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recommend or dissuade..

Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 14:52
by Арселон
thinking about the acquisition mayd car...
in the profession of the truck driver, ie mayd need a car as a stimulant (NOT FOR the CRAZY USE AND DRIVE 24 HOURS a DAY! )
sometimes you need something head started to work
for example after standing on the border in line hours that way 15...
after you Wake up....sleep in the cabin let in space and under the covers is still not in full bed....sometimes you Wake up, like sleeping 8 hours and finally prosypaeshsya in a couple of hours drive that does not ice
or after driving 4.5 hours priezzhaesh for example in Warsaw, you have the address of loading to look, etc...and the head will switch from the monotony of the monotonous drive will switch unwilling....
or Vice versa need to sleep after driving...orocess 2 hours and no sleep (colleagues suggest vodka but it is not ...
In General, recommend or odgovorite

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 19:34
by Агент Смит
Recently had to go on the night - first to ride five hours, and then the whole day negotiations. To go to bed before midnight I'm not used to just fall asleep and Wake up before eight torture for me. If you set the alarm clock to get up at five in the morning, then all night looking at him, and then stand no. Fortunately, this "joy" for me is very rare - for example, the train meet - all as-that was impossible to use the machine, and then still included session S01 (for sleep) and lo and behold - after about 10 minutes I was already asleep! Woke up quite cheerful, taxied for five hours, then six hours of talks in two places, then riding to the shops and walking on them, and then the journey home again five hours behind the wheel. However, on the way home from the diner sleep 10 minutes after dinner and go.
And this is not the first experience an easy stay with MM, but there are other situations were.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 9:20
by Андрей Патрушев
With the right approach machine can be very useful to You, precisely in those situations that You described. It is only necessary always to remember that to stimulate the brains of beta only if You really slept at least 3 hours. Otherwise, the effect will be counterproductive. If, however, slept a little, then it is better to put the session (of 45 minutes) deep relaxation with access to a wakeful state.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:37
by рустем
I just found out about MM ! which model is better for me to order? I novicok in this case!!!And how do You work shipping to Kazakhstan!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:54
by Андрей Патрушев
Innerpulse with red and blue (premium) points.

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 13:38
рустем wrote:I just found out about MM ! which model is better for me to order? I novicok in this case!!!And how do You work shipping to Kazakhstan!!!
Sent by EMS mail.

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 17:29
by Нак_Нак
Андрей Патрушев wrote:Rustem
Innerpulse with red and blue (premium) points.
and what are the pros for a beginner?

ButinSTI SMUTNOth BPeatYeni sethdaysI

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 17:30
by Андрей Патрушев
First and foremost - the security of photoepilation.