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FAQ on drives, what, where, when, why, and how...

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 14:40
by Андрей Патрушев
1. Drives absolutely safe, and healthy people can listen them as you like, in whatever position, at any time and in any combination no fatal irreversible consequences will be. At the same time, drives really affect the human nervous system, which is subject to very specific laws, so it is best these laws to respect, and it will allow you to avoid some unpleasant feelings.

2. The principle of operation of drives based on the synchronization of bioelectrical brain activity with audio material on disk: Endorphins (suspended) — beta (13-18hz); drives series Theta meditation, respectively, theta (4-8 Hz); track Integration on the disk Ultramesh — Delta-theta (0.5-8 Hz), the alpha (8-13Гц). Disk Explorer is based on the text, and in frequency only to provide optimal perception of the text condition.

Every person has a unique set of frequencies, so the frequency (both workers and carriers) on the disk are organized in a special matrix throughout the possible range (hence the term "holophonics"), from which the brain chooses (on the principle of resonance) characteristic of a particular person frequency, and amplifies them (hence the term "autofocusing"). "Holopenichsky autofocusing" is the original work of the author.

The body is quite inert "machine" and transients give a fairly heavy load on the nervous system. So the day is better to not listen more than 2 disks. The break between audition must be at least 3 hours.

3. The best time to work with all disks from 16 to 18 hours. Handling discs in a different time largely depends on the characteristics of the nervous system of a particular person, therefore it is necessary to pay attention primarily to their state after a disk, and the next day and to choose an optimum time.

4. Most people like to do with disk Explorer and Исцеление1 just before sleep, while falling asleep does not affect the performance of these drives because in the dream, hearing is fully operational. Work with these drives before sleep usually promotes good healthy sleep.

5. For work in the morning are best suited discs: Endorphins (1,2), the 2nd track Star Wanderer (he is the 4th track of Ultramega), Massage of the Brain (1,2). These discs, to avoid problems falling asleep, it is not recommended to listen before sleep, and it is better, in General, after 16 hours of the day.

6. Disk Endorphins better to listen to for 15 minutes (activation of cognitive processes). Listening for 45 minutes is recommended if you have a bad mood, depression. With the appearance of anxiety and agitation ("where to go, what to do?!") you need to reduce listening time up to 5-10 minutes or(and) go to the audition the next day.

It often happens that the disk Endorphins gives far from a refreshing effect, and a half-asleep state. This may be due to large debts to sleep, and low adaptive capacity of the brain (the effects of brain injury and neuroinfections). In this case, it is also necessary to reduce the class time and additionally deal with alpha waves.
Falling asleep while listening occur regularly in people with diagnoses of add, ADHD and diffuse axonal injury of the brain.

Also, it should be noted that the disk is not a pill (although it has a round shape), and the trainer, so not everyone will feel the effects the first time. The effect builds up gradually.

7. After working with the disc Massage the Brain (after any massage) is recommended to lie (even to sleep) for 15-20 minutes.

8. Disk Ultramesh designed specifically for educational material. Easy listening this CD is completely useless (except for the 4th track). A limit of 45 minutes apply only to the 4th track.

9. Disks from the Theta meditation gives deep rest to the nervous system that can affect the reduction of the time of normal sleep. If these discs begins to listen to the inexperienced in meditation people, in the first place activate all the unexamined inner conflicts. This can lead to anxiety, depression, nightmares.

Therefore, to avoid such troubles, it is recommended to attend classes for CDs Theta meditation first undergo a full 3-week course of alpha-relaxation with a mind machine or disk: Исцеление1, Star traveler, Music for Hypnosis and self-Hypnosis, Massage of the Brain. And then the same course with the beta-energy sessions mindmachine or disk Endorphins.

10. All discs can be listened to as situational (under specific requirements) and the exchange rate. A long work (this course) provides training of the brain and the ability to continue to enter the state automatically when you need.

The most optimal courses of 15 days of listening, 15 days off and 15 days of listening (further on demand), or day 21 listening, 21 day break (more on demand).

The need to take a break is due primarily to the need to maintain training efficiency, since due to the adaptation mechanisms of the effectiveness of light-sound training is gradually reduced. 21 days is a full adaptation, so if You decided to do more than one course that You best fit mode 15/15/15, etc., as in this case, the body will not waste resources on preadaptation..

Recommendations to take breaks in the classroom does not mean that classes without breaks can harm the body. It's perfectly safe (and useless).

The playing time of each track (disk) are matched for maximum efficiency. To exceed this time is not recommended. It is also not recommended regularly to listen only some part of the disk Guide, as it organized the session and all the parts are there interdependent.

11. For efficient operation the discs should be listened through headphones (with a working range of frequencies is not worse than the 20Hz-20kHz). It is best to listen via CD, DVD players, music centers. May be translated into WAV format for listening on portable players. You should avoid listening on computers with integrated (and cheap) a stereo mix. The effectiveness of the discs is greatly reduced in the translation to mp3 format (and other compressed formats).

12. To work (standing or sitting) with the disk of the solar Wind is also recommended to include closely spaced large columns. For example, using rasdial (available commercially), a signal with which to file on headphones and amplifier.

13. When listening to CDs the following effects:
At the beginning of the audition you may feel some discomfort, as the discs (of machine) gently begin to impose frequency is great at the moment from the frequencies of your brain. If you allow yourself to relax, then, in most cases, the discomfort is soon replaced by pleasant sensations.

Due to the synchronization of bioelectrical brain activity with audio material on CDs designed for relaxation, the body begins with listening deeply to relax (sometimes deeper than regular sleep).

At certain stages of relaxation every person experience various unusual, sometimes regard them as unpleasant. For example, the person can hear your own snoring, or he feels that he's not breathing, appear itching, tickling (goose bumps), tingling, pulling, etc. sensations in various parts of the body, sensations of falling (flying) somewhere, shaking, sensations of heat or cold. Arise illusory sensations resize individual parts, or the entire body.

The man begins to hear and feel the beats of their own hearts, which often mistakenly perceived as palpitations. This means that You have reached a fairly deep degree of relaxation and a few classes You will have to get used to all these sensations, to be able to move on.

Sometimes (especially on the background of high emotional stress), when listening, there comes an orgasm - like discharge of this voltage.

Sometimes (rarely) people when listening to falls into a state that is close in physiology to the "fast sleep", which triggered a protection mechanism against movement when dreaming, the so - called "sleep paralysis". This is a natural and completely safe state. The more you "twitch" - the more panic, so relax, look around, and then strain several times the muscles of the anus and the muscles located along the back, and the ability to move will come back to you. Do not rush immediately jump out as the heart and blood vessels more relaxed, and you can immediately fall.

Similarly, the possible "exits from the body" when a person suddenly feels himself hanging somewhere under the ceiling or above the floor, and could see his sleeping body (sometimes the body is not visible). Sometimes you realize yourself in some other place. Often this perception is so detailed, clear and bright, that most who are in this condition has been argued that it was "more real than reality itself". You can explore this state (many years specifically trying to get there), but you can also quickly go back - you should think about your body and try to move.

14. In the relaxed alpha state, a person begins to feel all of the pain zones and points in the body ("pain that hurts"). This does not mean that the disk has caused You, the pain, and therefore, reflected kind of Your old (or recent) issue.

Also various psychological problems are formed in the process of life the so-called "muscular armor", which can also give pain during deep relaxation.

In this case, the disk acts only as a diagnostic tool. Often, with regular practice alpha relaxation happens self-treatment of most problems that are often associated with excessive stress.

15. When working with disks of the nervous system is also subject to profound changes as the body — the person is immersed in an altered state of consciousness. If the man had not specifically practiced meditative techniques, previous experiences in altered States of consciousness, often associated it with some event related to a serious threat to life and health (or interpreted as such).

This, at the time, provided salvation, since in such States aktiviziruyutsya all the resources, but in the psyche and body had a clear track, which subsequently allows you to react faster in a similar way in similar circumstances (coping mechanisms at the level of conditioned reflexes).

With a special immersion in altered States of consciousness this track (or tracks) can be activated and the person begins to experience the same feelings and emotions that accompanied in the already distant in time (often completely pushed out of consciousness) situation.

It is this phenomenon (I call it "personal trance history") associated complaints of some users that when listening to the discs they feel fear (and other strong emotions) and different strengths of pain (or other unpleasant) feeling. In this case it is not necessary to drop the class with disk — all of these feelings and emotions are gradually (usually not longer than three follow-up sessions) and instead of them there is a feeling of pleasant warmth and deep peace, characteristic of deep relaxation.

Similar processing is possible even for one lesson, if not to be frightened, continue to breathe deeply and evenlyand focus on what You at home now (at least in complete safety) and try to relax. In modern life, similar traces in the psyche and body are not conducive to survival.

On the contrary, when activated by a random method (this could be sound, color, smell, tone of voice, light, in General, the environment and sensory stimuli, something similar to the traumatic situation), in life, these traces lead to inadequate actions, chronic diseases, sudden changes of mood, decreased performance. Thus, deep relaxation and an altered state of consciousness arising from the disk, contribute to the smoothing of these traces, and thus to better health, relationships and health.

16. In the presence of extreme fatigue and sleep debt on any disk (or session mind machines) with any rhythmic activity in the range of natural frequencies of the brain (including beta-energy) lead to the inhibition of the nervous system. This can occur when exceeding the optimum time classes with discs (especially beta-energy). It is expressed in a twilight state of consciousness, a strong thrust to sleep. Therefore it is not necessary to try to spur yourself using disk Endorphins — this will lead to the opposite result.

In contrast, you can quickly and deeply to relax, relaxing and falling asleep during operation of the disk (for example, Исцеление1) and then to fully work.

17. What happens to the person who decided to do the alpha training, but this is not to engage in any meditative practice? Before such people were in the alpha state only during rest, standing and sitting, and often with my eyes closed. At this time his thoughts were occupied with pleasant dreams, before my eyes floated a variety of images...

Taking up meditation or other effective technologies that increase the power of the alpha rhythm in the normal wakeful state, that person inevitably starts to reproduce their old habits, only, so to speak, in the opposite direction.

let me Explain: before external and internal circumstances (pose, eyes closed, no need for you to go) and context (ability to relax) caused an increase of the power of the alpha rhythm, and now, on the contrary, increase the power of the alpha rhythm makes you want to sit back, relax, dream and sleep.

But it's not fatal, like maybe some people think, is only one day a learned behavior, which means that it can be easily replaced by another. It has become a textbook argument that the state of "body asleep, mind awake" is the best for any mental activity, including learning. Trouble is many of us that from childhood we have learned that if the body is asleep, the mind needs sleep, too.

Pereuchivatsya. — As I already said, this entails a significant increase in performance (reduced fatigue), normalization of sleep and pressure, the improvement of relations with close people... I know it's Probably worth some, in my opinion, very small effort (e.g. to deal with lying down and sitting with a straight back). The easiest thing to do with the discs sitting with a straight back, or even standing (according to Aliyev).

During the course of work with disks, maybe some people will have to spend extra effort to focus on work. But after completing the course the brain quickly establishes the necessary balance of relaxation and concentration. Your ability to concentrate will be so deep that others will sometimes be difficult to You to "reach out" from the first time.

18. People used anything and everything to control it, usually very negative attitude to trance States where they think they are losing control. Immersion in the trance state may cause them to have the strongest fear with all the consequences. Most likely, it is connected with personal trance history.

Such people are very tense in everyday life and do not know how to relax without alcohol and drugs. Accordingly, they constitute the main risk group for cardiovascular diseases. So people, before classes, it is necessary to give our own setup for quiet listening and allow yourself immersion in the trance state, remembering that in a normal trance state (I mean not caused by a variety of chemical substances) people control themselves and their environment much better than usual. Begin to engage with the discs in the home (safe) environment.

19. Wheels on the relaxation have some residual effect associated with a decrease in the rate of reaction, so after class drives it is necessary to avoid driving motor transport and work with dangerous machinery within 2 hours.

20. More is not better. This primarily concerns the volume that needs to be put on the most comfortable level for you.
Also to the connectivity classes (fitness, if you want) are maintained, one disk to listen to at least the third day. In one day you can do with two disks of different directions: in the morning - invigorating (Endorphins, 2nd track from the Star wanderer, he's 4 track from Ultramega, Massage Brain*), in the evening - all the rest. Thus, in the limit, for a single cycle (15d. or 21D.), theoretically impossible, it is possible to deal with 6 different disks. But the "ultimate" scheme of life hardly possible, because, first, inevitable breaks (through no fault of your reasons), and, second, the flexibility of the brain (especially in the initial stages of training) may not be enough, and perhaps the appearance of unpleasant effects. So I recommend to choose a simple circuit - no more than two discs of different directions in one cycle (21D. or 15E.) Also, in practice, a well-established scheme of alternation using the day of the Conductor and Исцеления1. That too is not forbidden to add in the morning short sessions with "invigorating" drives.
Even "relaxing" CDs (except Исцеления1) not recommended (does not mean prohibited) to listen to later, than 4 hours to natural sleep. Otherwise you may have problems with falling asleep. Исцеление1, on the contrary, can help to cope with problems falling asleep. Also, if sleep problems don't occur overnight you can put the handler (without earphones but with spaced on either side of you columns).
*Massage the Brain is a pretty powerful impact drive, so I would recommend to deal with him separately, and it is better, in General, the first cycle of studies with this drive to be held in vacation, as in the early stages, due to the restructuring of neural ensembles, there may be some problem with voluntary attention.

21. Some people when listening to some CDs (mainly of the Conductor and the solar Wind) there is an unpleasant pressing sensation in middle of forehead, close to the eyebrows. It begins "to be cleaned" ajna (Third Eye), which in our society due to overuse of TV since childhood, is usually in deplorable condition... To accelerate the "flow" of the 3rd eye and reduce the unpleasant symptoms move on to the next exercise (5-15 minutes ): imagine a blend (a ray of light, electromagnetic field, sound wave, feeling, etc., etc. - that You prefer) that goes from the area just above and between the eyebrows, in the sky, and tends to infinity, then drawn back, and the same exits through the back of the head into infinity and back (a kind of pendulum such). It is convenient to combine with the breath.

Try to have during these exercises in the immediate environment (in view space) on the trajectory of the "beam" was not people and animals.

22. Why can't people with psychiatric diagnoses to independently engage in psychoactive programs?
The human psyche (especially the patient) is a pretty complex web, and any impact can not guarantee 100% result, especially if the behavior has a secondary benefit...

It is not recommended to people with psychiatric diagnoses alone do any psychoactive programs (and mind machines) — as the first begin to emerge into consciousness previously repressed meanings, which may lead to severe emotional crisis.

Most often, it ends up getting into a mental hospital, where patients usually are not treated, in the sense of healing, and temporarily driven medications in easy-to companies form of existence. Read, for example, S. Grof: "Frantic search of itself". It is necessary to have a fair share of determination and courage (which patients usually do not happen), and to the relatives and patience to allow (and help) this crisis to end naturally, that is healing.

Of course, this requires a competent specialist who knows both the peculiarities of the disease and how and when these programs be used, but such specialists yet.

23. What need headphones to listen to these discs.
Often, reading about the low frequencies that induce these drives that people are foaming at the mouth begin to prove that this frequency range cannot be reproduced in modern headphones and speakers, not knowing or forgetting about such things as binaural beats and various types of modulation.
Binaural beats - when two frequencies supplied to the left and right ear differ from each other just on the appropriate the amount lying in the frequency range of the brain. For example, PR - 100 Hz, Leo. - 10 5 Hz, the difference is 5 Hz. This phantom sound is a product of the brain, occurs due to characteristics of the sound processing by the brain. The effect of binaural beats has been used for centuries (and until today) in temple hymns, for example, Gregorian chants. Individual binaural beats have little effect on brain activity, so to improve efficiency, applied in several layers. Binaural beats are pleasant to the ear and continue to work even at very low volume, so they are often used in a special audio programs. As you can see, this method of generating low frequencies are easy to reproduce on any headphones.
Amplitude modulation. - when the sound changes volume with the appropriate frequency. A simple example is the drumbeat. The steeper the front modulation (sharper sound), the stronger the effect on the brain. Amplitude modulation is quite unpleasant, tedious and is only valid for high values of the volume. Therefore, it is rarely used to create special audio programs. However, it is also easily reproduced on any headphones.
In recent years, a term "isochronic tones" (which is attributed to the downright magical properties) is nothing but rectangular (the shape of the envelope can be very diverse) amplitude modulation and is only a marketing ploy. If it comes to that, the amplitude modulation bell (for bell-shaped, in a horizontal position) is much more physiological and ensures a more adequate response in the brain.
There are still frequency modulationwhen not changing the volume of the sound, and the frequency and rate of change of this frequency is the modulation frequency. It can also affect the brain, and easily reproduced in any headphones, but is very rarely used, as it gives very specific (rather unpleasant) floating (whistling) sound.
Thus, for psychoacoustic software can use any headphones that reproduce a range of 20Hz-20kHz.

P. S. equally, in fact, all of the above applies to sessions mindmachine.<