"Passing the exam". The audio program

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Владимир Никонов 2
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"Passing the exam". The audio program

Post by Владимир Никонов 2 » Wed Oct 10, 2018 14:46

In October 2018, Andrei Patrushev has provided new development: the audio program is "passing the exam".

Now already for anybody not a secret that emotional state affects memory and ability to remember different information.

For example, when you have a good mood, you are more likely to evoke good memories. When you are angry, you are more likely to remember situations in which you felt angry. It is noticed that the average score is higher if the exam is held in the auditorium, where he conducted classes on the subject. Sports teams, in General, are more successful in his field, where he conducted training, etc.. This is called "contextual related memory".

During exam preparation, you can be calm and peaceful, for example, listening to soothing music. However, the emotional atmosphere in the exam may be very different from that in training, so it can have a significant impact on the ability to timely recall the necessary information.

At the same time, on the exam, of course, so no need to go somewhere in the area to calm down and deeply relax. Stress causes the release of adrenaline in the blood and adrenaline in small amounts very helps to activate all reserves of the body, including, of course, and memory. But this activation can only happen at a certain – not too low and not too high level of adrenaline in the blood.

The optimal level of adrenaline in the blood in combination with externally-oriented TRANS together and produce a State of Maximum opportunity.
This meditation creates a special context, when the situation and emotional atmosphere of the exam makes you As Maximum possibilities.

The state of Maximum opportunity, of course, does not negate preparation for the exam and other factors. Because in order to succeed on the exam you need to have developed skills of perception and assimilation of information, as well as a good ability to Express their great knowledge, both orally and on paper. Thus, when you are ready, simply raise your "bar maximal condition".

However, not rarely it happens that a man with a great knowledge and skills, due to excessive excitement passes the exam is much worse than their capabilities. So, besides the usual preparation for the exam it is very important to prepare for it psychologically.

Recently scientifically established (however, guessed this before) that sleep plays a key role in the assimilation of knowledge, abilities and skills. Moreover, REM sleep is responsible for the assimilation of skills and "slow dream" is responsible for the assimilation of knowledge. Therefore, it is quite useless to teach something the night before the exam. Much more important than a good night's sleep.

The next thing you need to understand what the exam is a continuation of your training. And life does not even have time to get into a situation similar to the intensity of emotions and responsibility for the exams.

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When you pass the exam is first of all communication, so it is not superfluous to the establishment of normal human relations with the examiner.
During this meditation you enter into a special state of deep relaxation of mind and body. This Wellness and a refreshing break during exam preparation, very useful because when you are deeply relaxed, your brain learns better that you have studied. And your subconscious mind carefully sorts the information and stores it in special centers, long-term memory of your brain.

Thus, this meditation aims to even the environment itself and the emotional tension of the exam delivers you the activation Status of Maximum opportunity.

This meditation is useful for not only passing academic exams. As I said, in life we have to overcome various situations that liability and intensity of emotions will not yield to any difficult exam. This important event and presentations, negotiations and submission of projects fighting the same banal street fight, etc etc.. And no matter how you prepared, as the maximum capacity greatly increases your chances of success.

The secret of a successful self-hypnosis – the maximum muscle relaxation and fixed attention. The easiest way to do it, focusing on the text and doing all that it says. Release your creative imagination and get (pretend) every emotion and feeling, about which it says, mentally participating in the proposed action and scenarios. If the imagination while very tight, it makes sense to practice first on basic autogenic training.

Above I have given the description of the actions leading to the fastest results. However, you can just listen to the voice, occasionally plunging into the dreams and surfacing back. You can even completely fall asleep – due to special suggestions, the effect is not lost. The hearing person continues to function even in a deep coma. The only question is the access to knowledge thus obtained, but access to the skills and experience happens automatically under the control of your subconscious.

Posture – any (preferably half-sitting, relying on soft cushions).

It is highly recommended to listen with headphones. Soft noise floating in the background is a matrix of frequencies, to facilitate the entry into the trance state. The brain is able to perceive these frequencies through the headphones.

Regardless of the date of your exam, it is recommended to listen to the standard course: 21 times, with a break of no more than two days (any number of times in one day counts as one time). Then, just before the exam, in the days allotted for training, use this meditation as a daily rest in preparation.

Time of meditation 72 minutes.

Water plays an important role in conducting nerve impulses. With total dehydration, which very often occurs among urban residents (especially coffee lovers), after listening to the may experience headache. Therefore, I recommend meditating before and immediately after drinking a glass (at least half) of plain clear water.

Stay Healthy and Happy!

Andrei Patrushev and Vladimir Nikonov.

At the absolute most, not the questions, you will be able to find satisfactory answers to "Guide to disks".

* This audio program, like other programs for self-hypnosis (including those that will be created in the future), is available to owners mindmachine Navigator is completely free in the form of combined sessions.

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"Passing the exam". The audio program

Post by Сапфо » Wed Jan 30, 2019 10:49

Wanted to share my opinion about this disc. In November I took TOEFL. Later found out about the drive and were able to listen to only 7 or 8 times. While listening was a very pleasant images floated memories of the past. Passed for 112 of the 120. Of course, I was prepared very well, but it seems to me that without the disc would be more difficult. :o

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