from the book by Betty Edwards "Drawing on the right hemisphere of the brain." At first, too, was the rise and a new level of drawing. But then again, bummer. :( At least an hour to sit and do exercises, as a silent perception in which you want to draw or not. :( No matter what a little paint I have learned and I am eager for someone to teach. As writes B. Edwards, and I totally agree with her, drawing is not a talent but a skill like riding a bike or learning a foreign language. The exercise called "Blind contour drawing" is not working, but I accidentally found a way that works. :)

Can try to teach the virtual through the Internet if anyone wants.

I'm a little distracted from the topic... :)

I want to say a few words about the disc Explorer. Well for starters - ROM really works. Andrei Patrushev is soft, quiet and low voice, speaking faster, then slower, then quieter, then louder, pausing, gradually sinks into a relaxed state, then another rasslablenno more and more relaxed and more... :) In principle, it is easy to open the eyes or to listen to the world. But if you try, to concentrate and to relax, that the world almost did not notice.

Now about the results. Already after the first listen I allowed myself to relax and fell asleep in some not quite my usual pose. I let my body go as he wants and as it considers that it is convenient. Before why listen to their own jitteriness I couldn't do it. Well, after the audition was a sense of peace and tranquility.

By the way about the middle I for some reason wanted to take the headphones off. Don't know why, not tired of listening (disc long actually :) ), not the mind-the subconscious does not want to change and listen to suggestions. Disk I'm still listening and not a bit sorry, and feeling inside of me that I did the right thing.

A second audition was in the morning, desire to quit did not appear, and after the session I decided to lie relaxed. Open my eyes and see that Vova (don't know what to call it, taken in common with them) I said something. I didn't hear in headphones, just closed my eyes and ignored. This behavior I had not noticed before... Stretched his body, took off the headphones, finally heard what I wanted to say and said something.

Finally waking up I understood the reason for m... act. I have flashed some kind of unconscious idea-shadow: "I just woke up and is not obliged immediately to tear off his headphones and to say something ^^^fear^^^ to offend the other by neglecting it." The idea was that conscious, I very clearly perceive and understand them.

Again, I did not set myself any behavior, just listening to the disc. And Andrew in one of his posts wrote that the disc can be listen without any goals.

Now the effect is less, but in the morning during Breakfast in the kitchen, I noticed that he began to speak a little differently. A little louder, a little clearer, as if I better understand what you want to say and do. But still clearly faster and Vovik (who was hungover :p), half not even understand. Again, I say that the effect of change in speech I perceive very clearly and distinctly. As the irritation in half with humor from the fact that I do not understand. But hmm... I never worked with before, honestly... To me more likely to play second fiddle to, well, i.e. to remain silent or be offended, but does not say directly.

And it's already after the second listen... so... Want Veyrier, want not.

It seems to me the disk removes some internal blocks. But morality and conscience, whatever you say is also an internal ban imbibed from their parents. If someone is the loss of conscience scares, let them look to the street where there is a handful of shaved youth, punks, skinheads, football fans... They have their own internal blocks removed without any drives and promptings... And in General I feel that you can become a mugger, anything. The question is why?

Unless they are happy in the crowd and mocking laughter? I don't think. Better to be free from the crowd. It is better to have few friends, and with whom, and perhaps individually, to do what you love. And here everyone decides for himself who he is and what his meaning of life.

Lit philosophy... :) Again I refer to the above easily, not like before - up emotions, and I think we need to change-to break itself, need to become stronger. Here and there. Everything will come by itself, easily and naturally.)

By the way the question. Disk Explorer because with AudioStrobe signals, but the glasses did not blink. :( "Endorphins" for example, turned on the flashing immediately.

The second note is much easier, but then the information load smaller, not to "Explore" it.)

In General I tried 4 session Energize. When I started listening I thought that kind of nonsense? Where are my favorite colors? White patterns and some buzz on the high tones. But after some time came to effect. Doubting the result, I loaded again for 5 minutes. And literally on the first pulse felt something change. Breathing became faster and shallower thoughts ran clearly faster. Meowed the cat, consciousness noticed it, handled the situation and went back to the twink with glasses. It is clear that all this is subjective and according to the stopwatch I never measured.) After the session we walk down the street I was finally convinced that this is not a glitch) Thoughts really accelerated. Here is a woman, now the car turns around the corner, here are two grown men with wood pigeons chase. :) Click. Click. Click. Noticed, processed, switched. Just like a computer.

The acceleration of thoughts, does not mean that you can not think. I asked the vitamins in the chemist shop, the saleswoman left, but I digress. When she came back I said something stupid, messed up the name of vitamins. :) Fast does not mean good and right. Vot.)

And people on the street and sellers can definitely see my condition like I have a sign on his chest - "Man in the beta rhythm, the frequency of so-and-so". :) Moreover, sellers adjust. Nimble change and beep like seeing that man in a hurry. But I'm in no hurry, I've been out and absolutely not in a hurry. So the sellers own Mende-machine in my head it seems) built-in.)

Dimas and it is possible a question? How's your visualization? You can close your eyes and imagine the image? What is it? Clear, colorful and bright or black and white and blurry? Or visualize obtained only during stimulation mayd machine?

Enough to include a session of visualization to concentrate on anything and succeed? The truth, the truth?) Are there any nuances? And about the CD "Visions I" what can I say?

I haven't tried, session on visualization, head slightly buzzing like a high voltage transformer.) I will not torture yourself, and then play the game to short-circuit.)

Thanks for the warning) In the Improv session until you climb. And so there is something to learn.) Well, join the Crazy question about what conditions are and how to catch them. Interesting both good and bad. Be the first to try, and from the latter to stay away. Although... :)

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Post by Dimas » Mon May 07, 2007 11:43

Псих wrote:
Dimas wrote:from personal experience I say,many times I caught bad from different mixes and nakladyvaya
That's the way it would be extremely interesting to know what were the status and after some programs)
So to speak in order to warnings and Vice versa, if highly unusual condition is to try it yourself;)
:lol: :lol: :lol: Our man!!! :wink: Try to maksanut that the thread of theta meditation with a thread alpha...Funny as... :twisted:

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Post by Dimas » Mon May 07, 2007 12:11

Карил wrote:Dimas say alpha, too, are different? Sinks for the info, apparently the way it is and perhaps even should be. :) For some reason I thought that is just, well, there is sleep, sleep and wakefulness. Beta-alpha-theta... And for some reason forgot that a dream can be soznaniem, not conscious, fast-slow, Wasps again.

By the way how is the out-of-body, is this a dream or reality? :) It is possible for example to neighbors through the closed door go?) Well, or some other way to confirm that out of body is not the fruit of a sick imagination?)))

...Continue to share emotions from further use of the machine...

The initial skepticism is gradually replaced by surprise, it seems it all works. :) Just thought you never know what the other does and to me that's not going to work. Now here I think it works-it works, and then take and cut off. :( When I started to restore the vision of the book norbekova first also everything went. And then just a bummer. You can't call the state of recovery-Eforie, and without a good mood the skin though burst.

It was the same with the exercise from the book by Betty Edwards "Drawing on the right hemisphere of the brain." At first, too, was the rise and a new level of drawing. But then again, bummer. :( At least an hour to sit and do exercises, as a silent perception in which you want to draw or not. :( No matter what a little paint I have learned and I am eager for someone to teach. As writes B. Edwards, and I totally agree with her, drawing is not a talent but a skill like riding a bike or learning a foreign language. The exercise called "Blind contour drawing" is not working, but I accidentally found a way that works. :)

Can try to teach the virtual through the Internet if anyone wants.

I'm a little distracted from the topic... :)

I want to say a few words about the disc Explorer. Well for starters - ROM really works. Andrei Patrushev is soft, quiet and low voice, speaking faster, then slower, then quieter, then louder, pausing, gradually sinks into a relaxed state, then another rasslablenno more and more relaxed and more... :) In principle, it is easy to open the eyes or to listen to the world. But if you try, to concentrate and to relax, that the world almost did not notice.

Now about the results. Already after the first listen I allowed myself to relax and fell asleep in some not quite my usual pose. I let my body go as he wants and as it considers that it is convenient. Before why listen to their own jitteriness I couldn't do it. Well, after the audition was a sense of peace and tranquility.

By the way about the middle I for some reason wanted to take the headphones off. Don't know why, not tired of listening (disc long actually :) ), not the mind-the subconscious does not want to change and listen to suggestions. Disk I'm still listening and not a bit sorry, and feeling inside of me that I did the right thing.

A second audition was in the morning, desire to quit did not appear, and after the session I decided to lie relaxed. Open my eyes and see that Vova (don't know what to call it, taken in common with them) I said something. I didn't hear in headphones, just closed my eyes and ignored. This behavior I had not noticed before... Stretched his body, took off the headphones, finally heard what I wanted to say and said something.

Finally waking up I understood the reason for m... act. I have flashed some kind of unconscious idea-shadow: "I just woke up and is not obliged immediately to tear off his headphones and to say something ^^^fear^^^ to offend the other by neglecting it." The idea was that conscious, I very clearly perceive and understand them.

Again, I did not set myself any behavior, just listening to the disc. And Andrew in one of his posts wrote that the disc can be listen without any goals.

Now the effect is less, but in the morning during Breakfast in the kitchen, I noticed that he began to speak a little differently. A little louder, a little clearer, as if I better understand what you want to say and do. But still clearly faster and Vovik (who was hungover :p), half not even understand. Again, I say that the effect of change in speech I perceive very clearly and distinctly. As the irritation in half with humor from the fact that I do not understand. But hmm... I never worked with before, honestly... To me more likely to play second fiddle to, well, i.e. to remain silent or be offended, but does not say directly.

And it's already after the second listen... so... Want Veyrier, want not.

It seems to me the disk removes some internal blocks. But morality and conscience, whatever you say is also an internal ban imbibed from their parents. If someone is the loss of conscience scares, let them look to the street where there is a handful of shaved youth, punks, skinheads, football fans... They have their own internal blocks removed without any drives and promptings... And in General I feel that you can become a mugger, anything. The question is why?

Unless they are happy in the crowd and mocking laughter? I don't think. Better to be free from the crowd. It is better to have few friends, and with whom, and perhaps individually, to do what you love. And here everyone decides for himself who he is and what his meaning of life.

Lit philosophy... :) Again I refer to the above easily, not like before - up emotions, and I think we need to change-to break itself, need to become stronger. Here and there. Everything will come by itself, easily and naturally.)

By the way the question. Disk Explorer because with AudioStrobe signals, but the glasses did not blink. :( "Endorphins" for example, turned on the flashing immediately.

The second note is much easier, but then the information load smaller, not to "Explore" it.)

In General I tried 4 session Energize. When I started listening I thought that kind of nonsense? Where are my favorite colors? White patterns and some buzz on the high tones. But after some time came to effect. Doubting the result, I loaded again for 5 minutes. And literally on the first pulse felt something change. Breathing became faster and shallower thoughts ran clearly faster. Meowed the cat, consciousness noticed it, handled the situation and went back to the twink with glasses. It is clear that all this is subjective and according to the stopwatch I never measured.) After the session we walk down the street I was finally convinced that this is not a glitch) Thoughts really accelerated. Here is a woman, now the car turns around the corner, here are two grown men with wood pigeons chase. :) Click. Click. Click. Noticed, processed, switched. Just like a computer.

The acceleration of thoughts, does not mean that you can not think. I asked the vitamins in the chemist shop, the saleswoman left, but I digress. When she came back I said something stupid, messed up the name of vitamins. :) Fast does not mean good and right. Vot.)

And people on the street and sellers can definitely see my condition like I have a sign on his chest - "Man in the beta rhythm, the frequency of so-and-so". :) Moreover, sellers adjust. Nimble change and beep like seeing that man in a hurry. But I'm in no hurry, I've been out and absolutely not in a hurry. So the sellers own Mende-machine in my head it seems) built-in.)

Dimas and it is possible a question? How's your visualization? You can close your eyes and imagine the image? What is it? Clear, colorful and bright or black and white and blurry? Or visualize obtained only during stimulation mayd machine?

Enough to include a session of visualization to concentrate on anything and succeed? The truth, the truth?) Are there any nuances? And about the CD "Visions I" what can I say?

I haven't tried, session on visualization, head slightly buzzing like a high voltage transformer.) I will not torture yourself, and then play the game to short-circuit.)

Thanks for the warning) In the Improv session until you climb. And so there is something to learn.) Well, join the Crazy question about what conditions are and how to catch them. Interesting both good and bad. Be the first to try, and from the latter to stay away. Although... :)
Karil,I am encouraged by your posts broadness of girth :D and deep introspection!!!I want to say that you should not be disappointed when the effects can fade...It is a perfectly NORMAL reaction of the brain to external stimulation!!!!!!!!Increased tolerance (well, our body is designed).I used a lot of different techniques for altering consciousness,and effects ALWAYS follow a sinusoid,the rise,decline,in the future,by constantly training the sine wave turns into a straight,slowly rising up.Corny and sometimes we get used to and stop noticing them and it seems that it has started to decline... 8) About the "Explorer": Carilo,whether still will be Oh-e-AOI...! :wink:
About the depends on the state in which I find myself,when I picture the image...Sometimes it's VERY difficult to imagine something to present,and sometimes the explosion of colors and the realism is All depends,as said Patrushev,from Sauce :wink: .

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Post by Карил » Wed May 09, 2007 19:01

Alpha state happened to catch across the street is really better in this state not to go. :P

Appeared after 5 relaxation session. When doing exercise, first relaxed, then nothing happened, then noticed something changing on the brink of awareness. I tried to reinforce or fall back, in this sense, it was bad. At the end of the session in the back of my head it was the feeling of the lung, but not in a hurry to disappear. Well, I like to cook. :)

It's like a controlled dizzy, I want to reinforce stop to think and even to understand what I see before my eyes what you hear and what you feel. Want to ease the need to learn things around and hang tags. This monitor, it's a mouse, it is hands.

You can still move in the head. Feels like in one part of the head empty, and in the other the sea.

As headaches, which can be stronger than, weaker than, and which also can be localized (pain left-right, more-less). Despite the fact that my head definitely hurts now.

The internal dialogue is gone or muted, despite the fact that writing it does not bother me. Just the words disappear from my head immediately after it was written. In silence it is well audible quiet sounds and the sensations. And if on sounds to focus and try to understand (say a baby crying or the humming of the machines), the alpha starts to decrease and you receive other checks, as familiar as waking.

Still alpha dampen sudden movements like knocking fingers on the keyboard.

My thoughts and sounds in my head like a gust of wind on a field of grass, it bends-rectified and is on. Or barely heard the bell Ding... and again the silence and again Ding... Or a falling drop, drip... pause.... cap... that is, on the one hand they hear, but on the other hand don't realize they are and they are not. Ie pause, begin to play a lesser role than the sounds themselves.

When drawing begin to see not only the vase but also the air around.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Wed May 09, 2007 19:52

Session improv no advanced - regular alpha session. The name comes from the fact that she seem to be "improving" because every time she has a new picture that from session to session changes randomly.
The alpha state is characterized by increased (in order) muscle reaction when spokony emotions. This state appears only after a sufficiently long (20 years) of practicing meditation or a relatively long (2-3 weeks) - with mindmachine. In martial arts this condition is also called as master.

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Post by Карил » Wed May 09, 2007 21:44

Andrew, and can be used to relax the sessions? They also need to pause for 3 weeks with "Explorer"? As I understand it iprov to get used not because of its variability.

This is all painting... several times I joined in the alpha, so I it all happened so fast, without the promised 2-3 weeks.

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu May 10, 2007 10:18

Карил wrote:Andrew, and can be used to relax the sessions? They also need to pause for 3 weeks with "Explorer"? As I understand it iprov to get used not because of its variability.

This is all painting... several times I joined in the alpha, so I it all happened so fast, without the promised 2-3 weeks.
Well, since there are many sessions, especially habituation does not occur. Even, I would say the opposite - the faster the brain learns to enter these States.
Session improv is every time unpredictable pattern, and so good, so to speak, in General. But there are sessions where the frequency gradually and uniformly decreases, then increases back, which gives the effect of rest and refreshment, for example. So just don't "sink" on one thing.

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Post by Dimas » Thu May 10, 2007 11:35

Damn,and I improv fuse...krme it and disks do not is necessary to expand the field.. :lol: listen,three days walk is not himself,COMPLETE loss of energy,nothing reluctant,muscle weakness,always want to sleep,anxiety,mood trash...anything I don't want to...Asked parents and friends - the same situation...the symptoms are ALL almost the same..on TV saying some planet (or comet collided - a powerful emission of electromagnetic energy may be from this)...Friends,are You all right???

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Post by ШДен » Thu May 10, 2007 11:57

My whole body hurts...
... but I associate it with the repair :lol:

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Post by Псих » Thu May 10, 2007 11:59

Today I am positive. The sky is clear, birds are singing, the ear plugs helped to Dospat how much I wanted to, and not how much will a noisy house)
Really helps the music and mate in the morning)
And that's how you're feeling often happens in cloudy days, then we are all friends so faded out.
Dim, I suggest you (if you already do not do) Hatha yoga to try (not in the way of assisted stretching and endurance training, and the key energy). I have exercise 20 minutes, then 4 nights can not sleep;) And Yes, yoga is also better under zaboristye music to practice (or under the chill, as you like).
And then I see you have a lot of those status, there are suspicions that doing on the device we only use energy, but do not accumulate or do not pay attention to its accumulation in the classroom.

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Post by Карил » Thu May 10, 2007 12:15

Andey realized will alternate) In principle, yet curious to try, but it might be on any one or two session to get hooked. Improv so far, only mean, one time I tried to listen, but something I did not like. With relaxati clear at least what state to expect.

Dimas mantra, try to sing and status time would have no ABC to learn how to call, unless of course you already do... After all, we do ABC in order to live better and hurt less. Theta and the astral plane is fun, but ultimately we all have a purpose in this world and it would be necessary gradually to achieve.

And I like everything is OK, not to say of course that jumping from a surplus of energy, but in General apathy either, the cheerful clear byte :P However today I woke up a few times in the night and drink very much. In the morning Wake up was not willing, yet a few hours to lie in bed. Despite the fact that the last days Wake up much earlier and more energetic. But that I blamed on the fact that yesterday was a cold and ear left to chill. Tonight was sick in the morning already all recovered, but generally if chilled much longer everything comes back to normal.

According to the "Guide" was included in some stream, on the one hand the state is clearly better, but on the other flashes of fun and energy is not like the early days. And I was not sick and my head didn't hurt. However on the third or fourth time I sort of wanted to get sick, sneezed a couple of times well and by the evening all has passed. And water I drink a little, again after listening to thirsty, but I would not say that much.

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Post by Dimas » Thu May 10, 2007 12:20

Yes, no problem to call,that I have obtained,as tablerock switch :wink: ...The problem is lack of energy!!!!Or I don't know what...AS she pumped,tried several ways,but maybe I'm doing something wrong or don't have the patience...

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Post by Андрей Патрушев » Thu May 10, 2007 12:27

Dimas wrote:Damn,and I improv fuse...krme it and disks do not is necessary to expand the field.. :lol: listen,three days walk is not himself,COMPLETE loss of energy,nothing reluctant,muscle weakness,always want to sleep,anxiety,mood trash...anything I don't want to...Asked parents and friends - the same situation...the symptoms are ALL almost the same..on TV saying some planet (or comet collided - a powerful emission of electromagnetic energy may be from this)...Friends,are You all right???
As the saying goes - "there is full progress" :P Because You have such circumstances a terribly sore head, if I remember correctly... :wink:
And so, indeed, something strange is going on... Then many suddenly temperature for three days terrible and nothing more..., the left (right) leg suddenly hurts again, many friends, or something else nevrologicheskoe, but the scale like the plague.
The impression is that someone in us experiments put... :evil:

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Post by Dimas » Thu May 10, 2007 12:45

DAMN!!!! :evil: Headache MUCH less it really is!!!My days in the spooky chills threw a lot of nameless bales on the left hand!!!My girl (sorry) I felt sick,and my grandmother (she's got a cucumber) was throwing up all night,although not etched or anything,then suddenly it went (it's all in three days Friday,Saturday,Sunday,Monday)!!!!!Will repulse the alien invaders!!!(or maybe someone else closer :evil: :twisted: )!!!

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Post by Карил » Thu May 10, 2007 12:49

You need to develop not only the head but also the body it seems to me, then there will be energy.

The first thing that comes to mind is to try cygon, 1 year Bronnikova, Aikido and more you can confuse "the Explorer".

Catch would fill a horned, three-eyed face these experimenters. :twisted:

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Post by Карил » Thu May 10, 2007 18:47

I tried Improv-2 as that of the square pulse and 15 seconds the speed changes.

Physically relaxed, very good, in the mind of the alpha frequency seems still stands. And apparently I'm the new condition gradually begin to get used to.

But from VD to delete and failed. Of course when I noticed and focused, it was gone, but came back pretty quickly. Maybe I don't have common care? People who like VD is the case?

What is SMR Improv?

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Post by Карил » Thu May 10, 2007 21:02

By the way about energy. The guide already gives energy "life force" from the earth, and the "sparkling energy" from the cosmos\sky.

Visually I have no idea, but physically, when you lie back and think along with the "Conductor" of the "life force" then I hollow out chest up, despite the fact that I was nice and relaxed (hands, feet warm). I don't think I get up to the bridge, but some holistic tension of all the muscles is very noticeable.

If you say "energy" or "sparkling energy", that there is some tension Baidu eyebrows and generally on the forehead and the bridge of the nose, a kind of stain and stress in the neck. I can still feel the coolness in the forehead.

Then when you stop focusing and relax, I notice that I definitely was moving, maybe even slightly up on the blades.

And at the end of meditation good surge of physical strength and vigor is apparently "life-force". And freshness and some kind of voicing in my head - to think that "sparkling energy".

I don't know if these energies into reality :P but the physical feeling like you slept well, rested and ready for a long time and to work productively, both physically and mentally.

All this despite the fact that now 20.00 and such a lifting force by the evening in General should not sleep soon. :)

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Post by Саша » Thu May 10, 2007 22:27

Dimas, I also have some abnormal sensations have been since Friday. The pressure jumped up probably the second time in my life, as many vessels in eye burst :shock: . Why I write about this - thought at first that the body has reacted to mind-the machine (I'm just starting to use it). Then I thought - nonsense, this can not be. Generally in these days a lot of people with this suffer. Monday lunch went as it was not. In General, you're not alone. Besides, I'm in Karelia. So, really, dependent on space :roll: .

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Post by Dimas » Fri May 11, 2007 11:20

Vidimi indeed, this BZ-W-W-W is not casual...!!! :D Sasha,how were the cars?What did you feel?

Joined:Sun May 06, 2007 0:38

Post by Саша » Fri May 11, 2007 12:20

Dimas, I in the beginning, use a little more than a week, in General having no meditation experience. Before that, there were several unsuccessful attempts to enter the "alpha". Machine also started as something stupid, poking everything. Thank you A. Patrushev and Caryl suggested that you should start with sessions of "r". Like began "to fly", but it seem, rather, to sleep, because this state has reasonable control over me. For two mornings in a row I tried to "E2" (just waking up), and "E1" (coming to work). During the session I do not feel a rush of energy, but began to understand that it is not the process, and as a result, why not try to catch any special conditions. So just listen to the hum and see the "flickering" :roll: . The first ten minutes after the session, still exhausted. And then - much better. Because I - "owl", but you have to be at 8.00, is a disaster for me. Usually around 11 only to start. And after these sessions - a much more cheerful. Therefore, I believe that the positive effect is. I think in the future, of course, learn to recognize a change of state, and maybe catch some buzz during the sessions, because the interest is there. Really want to change! Brains understand that I live like a leech swamp :( and to fly some pendalya not enough. From the outside it do not want to wait.
Something I digress. So, get acquainted with the machine yet. And ordered the discs. Just in time for vacation comes, quietly look inside yourself.
Of course, not enough experiences which can be shared, so the more you absorb other people on the forum. But as soon as "the humor of the situation" - will not be silent.
And thank you all for the experience. :wink:

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