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How not to stress-eating?

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:56
by Мадам Лара
Listen to CDs + the machine , Andrew of course great, the effect is surprising, I became confident driving feel excellent, sleep improved...but there is an area where magical metamorphosis does not happen: don't stop stress-eating, and thus the scales do not please me...
I have a child 3.5 years, and of course, this stubborn with their views on life 1,000 times a day makes me feel my parent is not the consistency of this prostration, I seize what you get...
I appreciate all the good advice

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:48
by Dimas
Madam Lara
He gives You know about it,or You interpritiruete his behavior in this way?

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 20:35
by Маргарита
Lara! Purely practical advice ( check for yourself) : before dinner, listen to a relaxation session ( one glass of water before and one after) and feel the result :wink:

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 21:56
by оуаакун
My advice: stock up on CHUPA CHUPS! :ay

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:48
by Guest
What this is doing to you 3летний child that you are in prostration?
And what happens when he's 13?

It is necessary to learn with your child to chatand not to rely on MM. It's like that to remove the symptoms when you develop appendicitis.
Well, learn you are stress-eating - challenges-that child is not going anywhere.

Read a book. Simultaneously. Another good book is "do Not growl at the dog."

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:57
by Идущая вперед
Madam Lara
this period of stress when you build relationships with the child (he has a wait too difficult period of formation and you have this ponimat.e. udivlyayutsya basic settings that can be what is impossible - i.e. for example the technique can not be touched because it is broken and does not need the TV remote to throw into the wall... fingers in the socket... the hot tea onto his shed....) the child comes to a gradual understanding of himself and his environment in this world and his attitude is changing... and he, too, stress (especially if the child is spoiled) and you did not try to put yourself in the place of your son... to feel as a kid... imagine what he wants... what he needs... what he is interested in