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Meditation of presence 3. Meditation is presence in the Heart

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 23:48
by Владимир Никонов 2
New from Andrei Patrushev.

In ancient Greece there was a beautiful legend.

Once upon a time the Gods decided to create the world. They easily created the stars, the Sun, the moon, the sea, flowers and clouds. Turned out they have it very easy, beautiful and happy... And then created man. They gave man a spark of divine light, to instill in him a curiosity and creativity. First they wanted to give the man and the divine Truth, but then decided that the human would be too easy to get, and it may hurt his development. So they decided to hide the divine Truth somewhere far away, that man could too easily get to it. In this regard, they have had difficulties. Where to hide the divine Truth that people are unable to find it immediately?

— Let's hide the Truth on the highest mountain of the world, there will certainly be hard to find.

— No, people are so inquisitive that too will quickly be able to get there.

— Then let's hide it on the bottom of the ocean, in the deep, dark abyss.

— What are you, humans are so inventive that will create an amazing car and easily get there.

— Hide it then on the invisible side of the moon.

— No, because people are so resistant, that there pretty quickly get.

In the end, the oldest and wisest God said:

— No, we'll hide the divine Truth in the hearts of people. They will look for it around the world, not even knowing that all this time are the divine Truth in your own heart.

Introduction. The human heart is much more than a conventional mechanical pump which drives blood through our body. With its 40 thousand neurons and an electric field that is many times greater than the electric field of the brain, the heart can be considered body's own powerful intellect.

A complex network of neurons of the heart allows it to work independently from the brain. Some researchers believe that the heart can learn, remember and produce feelings. Emotional information that is sent from the heart to the brain, has a huge impact on higher brain functions, influencing our perception, thought processes, health, learning ability and especially the ability to feel compassion and empathy.

Anger, anxiety and depression had a heart stress and affect the development of heart disease. A common expression "broken heart" can be seen as true not only metaphorically, but literally. Due to the presence of physiological connections between the brain and the heart, the synchronicity of their work is as important for heart health and for brain health.

From the point of view of esotericism, Anahata — heart energy of the person is characterized by intuition on the path of self-perfection ("the way of the Heart"); the possibility of a vision causes, effects and consequences in the form of past, present, and future events; control over guilt, resentment, bewilderment, emotions and bodily symptoms of the lower contours.

Activation of Anahata leads to the second birth (resurrection) of the body, regeneration, rejuvenation, sensory enrichment, joy of perception. Anahata directly interacts with Sahasrara and Muladhara, that is, connects Matter and Spirit. Position — the middle of the sternum.
Studies of people who regularly engage in meditation, presence in the heart testify to finding their peace of mind and the significant strengthening of the immune system. This meditation can be useful both for the individual and for couples or working groups.

Pay and download the audio program, "Meditation the presence of 3. Meditation is presence in the Heart
Cost: 500 rubles


Important: this meditation on the Energetic Heart, which is located on the physical heart in the center of the chest. To concentrate on the physical heart is not recommended.

In this meditation I am the same way as in the previous, I'll ask questions: "could you...". The questions posed in this form, help to circumvent the current restrictions, allowing the subconscious to find the conditions under which implementation it becomes possible (although not always first time).

Between issues there will be 16 seconds and in this time it is necessary to keep the attention on the object of the last question.

If you have some difficulties to imagine a specific image or feeling, never mind. Just let your imagination to stay focused on the question object and let your feeling is the most natural way.

If you think that there is nothing specific or your mind starts to wander, don't worry. If you suddenly noticed that your attention goes somewhere else and focuses on some thought, or image, do not resist, do not support this process, gradually allowing you to focus your attention to expand so that in addition to that thought, or emotion, where did your attention focus your attention involved more and my current question.

For example, when I ask, "could you imagine the distance between the heart and the eyes?", you may naturally feel the heart, then the eyes and then allow your imagination move into the area between the heart and the eyes and imagine the distance between them. Your goal is not to predict a specific distance. The goal is to very gently begin to imagine or(and) to feel the distance or space between the heart and the eyes. Initially, you can think of this distance as some area, or some vague feeling, but then the feeling can expand, or change, while you continue to hold your attention in this area. Most likely, that feeling will change as you practice.

The term "imagine" applies not only to visualization, but to all the senses. During meditation you are not required to generate the brain in a clear three-dimensional cinema. Do as you're accustomed to seeing.

When I ask you to provide some space, ideally, if you were already well trained, you could cause a feeling of this space, and be able to visualize this space, and would be able to hear the silence between the heart and the eyes, and could feel the taste and smell of this space, and be able to think about the space between heart and eyes, and even be able to feel the thoughts that come from this space, and would be able to feel the present moment in this space. But "exercise is achieved", therefore it is not necessary to force events. With each meditation skills are, and all this will come to you naturally.

This meditation is self-sufficient, but it would be better if you first pass a full course (21 days) basic meditation. Someone will be helpful to pre-take the full course and the second a meditation of presence as "a meditation of presence in the heart", when the only experience of the basic course, to some it may seem too complicated.

Pay and download the audio program, "Meditation the presence of 3. Meditation is presence in the Heart
Cost: 500 rubles

Recall: to bring the effects of meditation presence in everyday situations, during meditation, it is recommended to sit with your back straight, or stand. Supine or inclined position, after a period of practice, will be ineffective, as it is reminiscent of the position in which you sleep.

Once again I would like to emphasize that meditation is not hard work, and the game. During meditation, keep the inner smile, breathe deeply (without effort) and smoothly and play with their ideas, as in a dream, or in dreams.
Optimal to train twice a day, with a break of no less than three hours.

The first positive changes are already noticeable after three weeks of regular classes. The consolidation of positive changes will occur in three months.

Meditation duration: 29 min.
The use of headphones is not necessary.

Stay Healthy and Happy!

Andrei Patrushev

Pay and download the audio program, "Meditation the presence of 3. Meditation is presence in the Heart<