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Meditation "Activation of creativity"

Posted: Tue May 28, 2019 20:26
by Владимир Никонов 2
New from Andrei Patrushev. Audio program "Activation of creativity".

Pay and download the audio program "Activation of creativity"

What you need to activate your creativity?

Perhaps right now you are looking for inspiration for something, what are you working on, or want to overcome "writer's block", or you have a problem you need to solve. Or maybe you just want to be more creative in work, Hobbies, or personal life.

People often think of creativity only as an art of creating paintings, sculptures, manuscripts and films about dancing, etc. etc. But of course, creativity can be expressed in countless ways, starting with how you tell jokes, or how you dress, to how you cook, or how do you make surprise gifts for the holidays, or how ingenious you are able to manage a budget.

Creativity helps make a boring job more interesting and productive to look for new ways to do familiar things, and as a result greatly improve their quality of life. Thus, this session can help you improve a lot more aspects of your life than you even suggest.

The most powerful block on the path to creativity is not lack of creative talent and too much effort and critical attitude.

Creative problem solving is one of the skills that are impossible to boost. The more we try, the less results. The more hard we work and the harder time frame allocated for the decision, the less creative we become.

Tension is the killer of creativity. Strenuous brains can barely cope with basic functions such as digestion and support the immune system at the minimum level, as in a stressful situation, survival is much more important than creating internationally recognized literary masterpieces or works of art.

Einstein did not "beat your head against the wall", creating his theory of relativity. All he did in the quiet of his study, in his chair, imagined that travels at the tip of the beam.

Creativity is a subconscious process. It occurs in the background of our consciousness and gives the best results when you create the right environment and allocate space and time to make it happen.

It means "off the track", setting aside your conscious mind with its analysis, critique and planning.

Folk wisdom says: "someone else's misfortune will take, and his mind is not find". Yes, key phrase is to free your brain. Free from worry and anxiety, from the current of everyday life, from responsibility for the final result, etc., etc..

If we follow the theory of parts, or subpersonalities, the "creative part" all this is completely alien. It is enough to know the direction and that other parts are not hindered in finding really creative solutions. And only then (after you search) we can connect your "critical part", "part", responsible for common sense and responsibility for the final result, etc..

Pay and download the audio program "Activation of creativity"
Cost: 1200 roubles

This model of the brain quite fully reflected in the well-known procedure of "Brainstorming". There is also, at the initial stage of "idea generation", specially selected (creative) people give different ideas (sometimes very "crazy"), and thus strictly prohibited any manifestations of criticism and doubt. Then another group of people (improvers) selects from these ideas, from their point of view, most of the workers and begins to develop them, and only in the final stage included a third group of people (critics) who try these ideas to "leave no stone unturned".

It should be noted that Brainstorming does not always give good results because so much depends on its leader (coordinator) — how he will be able to create a friendly atmosphere of cooperation rather than opposition groups.

In fact, in every human being already have such a team of "sub-personalities" and a person sufficient to create the appropriate conditions for a truly creative and fruitful work.

The most important aspect of increasing creativity is to create special interior space to give yourself a chance from time to time to distance yourself from what you are doing. For example, psychologists have found that after walking in the nature, people largely more creatively solve various problems. An interesting study was published in the "Bulletin of Psychology of Personality and Society" in 2011. It showed that the subjects who were asked to imagine that they solve problems for someone else, or draw pictures to use someone else in their presentations, were more successful and showed more creative results than those who were asked to solve problems and to draw for themselves.

When You solve a problem for someone else, you tend to see it from the outside, more distant way. Instead, so to say, bury your nose in the monitor and to fix the problem, you need to "move a few steps in the direction" to consider the problem from a more relaxed perspective. Thus, making a break from work to stroll in nature, or (and) psychologically distancing themselves from the problem, imagining that you decide it for someone else, you free your brain for creativity.

The best creative ideas come when you are totally relaxed. The most amazing solutions come in dreams, or when you dream.

Pay and download the audio program "Activation of creativity"
Cost: 1200 roubles

Every person is ' built creativity. Of course, some people show a great aptitude for generating creative ideas, others for their improvement, but nevertheless, creative abilities are inherent in every human at the genetic level. So, actually, you have a lot of creative resources, you just have to learn to find access to them when you need them.

Meditation can help you put aside the conscious mind, freeing the way for your creative subconscious to manifest brilliant ideas, solutions and innovations.

Creativity requires a liberation of the brain, curiosity and the ability to be surprised. This session is designed to give you the opportunity to enter into a relaxed creative state, where true discoveries and ideas start to take shape.

Meditation for the activation of creative abilities, helps you to raise up from the depths of the subconscious, your innate ability to be creative and resourceful.

When you relax, repeatedly listening to this session, you may be surprised at the number of new ideas which began to come to your mind on a regular basis.

You will notice that

• become more sensitive to all sorts of connections between seemingly completely unrelated phenomena;
• find many ways to use these previously hidden from you when;
• easier to began to enter a special state, which manifest your creativity;
• gained confidence and began to trust myself more;
• your quality of life has improved markedly.

Meditation time is 58 minutes.

The optimum time to practice with this program from 16 to 18 hours, or from 5 to 7 hours (there is a possibility to sleep on the job). Some people, at the initial stage, this program, after finishing, can cause increased alertness, due to a significant improvement of cerebral circulation. In this case, avoid to listen to this program just before sleep — to avoid problems with falling asleep. Max is 4 hours before the time when you go to bed.

The optimal listening mode: two days on the third. In breaks it is possible (and useful) to do with the audio programs "improving the ability to visualize" and "Changing beliefs". After 21 classes need to take a break, at least three weeks. To distract from everyday reality and the organization of special space and time for creative work of the brain, in my opinion, a very useful program "Bilateral meditation", or "journey through the inner worlds", which can be used according to the situation.

All recommendations are not a dogma, but the adherence to them is facilitated by the achievement of necessary conditions and a more complete and rapid effect.

Pay and download the audio program "Activation of creativity"
Cost: 1200 roubles

At the absolute most, not the questions, you will be able to find satisfactory answers to "Guide to disks"

* This audio program, like other programs for self-hypnosis (including those that will be created in the future), is available (usually 3-4 weeks after) owners mindmachine Navigator absolutely free in the form combined sessions.