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How to be?

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 23:36
by Райдер
I have many years feel the tension in the face (muscles of the jaw, nose, forehead and you can list) when I go into the crowd or just to people it is amplified, can only relax in solitude, still slightly twitching lower eyelid of the left eye also experience psychological discomfort (again, people), afraid to say something, to speak, urinating in public toilets can't...

Now have only the Conductor without MM and a rainbow can be set to help in the fight with yourself?
Please help as I don't know where to go bc

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 0:40
by к-13
Now I have only the Conductor without MM and a rainbow can be set to help in the fight with yourself?
Certainly capable. It is quite possible to cope on their own, but it will be much easier.

First you need to try to find the cause of these responses in the body. Most likely it's some kind of psychological trauma when a large number of people. How long have You had?

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:20
by Райдер
just do not tell, because at first did not pay attention, years probably since I was 12, after moving to another school, I think. And at the 2nd year of uni so intensified that I began to notice and now the way to live, especially in some things (meet new people including girls).

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:51
by к-13
A lot of options. Both the causes and ways of eradication.
Reasons for leave(not for a forum is communication - they need to look, but by yourself or with a specialist, there is nothing in the circus to hold), and about the ways you can talk to.
In the result of some event in childhood, the body, in certain cases, "includes" muscle clamps - it's simply trying to protect themselves from some external threat. That is among the ways that do not involve finding and eliminating the causes, in the first place are the ones that will show the body that there are no reasons for concern. There are two options - incremental and radical. The first involves increasing the load from minimum to maximum with some actions(in this way usually are struggling with shyness, it may last for several months and removes mental blocks to communicate with people), and the second in maximum load situations, causing the clamps, bringing fears to the point of absurdity and burnout(during the day in a place with maximum concentration of people, but there definitely need support). However, it should be noted that if the cause is not addressed, then any results will be temporary; sooner or later the injury will manifest itself again, probably not and perhaps more strongly(usually at the most inopportune moment).
Think for yourself... Better still hire the services of experts, and the disks and programs to use to speed up the process of rehabilitation. And then on the forums this might have advised, and You have one head and under warranty then it will not change.

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:12
by Андрей Патрушев
Райдер wrote:Now have only the Conductor without MM and a rainbow can be set to help in the fight with yourself?
With this approach, any funds (except guillotine) will not help...

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 17:11
by Райдер
that is, not have to fight... well to jump from the roof I was not going
but if I find the cause, what to do if not to fight, because under a progressive and radical, I understand.

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 17:19
by Андрей Патрушев
All subconscious reactions initially (yet not fight with them) are some sort of all function and highly appropriate in a particular context. The problem usually is that this behavior tends to spread to other contexts. Therefore, it is necessary to take this behavior as a problem, but as a concern about their well-being and find another (at least equally efficient and simple) way of caring about You in appropriate contexts.

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 18:09
by Райдер
to accept yourself as you are and change the attitude of the negativity seems to be reached :D

Re: How to be?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:17
by Райдер
Wow, many of these reactions are almost processed and stopped bothering (thank you to you and your prog).
I don't know when I started to poprivate such property as, not even sure how to describe... anyway, when I want to say what be thought, if something prevents me to speak (literally can't bring myself to open my mouth, although I know that it is not necessary to withdraw), or just can't properly articulate phrase. It is possible to fix?

Re: How to be?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:23
by Андрей Патрушев
Any habitual behavior can be replaced by any other... you just Have to start behaving differently, and soon it too will become a habit. :) You should start with a new image of "I", which is like You in all respects.

Re: How to be?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 14:15
Райдер wrote:Wow, many of these reactions are almost processed and stopped bothering (thank you to you and your prog).
I don't know when I started to poprivate such property as, not even sure how to describe... anyway, when I want to say what be thought, if something prevents me to speak (literally can't bring myself to open my mouth, although I know that it is not necessary to withdraw), or just can't properly articulate phrase. It is possible to fix?

Will share my observations.But this is only my experience and not the fact that they have or do other work as well .If you want to say something to a person and the thoughts into words will not be issued or we just can't say ,either you should think about what you have to say and to correct the idea. Or the person is not ready for your information.There is another option proven.If what you want to say, man does not perceive at all, and may even resent what was said.Your subconscious has already contacted him and the information he received,his subconscious responded.And put this in the form of the inability to pronounce the words.No man wants to hear.I see every day and checked more than once. Just observe the thoughts(the exercise) and try to sound. If you can't tell ,then think again and reconsider your thoughts. And sometimes to think enough people will understand himself and you say something else to say.)))

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 19:01
by Райдер
These thoughts are the easiest in and out words, for some reason, this is the saddest thing.

Re: How to be?

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 21:48
by Райдер
Recently tested myself on the chart and found:
Obsessive-phobic disorders
The symptoms are the same, I want to ask do you have the drive to assist these States and what drives the opposite should not listen to?