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Question of a newbie

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 22:12
by Босс

Today is the fourth time listening to the disc Explore.
Do everything according to instructions, but can't log in "in a special meditative state". What are the feelings and signs of this condition?

And another question. When listening to about the place where start different texts in the channels (the ears). usilenno begins to sweat the head :shock: especially the right half and the forehead.
What is it?

Re: Question of a beginner

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 15:01
by Князевский
Босс wrote:hi there!

Today is the fourth time listening to the disc Explore.
Do everything according to instructions, but can't log in "in a special meditative state". What are the feelings and signs of this condition?

And another question. When listening to about the place where start different texts in the channels (the ears). usilenno begins to sweat the head :shock: especially the right half and the forehead.
What is it?
Before you even question set, the time will come and you will feel it yourself and when you come, so it's to each his own...

Re: Question of a beginner

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:51
by Андрей Патрушев
Босс wrote:And another question. When listening to about the place where start different texts in the channels (the ears). usilenno begins to sweat the head :shock: especially the right half and the forehead.
What is it?
It's your individual reaction to occurrence of the trance state. :)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 15:48
by Guest
Андрей ПатруС?ев wrote:Hello!

It's your individual reaction to occurrence of the trance state.
Holy shit! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 15:49
by Guest
Князевский wrote:Before you even asked, the time will come and you will feel it yourself and when you come, so it's to each his own...
Got it, thanks!

the question to Andrey Patrushev

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 16:56
by Яна
Dear Andrei Patrushev! I'm sick with multiple sclerosis. I think the cause of this disease is the internal conflict of the same-sex parent. As a result the person initially does not know how to position themselves in this life, i.e. to find himself to be in harmony with yourself.
It seems to me that Your disks can you help me in the main, in finding inner harmony.
I now have Healing, Endorphins (that their man is desperately hvatat in this disease, because he "bites himself" exhausts), Massage of the brain and the Mozart Effect.
Tell me, please, how best to build with my disks?
MM I take it at all I'm afraid. Until 4 days listened to the Healing, I felt more inner peace since That correct to do next, I don't know. Maybe I should buy some more disks? Thank you in advance for your reply.

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 21:00
by Яна
Here Healing is good for the nervous system, and Endorphins somehow the forces are not given, but taken. Maybe in autoimmune diseases something is the opposite?

Re: a question to Andrey Patrushev

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 13:53
by Андрей Патрушев
Яна wrote:Dear Andrey Patrushev! I'm sick with multiple sclerosis. I think the cause of this disease is the internal conflict of the same-sex parent. As a result the person initially does not know how to position themselves in this life, i.e. to find himself to be in harmony with yourself.
It seems to me that Your disks can you help me in the main, in finding inner harmony.
I now have Healing, Endorphins (that their man is desperately hvatat in this disease, because he "bites himself" exhausts), Massage of the brain and the Mozart Effect.
Tell me, please, how best to build with my disks?
MM I take it at all I'm afraid. Until 4 days listened to the Healing, I felt more inner peace since That correct to do next, I don't know. Maybe I should buy some more disks? Thank you in advance for your reply.
According to my observations (admittedly not very extensive), patients with multiple sclerosis, at least at the initial stage, all the time in the sympathetic tone of the nervous system - all the time we need to run somewhere, something to catch (even during sleep)... normal there is a 90-minute rhythm of the switch from sympathetic to parasympathetic tone. So first of all we must learn to rest and deeply relax. This skill can be acquired just via disc Healing Guide. Endorphins also designed to stimulate the nervous system, and You do have extra...

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 13:21
by Яна
Андрей Патрушев wrote:According to my observations (admittedly not very extensive), patients with multiple sclerosis, at least at the initial stage, all the time in the sympathetic tone of the nervous system - all the time we need to run somewhere, something to catch (even during sleep)... normal there is a 90-minute rhythm of the switch from sympathetic to parasympathetic tone. So first of all we must learn to rest and deeply relax. This skill can be acquired just via disc Healing Guide. Endorphins also designed to stimulate the nervous system, and You do have extra...
Dear Andrew! Prompt, pozh-hundred, if I get the disks Ultramesh, Hypnosis and self-hypnosis, Star traveler?

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 21:28
by Андрей Патрушев
Яна wrote:
Андрей Патрушев wrote:According to my observations (admittedly not very extensive), patients with multiple sclerosis, at least at the initial stage, all the time in the sympathetic tone of the nervous system - all the time we need to run somewhere, something to catch (even during sleep)... normal there is a 90-minute rhythm of the switch from sympathetic to parasympathetic tone. So first of all we must learn to rest and deeply relax. This skill can be acquired just via disc Healing Guide. Endorphins also designed to stimulate the nervous system, and You do have extra...
Dear Andrew! Prompt, pozh-hundred, if I get the disks Ultramesh, Hypnosis and self-hypnosis, Star traveler?
You most of all, in my opinion, fit rims: Conductor, Heal, Music for hypnosis and self-Hypnosis (in that order) and maybe, after all these - Massage of the Brain.

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 21:23
by Натулечка
Andrew, need help! Bought: "Star traveler", "Ultramesh", "Endorphins","Healing." "The Mozart Effect". I am 43 years old and I am more concerned about my mental state: depression (lethargy, sleep disturbance, aggression, mixed with melancholy, impulsiveness, talkativeness, and the desire to be silent, and the rest of the classics :) ) Rushed, of course in the "Endorphins" in the morning and went all day as blessed and, in my opinion, in transport (where the majority with the phrase "face the face" I smiled :) Note an increase in physical activity and however, the deterioration of concentration of attention (it was bad, but worse) - the head of the body does not manage, dismemberment, damn :shock: Now in the morning listening to "Endorphins" or "Healing" overnight "Star traveler" for 2 weeks. There's nothing I can say. There is concern: whether what I am doing and how, during what time, when and how many breaks, etc. I Read on the forum: all randomly, subjectively, and I want specifics - where is this information?! But still about alpha-beta waves. Why is the CDs then says nothing, what are waves and what we should start? Is that a mass experiment? share, share impressions... Andrew, sorry for the harshness, but I would like recommendations from You for me personally. If you missed that on the forum - so my concentration is not the same... PLEASE

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:08
by Идущая вперед
And I've got the identity question has arisen... at a girlfriend's milk disappears :cry: :cry: :cry: (she is a nursing mother)... and if it helps her MM in increased milk production??? with regard to newborns that there is an opinion that the more a mother feeds her baby with milk swaim of the healthier he grows and develops...

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:40
by Фденс
from a friend lost the milk///... and if it helps her MM in increased milk production???

Increase milk production , generally on farms, and if it is necessary to increase lactation - please: DENAS and how long you want and how you want

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:42
by Андрей Патрушев
Натулечка wrote:Andrew, need help! Bought: "Star traveler", "Ultramesh", "Endorphins","Healing." "The Mozart Effect". I am 43 years old and I am more concerned about my mental state: depression (lethargy, sleep disturbance, aggression, mixed with melancholy, impulsiveness, talkativeness, and the desire to be silent, and the rest of the classics :) ) Rushed, of course in the "Endorphins" in the morning and went all day as blessed and, in my opinion, in transport (where the majority with the phrase "face the face" I smiled :) Note an increase in physical activity and however, the deterioration of concentration of attention (it was bad, but worse) - the head of the body does not manage, dismemberment, damn :shock: Now in the morning listening to "Endorphins" or "Healing" overnight "Star traveler" for 2 weeks. There's nothing I can say. There is concern: whether what I am doing and how, during what time, when and how many breaks, etc. I Read on the forum: all randomly, subjectively, and I want specifics - where is this information?! But still about alpha-beta waves. Why is the CDs then says nothing, what are waves and what we should start? Is that a mass experiment? share, share impressions... Andrew, sorry for the harshness, but I would like recommendations from You for me personally. If you missed that on the forum - so my concentration is not the same... PLEASE
Quite strange effect with concentration - on the contrary, should increase. On all disks there are detailed instructions on this website (click the link under my post). Star Wanderer at night is not necessary to put only in the morning. Endorphins don't need to get too carried away - 2 times a day for 15 minutes (with a break of not less than 3 hours), and once is enough. Last time no later than 4 hours before a night's sleep. And that anxiety wasn't - after 2 days on the third. Healing, we have just the night to listen to, and not in the morning.
Thus, in the morning of the 2nd track Star Wanderer (every three days replacing it with the Endorphins), and at night the Healing. :?
Additionally, I advise you to learn the Sedona Method (in the top right corner of this page, the entrance to the library, where the book is).<

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:46
by Андрей Патрушев
Идущая вперед wrote:And I've got the identity question has arisen... at a girlfriend's milk disappears :cry: :cry: :cry: (she is a nursing mother)... and if it helps her MM in increased milk production??? with regard to newborns that there is an opinion that the more a mother feeds her baby with milk swaim of the healthier he grows and develops...
The reasons can be several... If excessive volatilnosti, it will help. And Explorer do.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:21
by Вера
Andrew, Hello!
for some time, "sick" idea of purchasing MM.
for starters I decided to try Providnce without her... I don't know what's going on, but I can't relax my eyes twitch :shock: no, so can't completely relax and get in the required condition :cry: ...
what to do? I don't know - stop? to close up? :roll:

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 14:27
by Андрей Патрушев
Вера wrote:Andrey, Hello!
for some time, "sick" idea of purchasing MM.
for starters I decided to try Providnce without her... I don't know what's going on, but I can't relax my eyes twitch :shock: no, so can't completely relax and get in the required condition :cry: ...
what to do? I don't know - stop? to close up? :roll:
Hello Faith!
Actually, it doesn't matter. :) Just tsunimitsu course and take a break. After the break, feelings and vpechatleniya will be quite different.
Good luck! :o

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 14:49
by Вера
Andrew, then let another question!
I read that the break should do... is it possible to listen to something else :oops: ? Healing, for example, or Star Wanderer? and what time of day it is better to conduct a session?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 15:04
by Андрей Патрушев
Вера wrote:Andrew, then let another question!
I read that the break should do... is it possible to listen to something else :oops: ? Healing, for example, or Star Wanderer? and what time of day it is better to conduct a session?
Yes, health! :)
Star traveler - better in the morning and Healing for the night.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 18:30
by Гамаюн
Hi Andrew! I probably did something stupid.
The fact that I suffer from dysgraphia, but this diagnosis just recently, I naturally got scared and began to actively treated. And remembered what I told a friend about your wheels, I asked him to bring something to stimulate the brain. He brought the massage of the brain. I listened today for the first time and just in shock. While listening I do not like to relax, I'm five minutes could not lie quietly. After the listening condition as after the overdose succinic acid, shaking, not like he could not concentrate, and almost two hours could not get warm. Found this forum, after reading I realized that it was not worth to start with this disk. But now fear itself is something to try. Tell me, in my case, where to start?

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 19:35
by Андрей Патрушев
Гамаюн wrote:Hello Andrey! I probably did something stupid.
The fact that I suffer from dysgraphia, but this diagnosis just recently, I naturally got scared and began to actively treated. And remembered what I told a friend about your wheels, I asked him to bring something to stimulate the brain. He brought the massage of the brain. I listened today for the first time and just in shock. While listening I do not like to relax, I'm five minutes could not lie quietly. After the listening condition as after the overdose succinic acid, shaking, not like he could not concentrate, and almost two hours could not get warm. Found this forum, after reading I realized that it was not worth to start with this disk. But now fear itself is something to try. Tell me, in my case, where to start?
You may also "clocked" myself. The drives do not have fatal consequences. Start with Healing. Remember that the largest volume, in most cases, negatively affects the efficiency and well-being.

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 20:45
by Видящий
I would like to ask. Now I have my left ear does not hear, right, it's all good. Since childhood, kohlapuri left auditory nerve. So, whether the effect of mindmachine and this music in General, in principle, with one of my ear?
Thank you.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 17:34
by Андрей Патрушев
Видящий wrote:I would Like to ask. Now I have my left ear does not hear, right, it's all good. Since childhood, kohlapuri left auditory nerve. So, whether the effect of mindmachine and this music in General, in principle, with one of my ear?
Thank you.
~70% efficiency in machine is light. If at least some % for "not hearing" the ear is preserved, then the drive will work.

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 22:20
by Дмитрий В.
And in a break, whether on the level of learning log on their own? For Silva, for example?
Well, that would be the time not to lose!
And then you sit here for a week, I do not know what to take a brain )

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:36
by артем-83
Hello Andrew
While listening to the conductor I start to fall asleep and Wake up only to the end of the session, namely when you start your words: "now go to final stage" or something, can't remember exactly, so at this moment want to have quickly ended the session and stretched as every muscle seems that you will be numb. Is this normal?
And yet I do not set myself any goals before the audition, because not yet learned how to do it. Can I just listen to the disc Explorer without setting goals?
One of the topics I was asking where can I find information about how we must listen to the conductor? and how many days to take a break, no one answered, can you answer? Yes, and I would like to know is a break between re-listening to the Conductor, or after the break, you can already move on to another disk? Thank you in advance!