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The audio program "get ready for a successful performance"

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 15:07
by Владимир Никонов 2
New August 2017 from Andrei Patrushev.
The audio program "get ready for a successful performance"
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This session is designed to develop the skill of entering into the status of their maximum capabilities (SMV) in the speech.

No matter sports performance at the event, or a singer, or actor in the theater, of counsel at the hearing, a report on the Symposium, or presentation at the firm. The success of all these interventions, in addition to careful preparation, still strongly depends on psychophysiological state in which you are there.

Not seldom it happens that a man of excellent abilities and great preparation, due to excessive excitement, performs much worse than their capabilities. Thus, besides the usual preparation for a performance is very important to prepare for it psychologically.

The optimal level of adrenaline in the blood in combination with externally-oriented trance state combine to give the Maximum Possibilities.

I want to tell you a few words about what you were afraid of in public speaking, in fact, and, of course, about how to achieve the optimal psychological state necessary for successful performance at the peak of their capabilities.

In any good speech there are two sides. The first one — mastery. And the second is the impact of your speech on you and on others. In order to be really good, the other party must fully disappear from your attention, and the first agenda should be a global focus on activities.

You may be surprised to learn that children who are praised for what they did with pleasure, next time you feel less confident when doing it.

Why? Because the inner state of deep joy of being "in the flow" and unity with the activity replaced by a sense of external presence and reaction to the assessment of their actions by other people.

The stronger the feeling of being "in the flow" was rabovladelcheskim with the understanding that the activities of somebody is assessed, the further into the background receded deep satisfaction and joy of oneness with the activity. What, ultimately, led to shyness and fear of public speaking. On the contrary, when you are calm and sincere focus solely on what you are doing, then feeling evaluation and shyness just disappear.

Here and now there are neither victories, nor defeats, neither successes nor failures, these concepts are simply inappropriate, when the fore the moment and the activity. And you definitely can reach the top skill occurrence in a certain state of consciousness that allows you to temporarily discard the extraneous views and opinions and focus clean sparkling beam of his focus on activities in which you are involved.

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Steffi Graf, world tennis champion, once mentioned that during important matches, it as whether it is really lost or forgotten the feeling of the surrounding reality, except all of the sensations of the current moment of the game. The importance of the match felt neither more nor less than friendly on the lawn near the house. And at the end of the match, she, like you, wakes up on a signal and of a sudden the noise of the crowd, the importance of victory and congratulations. And all these external factors would be switched on and off by pressing the button. And only after the match she begins to understand deeply and to analyze the quality of their performances.

Do not allow yourself to be unsettled by any external stimuli is a vital skill for any successful public speaking, as well as to remain steadfast under all failures during this speech. When the great therapist Milton Erickson worked with the Olympic team in shooting, he invited them to imagine that every shot is the first shot. This gives you the opportunity to focus directly on the shot that is being done now than in previous shots. A similar approach is effective for many other sports, stage performances and presentations. Remember at the time that you just made; NOW is all that matters. In your mind every shot is the first and only.

One of the useful and effective methods of psychological preparation is to imagine ourselves (as a movie about himself) acting confidently and successfully. Much more efficient to do it in a special state of consciousness a hypnotic trance.

Included is a 15-minute audio file Hypnotrance.wav (from the Theta Meditation), to help enter a desired state.

The main program (MTC), providing training skill of entering into a State of Maximum potential during a performance: Performance +HT.wav (voice plus giprotrans). This audio program is not a pill and not a magic wand. To develop skill requires time. Select the time (better in the second half of the day and after all the training coordination, reaction speed) in the schedule of rehearsals, or workouts.

The condition of Maximum functionality, it is helpful to "anchor", then later it can be activated when needed. To do this, get yourself a short, clear slogan (mantra), consisting of 1-3 words. For example, type: "Assembled and ready to win", "Sparks and flame", "Dragon", "Eola", "amater", "Muzrabot", etc. — all depends only on your imagination. This slogan (mantra) it should be easy to repeat (mentally) for all classes. Anyone (even own mother) this motto (mantra) you can't tell, because it is a "magic Word". At the same time it is useful to set the kinesthetic anchor. To do this, for all classes, you must maintain some kind of gesture. For example, it is easier to keep (no voltage) on both hands, middle finger and thumb joined in a ring, or middle fingers to put on top of the index, or the tip of the tongue gently to put on the bump behind your teeth.

Before the performance, to enter into SMV, anchors should be activated. For this it is sufficient to reproduce the appropriate gesture and mentally three times to say "magic Word" (remembering the tone with which it was pronounced during class).

The Program Hypnotrance.wav is designed for practicing ideomotor training, for example, Alekseev A. V., or to practice visualizing successful performance.

Just because it is possible to listen for the rest.

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Do not rush immediately to visualize, first, spend five minutes on a thorough relaxation of the body — the program inserted a short signal in the sixth minute.

Visualization of success is a very powerful technique if you do it regularly for 5-10 minutes a day. The best benefit of visualization that I have ever met is "Change your thinking and use the result of" Steve Andreas.

Focused visualization is quite exciting the brain, therefore, if you do it just before bedtime, some people, despite the theta support, may have difficulty falling asleep. In this case, do the visualization at least 4 hours to natural sleep.

The secret of a successful self-hypnosis — the maximum muscle relaxation. While listening you can "fall asleep" — the effect is not lost. Posture — any (preferably sitting with a straight back, can be based on the back of a chair, both hands rest on the knees, feet firmly planted on the floor).

One of the most effective methods of entering the trance state — microbreweries (with a very small amplitude) of the head. The pace and amplitude of rotation are selected such that the rotation happened as if automatically.

It is highly recommended to listen with headphones.

Course standard: 21 times, with a break of no more than two days (any number of times in one day counts as one time). Repeat — no sooner than 21 days. Accumulated skill is required to be updated every three months. Again, I urge you — do in advance. Single audition the day before a performance may help very little.

Before class and after it is helpful to drink at least half a Cup of clean water.

Good luck running!

Andrei Patrushev

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Tune in for their maximum possibilities!<