Sorry, but... uh-uh... reference information can be obtain

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Sorry, but... uh-uh... reference information can be obtain

Post by ВладимирГладченко,Студент » Fri Oct 15, 2010 18:12

Dear mindmachines! Tell me, but you can reply to this question: and you do like you do well, some give a guarantee on the things you sell? I don't mean the mind-machine, and your own products. Just want to know: a buyer do in this case, well, at least somehow protected from potential fraud? But it is crucial! Now, say I you have a device, and it does! It as, in this case, it will be possible to change? Or is everything I will throw to you and you to me, "uh-uh, no-no-no, for according to the Government Decree number of such products tehnomagicheskih to return will not be accepted!". And th, I is obtained, will remain with the nose. And technically, you're right! And, by the way, now that even the state Duma adopted a law banning the adverts of magic and other dematerializations services, you are generally outside the legal field and therefore, in the case of which even bear the responsibility is not you? Yes, it's a win-win position for practicing every kind of Scam! In short, based on the foregoing, I that's why I ask you don't get me wrong: but you at least some kind of guarantee can you give that will not cheat, or you have here ordinary prodanesti on faith?!.

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Oct 15, 2010 23:35

:) Lots of fun dear voprosami.

1. According to the new law, heard that this is in the discussion, but I heard that he joined the force, but do not see any connection with the production of this website.
I will explain why. As far as I understand, the thing described is associated with exposure to all magicians, psychics and other difficult to control things.
Will be the final version of the adopted and entered into force the law - will be interesting to see what is written there. There's no magic services, and the term "technomage" rather large Convention and no doubt can be replaced by many other suitable terms that closely describe the (associative) the essence of the processes. I'm inclined to believe the correct interpretation, such as those used by Morozovym - magic is quantum and multidimensional physics. Ie we are talking about physical phenomena. A section of the site can certainly be labeled as anything such as "information technology" and otherwise.
Besides, from what I hear, reading eye the controversy around this topic of the law banning advertising of magic services, we are talking about the concept of advertising. Ie, banning is not the services themselves, and of attracting to them by that legally treated as advertising. Not so sure that the price on the website falls under the concept of advertising, although no doubt if the law will come into legal force, would probably make sense to get competent legal. advice to avoid Association with him.
If at this point You think that something is not as I described, please indicate more specifically (link to the text of the law, the date of entry into force, yours or someone else's options interpretation it and so on).
Until something more specific I can not - not in the subject.
It is about "not in the right field." In my opinion all quite legal and I think it will stay.
There are plenty of products presented on this site that can be associative rake up under "magic" by saying that it is not seen how they work.
Well, for example, magnicaballi water flows water flows water.... I can't see anything.
Ie I do not even mention different info-modulators, converters and so on. Which have studies, patents, experience and consumer reviews, very real and not necessarily on the seller's website.
Ie there are a lot of strange, but not all that does not fit the official interpretation, is magic and potentially prohibited under the new law to sell (or still is?).
A simple example:
- there are recognized traditional knowledge used by Western civilization. For example, the same reflexology. Taught in our universities, although it contains a variety of fun about "energy" channels, and so on....
- there are elements of tradition, Hobbies, esoteric currents. That for example sell in any stores artifacts of national Souvenirs, esoteric gadgets. Well, like the shops "the Way to itself" and "White clouds" and so on.
Well, I think that someone will interpret everything associated with this and much more, such as various esoteric schools and flow with the paragraph about "advertising of magic services". Rather, we are dealing with the fact that the Newspapers have got a lot boooooooored advertisements "turn away, I'm going to fit, jinx and Pat".

2. It is not clear what is meant by "not working" or not working. For example, all products of my designs are checked for serviceability. If your own implies not Verie in that it operates, or the inability to use, for whatever reason, then let's approach the matter reasonably.
Personally I see no problem to return any products to my line in a reasonable time ago. While maintaining the initial appearance and other consumer characteristics. And I can guarantee that any other buyer will not get second hand as there is great demand for all the products among friends and colleagues who are happy to take products with not significant to performance defects, or other (including used).
For example such is the fate of 2.7 replaced the first who had unstable coverage.
I don't see any fundamental problems with the return, if this is not an attempt of deception (describe below what I mean by this).

On the other hand, to be honest, I would say - life experience I know that sometimes people living in their own doubt (having nothing to do with the characteristics of the devices, schools, academic or Wellness systems, psychological practices, training courses), begin tormented by the question of purely personal, domestic origin - "and for good reason I have invested money here and not there." Or other excuses for my doubts, for example just the need for money is acute. I've seen a lot, though not on this website and not about my products, but the psycho sign.
In this case, the attempt of return fraud is the return exchange goods-money, after obtaining trial experience. The result is something like free rent. Agree, this interpretation does not look right.... the more demand for the products is now almost higher than supply, the real capacity of production (if to speak about my product) and someone is forced to wait at times, if someone uses the possibility of a return of the person and informational purposes, removing the product from circulation, it would not be very correct.
So perhaps today I will add all the products (including those already issued and sold) module "a fair return".
This will affect BJ and ck and modulators and everything else from my line.
This module will be neutral if the return is fair and You have not received benefit from the work products.
If this is not so and it is attempted fraud, the module will deduct, probabilistically forming event, of your money the amount of the cost. Ie You will be able to return the product, You will get a refund, but in some near future will be the planned costs that will eat them. And we have an exceptional client who will cover the loss that the products will be withdrawn from circulation.
Naturally, the work of this module will occur always, when this return is fraud, regardless of whether one believes in it or not. But for those who do not believe that this is possible, this should not present a problem once the product is not working, and this module is also can't work.
Generally, it is a question purely moral and psychological. I think if something is wrong, then the person has to say it openly, and get the answer. Instead of writing compound messages.
Ie just to say "I believe that I have not works, can I take the product?". When instead there is a manipulation of a heap of suggestions, with links to laws and other reasoning, then it seems to me that the writer himself understands that it is not until the end of the rights :) and disingenuous in relation to the readers or to himself too.

My short answer. Regarding the entire line of my products. When you save the presentation, with no visible defects made by the consumer, they can be taken within a reasonable time after purchase. Actually had to clear it first with Andrew, but I received so much positive feedback and thanks that I don't think such cases are anything more than fun exotic.
But, the module "fair return" will work, bringing everything full circle. This is true :)

In General(purely human), I myself am a regular buyer of such different and sometimes similar in the sense of products of other manufacturers. My mind never came to pass, although I'm not always happy with the results of the use (and often take just to study or out of interest). The reason that I am aware of that does not take usual thing, which often do not have the on-off light bulb. I.e. it cannot be seen directly and clearly. A simple example - You've completed a certain training, a number of "classmates" with the training one receives from the use of new skills, You may also get them, but weaker. However, any experience changes You, i.e. somehow it still worked. Can you talk about what You waste of the training money or to go and ask for them back?
I never had such thoughts, but I was careful of course, except when I specifically switched off for research purposes.

So don't be afraid - You're here to throw does not want to, if You only throw themselves to decide...

In the meantime, I see just the opposite trend - people are buying the same products for friends, relatives, and for themselves ( because of the need for some form) and write very nice comments, which really stimulate the development, giving a "kick", the realization that it is necessary for someone besides domestic consumer groups among "their".
Success and a pleasant returns.<

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Post by Михаил_ » Fri Oct 15, 2010 23:49

The lyrical addition.

In General, I've recently argued with one man from Kiev (maybe he reads the forum) on the theme of health of the Parlor. The products are not mine, I profit from it don't get, technically she's my rival, so as to promote its direct benefit I don't have any. I hope this is clear. But I am not guided by questions benefits when it comes to the objectivity of the opinion. I wrote to the person in personal correspondence that all products LIK - workers. He wrote that he tested everything, and family, but received only weak responses, mostly from ekonorma.
What can I say? We are dealing with products, the effect of which in different people can be the same or similar, but visible and quickly noticeable results can seriously vary. For example, the same "Mirror of ISIS" I think is a very powerful thing, not to notice which in my opinion is not possible..... However I understand that everyone is different and for someone externally (i.e., visible to a person manifestations) the mirror will not be visible. (although the effects still and it will be possible to register the instrument if you really want to).
What am I writing?
You may want to hang large red banners on all or part of the products catalog, with caution. Writing it that this products different things to different people and people should understand that buying something does not give immediate visible effect.
It's not the cell phones or televisions, although in life there are so many things comparable in complexity estimates of effect or quality. Even the same mobile phones sometimes despite the price and brand are..... different...... Such as doctor prescribed pills. And hell knows, they acted, or it was placebo, or sold them a fake and there was glucose ? or maybe the cold time has passed and so on....... but we do not ask this question. It's just the first who came to mind example. Such a lot about everything in life. A lot of things, the quality or characteristics of which we do not appreciate and sometimes don't think about them, but the riots only occur when falls in the hands of something beyond the usual understanding.
I call it is better not to buy, even having the opportunity to pass, if there is any doubt on this score.<

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Post by Маг.нет » Sat Oct 16, 2010 8:34

Михаил_ wrote:1. About the new law
On the territory of my residence for a long time (probably since 2003, but I could be wrong on the year) has a similar Law on a local level, such as "pilot project". Personally involved (provided legal consultation) to bring some practitioners in the "legitimate channel" is effective. About as Michael_ pointed out, "as you call it, and such requirements to a Product (including services)". Then there was the hype, but it quickly verse and everything is "on the thumb". My help, my offer was free but got an interesting effect positive feedback - there was an opportunity to see interesting things... Impressions so far...


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