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Meditation of presence 4. Meditation is presence in the Heart

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2019 17:07
by Владимир Никонов 2
New from Andrei Patrushev.

All that we have experienced in life, since birth, have always turned you on a narrow focus of attention. In fact, it's only recognized in our society form of attention. It is believed that if someone is not able to focus, then something is wrong – he is either sick, lazy or something was wrong with him, and all that.

Throughout the history of civilization, people have invented many ways to train concentration, – in school, at work, at home... And even when you're with the one you love, he, too, needs similar attention. So, it can be argued that in this direction always felt a very strong pressure of society.

Of course, the ability to focus is not something terrible. It is, generally speaking, the basis for the development of our civilization and for the individual is the basis of survival in modern society.

However, since we have almost all the awake time we spend in the mode of concentration of attention, without any interruption, it contributes to the accumulation of stress and tension – physical tension and emotional stress.

In fact, any kind of stress is the result of how we direct our attention, and due to the fact that we held him too long.

In addition, the constant attention creates a permanent overvoltage of eye muscles and muscles of the neck and shoulder Department, which entails already somatic problems - blurred vision, worsening of blood flow to the brain (deterioration of ability to concentrate), osteochondrosis, hypertension and migraine.

This is something to do.... What? As usual, the person becomes very inventive to deal with the consequences, instead of treating the cause. The market offers numerous tools and devices for massage of the neck and shoulder Department, ranging from the usual spots, finishing with electrical stimulation.

In fact, the reason of stress and most diseases lies in one learned behavior, which is changing, we change your destiny.

Vision is the dominant sense organ of the person, therefore the most effective way to dispel stress is to change how we see the world.

When we learn to change the mode of vision with narrow objectively intense attention, which we previously supported for all-day, more diffuse, more peripherally-oriented – when we see, notice and feel all around at the same time - your body, tastes and smells and are aware of your thoughts, feel your mind and the space in which all this is happening, we get a feeling of full presence - the feeling of staying in the present moment "here and now".

And when we achieve this state of attention, at the same time, and is equivalent to aware of all your feelings, then our body starts to break free and dissipate stress, normalizing physiological and mental functions.

The body goes into a nice, stable, smooth, balanced condition in which a painful symptoms start to dissipate, and there is a natural self-healing, self-healing, and even rejuvenation.

Pay and download the audio program, "Meditation the presence of 4. Vision"
Cost: 500 rubles

Maybe it will not happen instantly, although sometimes some and instant reaction, depending on how deeply and fully they allow themselves to reach their focus, and relaxed to take in the sensations. But it is exactly what happens.

Thus, we can quickly and most effectively to influence eyestrain and stress, dispel the focus of their vision, and through training at the same time merged with all the visual objects and space.

This meditation leads you, allowing you to change what you believe figure, and what you think is background. She creates an environment that supports learning, flexibility of attention, and you learn how to move from a busy narrow objective attention to the ambient streamlined, effortless attention, and back.


Important: your task is to very easy to let your imagination do all the work, which, of course, no effort is needed. When your imagination work absolutely free, and you don't get him something to imagine, and just let it happen, then the imagination is most creative.

This meditation occurs with eyes open. During this meditation it is necessary to hold (without any stress) your eyes on a Central figure (period) any painting, mandalas, or natural landscape.

Any picture, or landscape, where you can highlight some Central figure, or object.

In this meditation I am the same way as in the previous, I'll ask questions: "could you...". The questions posed in this form, help to circumvent the current restrictions, allowing the subconscious to find the conditions under which implementation it becomes possible (although not always first time).

Between 15 seconds and in this time it is necessary to keep the attention on the object of the last question, not taking his eyes from the Central figure.

If you have some difficulties to imagine a specific image or feeling, never mind. Just let your imagination to stay focused on the question object and let your feeling is the most natural way.

"All exercise is achieved", therefore it is not necessary to force events. With each meditation skills are, and all this will come to you naturally.

Pay and download the audio program, "Meditation the presence of 4. Vision"
Cost: 500 rubles

If you think that there is nothing specific or your mind starts to wander, don't worry. If you suddenly noticed that your attention goes somewhere else and focuses on some extraneous thought or image, do not resist, do not support this process, gradually allowing you to focus your attention to expand so that in addition to that thought, or emotion, where did your attention focus your attention additionally joined another and my current question.

This meditation is self-sufficient, but each meditation in this series of "Meditation the presence of" a little more difficult than the previous one. Therefore, it would be better if you first pass a full course (21 days) basic meditation. Someone will be helpful to pre-take the full course of the second and third meditations presence.

Each meditation from the series "Meditation of presence" involves some unique aspects of your perception. Therefore, consistent classes all give the system a synergistic effect.

This meditation, in addition to the above positive effects will be particularly useful to artists, pilots, snipers, soldiers dig — in General, all those who need to highlight the subtle, but very important details on the complex, for a detailed analysis of the visual background. With the development of training, and the important details will be "highlighted" on the General background ("look will cling to"), while at the same time you will receive the corresponding acknowledgement ("I wonder", "danger", "important", etc.) and at the level of feelings.

Positive changes noticed by those who working with tables Schulte, speed-reading and Cinecanal.

Once again I would like to emphasize that meditation is not hard work, and the game. During meditation, keep the inner smile, breathe deeply (without effort) and smoothly and play with their ideas, as in a dream, or in dreams.

Pay and download the audio program, "Meditation the presence of 4. Vision"
Cost: 500 rubles

To bring the effects of meditation presence in everyday situations, during meditation, it is recommended to sit with your back straight, or stand. Supine or inclined position, after a period of practice, will be ineffective, as it is reminiscent of the position in which you sleep.

Optimal to train twice a day, with a break of no less than three hours.

The first positive changes are already noticeable after three weeks of regular classes. The consolidation of positive changes will occur in three months.

Duration of meditation: 34 minutes.
The use of headphones is not necessary.
Stay Healthy and Happy!

Pay and download the audio program, "Meditation the presence of 4. Vision"
Cost: 500 rubles<