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The strange case of Dr. Thompson (article)

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:28
by Владимир Никонов 2
[html]"This story has been written by Jeffrey Thompson Avinu Smith, the producer, the musician, and last cited in the letter to Dmitry Shumova in response to a question about track titles, Jeffrey Thompson."

a <em>Maybe You are intrigued strange untranslatable song titles <a href="/thompson.htm">albums</a> “Isle of sky”, “Birth time” and “Baby dreams.” Here is the amazing story of their appearance narrated by the author.</em></p><p>“In 1985, I spent a lot of time trying to create with his “Yamaha DX7”* sounds fantastic instruments for the album "Isle of Skye" – my first album. He was to be the first to market an album containing the music is woven into the frequency of the heartbeat, influencing the waves in the brain. Therefore I am very&nbsp; careful approach to the creation of sounds, but six months seemed to have gone in vain. </p><p>In the end, I kept what was created in the memory of the synth, giving each sound a name, which is displayed on a small display DX7. The DX7 has 32 slots for such sounds.</p><p> One day I came home from the clinic and turned on the DX7 to work. In the eyes immediately caught the strange name on the display of the synthesizer in place of some letters were some fancy icons that could not be matched to any known earth language. But if only that: when I clicked the arrow tool, then I heard the most weird and wonderful sounds ever heard me. It was the same strange other-worldly sounds that I've had the last 6 months.</p><p> When I checked the contents of all 32 memory slots, I saw that they are all filled with a strange indescribable sounds with equally strange names with strange letters and symbols. It was the sound&nbsp;of the type that I was looking for.</p><p> My mind immediately began to search for the explanation for what had happened and rushed from one version to another: in the memory chip synthesizer hit by a stray cosmic ray, there was a power failure, glitch in the software,&nbsp; dead hard disk, the aliens are trying to communicate with me through the synth, my guardian angels help me in the making of this first album, etc.</p><p> In the end I&nbsp; managed to get rid of these thoughts and bring it all to a happy accident with the food... after which I immediately kept all these sounds, in case they will disappear after turning off the synth. I probably would have remained in the same opinion, if the next 2 weeks didn't happen exactly the same. Again 32 new audio uploaded in my synth out of nowhere, with the same wonderful sound and strange letters, symbols and names. It lasted exactly 2 weeks and then suddenly stopped. During this time I collected a total of 250 sounds magically appeared in my DX7. The best sounds ever heard me with a whole mini-library of the strange symbols.</p><p> In the first album, "Isle of Skye", released in 1986, was used exclusively these sounds. One month it said and snatched all the leading distributors of new age music in the United States. </p><p> In my house in Virginia visited a psychic and the “probe” my Studio. I was told that right above the synth is an energy vortex... And letters, symbols and sounds from Sirius.</p><p> ... Some of the compositions are named for the sound of the leading party: "SISIOG", MIZOXY", "COOG-W". Some of the symbols didn't correspond to any letter a normal keyboard.</p><p> I still have the old DX7. She stands leaning against the wall in my room. Don't want to break up with her: she keeps a secret, and it has no price...”</p><p><font size="-1">*<em>Review</em>: “Yamaha DX7” – one of the first commercial synthesizers using the method of digital sound synthesis (by frequency modulation) and MIDI interface. Wildly popular among musicians in the 80-ies.</font>[/html]<