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Disk Explorer

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 17:46
by Андрей Патрушев
Here and check it out.

Disk Explorer

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 23:59
by Карен
Andrew,I thank you for your work! For many years I suffered from negative thoughts, constantly in trouble,to be clear ,this problem is approximately 99 years,then I got into a hot spot and after retirement I have all the time negative thoughts, anguish, especially in the morning after you Wake up ( die like). I have tried many methods,go to a psychologist , all to no purpose . Recently I worked with "Explorer" and are now working with "abundance" .I felt much better, even not familiar. Thank You!

Disk Explorer

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 5:41
by Рекс
So, finished the 2 course (21 days) of the Conductor and the impression is somewhat ambiguous.

Purpose: needed a "cool head" to the end of the course

Features: combined with the course (21 days) Song of Chakramov and 10 classes with Healing 1
(they also will leave feedback later)


1) Began to get a lot of negative emotions, very strong. Terrible fear, hatred, jealousy, insecurity, as if the complexes reached with redoubled force.
2) Sometimes had nightmares.
3) mind the negative or bad situation from the past.
4) the Absolute ignorance and confusion what I want to do and what to do in life. I just want to be in the ceiling to watch. This is something to do, something else to listen to?
5) the Expectation of something bad or ideas about this (the images).
6) Increased temper and emotional outburst
7) was Again a failure, but quite small, lekarstvennye.
8 ) got sick Again, lots of snot and much throat. However, no fever, no aches in bones or anything.
9) a Little worse memory and attention
10) In General, weak and amorphous state


1) Inner dialogue is completely off, very unusual.
2) All sessions of the Conductor listen to now without problems. Now there is no desire to disrupt the headphones in the process.
3) a Sober and logical look at making some decisions
4) In some cases from the past look a completely different side. It helps in the answer to the question: "why was that?"
5) After completing the course suddenly began to regularly exercise. This is a very surprising and unusual for me.
6) wanted to Dramatically throw the old junk that hadn't been used in years.

The results are very controversial. The feeling that I just hit the previous work or how it should be? Or need a longer break between courses of the Conductor? While resting from listening and thinking about what is worth to listen. While looking towards the side of Healing and Massage 3 Brain 2.<

Disk Explorer

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:10
by Карен
Andrew Hello! While working with "abundance", I start coughing, my nose itches,you have to scratch. It's distracting,but nothing can do about it. Is bad or does not affect the result of working with "Abundance"?

Disk Explorer

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:40
by Андрей Патрушев
Rexusually it climbs for three days not more. From your post I got the impression that You're used to "struggle with yourself", hanging labels on their feelings and emotions.
Move on to the next exercise:
Choose an emotion, or a feeling that bothers. Thank the part that is responsible for this emotion, or feeling (as she tries to make for you something good). Refer to this part and ask what good it does for you. Thank you for the answer (even if it's "I want you to die") and ask: "Imagine that this (from the response) is finished the most complete and perfect manner. More importantly, what would you like(a) to answer?". Wait for a response and again ask this question. And so scroll to the bottom. It's something global, accompanied by very pleasant feelings.
This same procedure can be done symbolically (if You don't trust, or don't understand verbal responses). For example, take the paper and pencil and focus on the feeling or emotions. Ask yourself the question: "what would it be like?" and let his hand to draw some "samolaco". Then ask: "what it wants to become?" and again, let his hand to draw another "samolaco", etc.. Similarly you can do it with sound (make sounds), or through movement (shapes of hands, or dance). You can combine sounds and movements - is faster and more powerful.
This is only part (and basic enough) technique, which is called "Essential transformation". If you want to go deeper, find bookor video seminar online.

Disk Explorer

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:09
by Рекс
Yes, You are right. A terrible habit to suppress their emotions and desires. All your desires are exposed
hard self-criticism.
Thanks for the exercise! It is unusual, but I still try.

The most amusing that after the first year of Explorer had a wild desire to pee/to paint anything, just like in childhood. In this course I do not deny, the pleasure was enormous. Interestingly, it was shown closer to the night when I was Insomniac.

There's something else. I have a feeling that after the first course I removed the "RAID" other people's emotions and labels. And after the second I climbed my own. All this emotional "compost" flowed out.
And again, I don't think a couple of months you can remove what has accumulated and "wandered" for almost 20 years. Just be patient and I will do the exercise You gave and to listen to other audio programs.